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Still sounds fishy the more i investigate incident, someone removed the black box from the Helipcopter removed the audio looks like foul play Copter was tampered with the night before death for doom seemed remotely sent down, it had no engine trouble very suspicious left turn n rate of speed..Well set up using the fog lie to coverup the setup.Helipcopter had no fuckin Engine trouble this was setup.
Ground control, these pilots rely on you.
Legacy Is for kobe Bryan only.not you LeBron James shut up.
4:08 you can see a mangled body by the tail of the downed heli
Sucks to be them 😂😂 that poor plane
He didn't make a deal with his wife. They were flying days together taking pics together in a helicopter. The news is lying
Illuminati is here
Many Blessings
The guy that had the pilot on hold for 15 mins is the reason why kobe is dead no one is paying ny attention anything !!
Rest in peace Kobe Bryant and to his daughter Gianna Bryant, My deepest Condolences to the family and his love ones. #RIPKobeAndGianna #LegendsAreForever824 ðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂðŸ’â€ÂÂÂðŸ™ÂÂÂÂ
John Altobelli
Kerri Atobelli
Alyssa Altobelli
Sarah Chester
Payton Chester
Christina Mauser
Ara Zobayan
Change the logo. Miss you Kobe.
Has anyone else noticed that the tail section of the downed helicopter was blue and white? Kobe's helicopter was black.
Do you think the pilot was pressured to fly despite knowing it was unsafe?
Get-there-itis is Darwin’s first cousin
So sadðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂ
If you guys see there is some blood on the ground where that bike thing is I think that Kobe 😢😢
All games should have been suspended until Friday to show respect proper.
At 4:08 you can see a dead body. Near the bottom of the tail to the right u can see blood
electromagnetic pulse weapon can disable a helicopters electronics, that's why there was no distress call because the electronics was disabled. this was likely a murder made to look like an accident. fooled everybody but good detectives and the great Jethro. its simple, follow the money and you will find your killer/killers.
this is a epic trick shot
Not a citizen then no food stamps. Should be simple
Now Kobe compromise all the time with his family
Let's talk the truth once and for all: Car accidents happen all the time because everybody has them, but choppers are expensive but each year there are more helicopters or planes accidents than it should, lets be clear: Flying is not safe, even if there's 1 single plane crash every year the count of victims is tremendous, they should stop saying flying is safe when it's only a matter of risk amd criteria honestly.
Takes a helicopter for 15mile trip.
Man this is so sad and that they found Kobe holding on to gigi😞â¤ï¸ÂÂÂÂ
Impact at 180 miles an hour
Flying too low
This national mourning is like what Iran just went thru with the murder of their general…who would've thought?
Imagine if it wasn’t Kobe but someone else that looked like him??!?!!!?
People get LA mixed with Orange County. They are not the same. The weather was clear in Orange County. It got foggy when they hit LA…
Man. My heart hurt my head hurt im in disbelief i never might kobe but this hurts think about he daughter and them 8 other ppl over pilot wanna be dumb and fly in mess up weather my heart go out to the family and kobe family i can't everytime see he face i break down this hard pill too shallow rip kobe # mamba rip Gigi
15 freaking minutes and the pilots didn't tell everyone on board to get their parachutes on because the gonna have to jump….holy God they murder this people man…. it's the pilot job to tell everyone on board to jump off the copter
Copters crashes all the times and it's rare to see anyone ever get killed because rules number one been on a helicopter is to always have parachutes on because any little wind can bring it down… plus the same wind that get it to malfunction can keep the wings spin enough to keep it from doing down too fast where you'll get enough times to jump off of it….I learn that in video game, just like you don't ever ride a motorcycle without helmet you don't get on a copter without parachutes simple as that…if you gutsy enough to get on a copter get ready to jump.ðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂ
NTSB's mask wearing clear indication of nuclear material use
Not the legend 😢😢😢😢😱😰🤧🤧🤧🤧ðŸ™ÂÂÂÂðŸ™ÂÂÂÂ
It’s what opponent you can’t reschedule and that’s when it’s time to go to glory you can’t miss it. I hate this for his family and friends.
The real helicopter Crash video
I’m not trying to be rude, or point a finger, but is there any chance that the pilot purposely killed himself and all on board? Only asking because of the way he was flying. I know that dense clouds or fog may have played a part, but to not have much chatter between the chopper and flight tower or even a mayday is a little strange I think. I’m probably wrong, or at least I hope that I am wrong.
Lol no patience “ traffic to much, need family time†Murcia…. lol “traffic to much, might as well spend racks on helicopter flights with all this money I have 
BOOM! Family time over, stupid ass man! Lmao add 6-9in on my frame and i could’ve easily made nba
It’s not the pilot fault he lost his life to and family/friends it was just their time everybody has a death date we just don’t how it will end
737 Max 8 all over again
love u MAMBA aka KOBE!!!!! rih gianna & others involved but HIS WIFE IS Fishy based on Astrology and Tarot please follow her closely
9 people die in LA the world stops and now there is non stop sorrow on every media outlet to the point that I’m already irritated by it and it’s only been 2 days. When 176 people get shot out of the sky in Iran…It’s forgotten by the end of the week. Where are our priorities? This should wake us up to how pathetic most not all Americans really are and suck as human beings.