The reality television star joined the push for Wisconsin’s governor to grant clemency to Brendan Dassey, whose case was included in the hit documentary series “Making a Murderer.”


#KimKardashian #BrendanDassey #MakingAMurder #WrongfulConviction #GMA


By carmodpros


41 thoughts on “Kim Kardashian calls for Brendan Dassey’s release | ABC News”
  1. Just wanting to let people know Ma Avery has passed away on 7-8-2021 My family has been friendz with the Avery family for over 40 plus years and they are good people! Ma Avery took Steve's innocence to her grave !! R.I.P Dolores Avery 🙏

  2. She can’t even pass the “baby bar” 😂🤣😂

  3. TY KIM! I am PLEADING within myself and aloud at times to just please have Brendan released, I can't stand it!! Poor Brendan seriously !! That hand written confession is everything. I am glad the governor decided to consider what she said, will have to look into what the outcome of that was

  4. Are you still fighting for this innocent man! I hope everyone’s voice is heard he’s suffered for so long! SAVE HIS LIFE.

  5. Governor of Wisconsin says he will take Careful consideration when every time something like this is happened with Brenden they’ve asked Teresa’s family to weigh in which it’s not there place. Because I don’t the governor is going to Brenden so why should they be able to say there side.

  6. Ps. 118:6 The lord is on my side ; i will not fear what can man do unto me ?

    Ok ' now wait 🤔 a minute ,  let us all reason together with' 💖 ' in our hearts, for the light shines brightest ' in the dark ' & in dark places ' shines brighter light ' i will start by thanking & welcoming back to the battle ' our good friend & co- colleague Mr ripper Jack ' please give him a warm Round of Applause every 1 🐣🤠😉🤓😎🐩 thank you thank you very much LOL ,,, & ta all of those aswell ' who have dunn there homework & good deeds , for the sake of fair justice & mercy to help these & other unsolved & solved cases , 444 ,,, Godbless you all", wait & be patient ' for in patients possess ye your souls ,,, & fear not for there are more of us , than there are of them, so do not be affraid to speak & pray for Katherine zellner ' she is a women & needs your & our help ' yes i know she's an attourney ' but at least she's consistent ' unlike others , know who you are ' i know who you are ' this is not a threat ' nor a promise but a request' i heard what you'd mentioned in ah podcast & your father should be very proud ' so remember she is a lady who needs your help !! All hear these words for the sake of your soul & souls ' you manned up to this interview for the txtn Ken ' now be a man again & tell the public the truth ' so that you will not be a villain ,
    thow they may not beleave, that they had been fooled , there are some ' who know ' while you said " what if the police had planted evedence . Really ? was one of those things the obviously brandnew made key you were reffering to ? with no DNA of teresa's on it ' but someone mysteriously enough, had not Steven Averys DNA on it , how did that fool us ? thats rite , so you havent fooled the people ' you & others have fooled youselfs in thanking you could fool the people but you now know in your soul , they have not been fooled have they Ken? , like how you had-done in this testomonie ' this is nothing to be ashamed of ' you told the honest truth whether anyone liked it or not , i'm shure you felt better in doin so,? Rite? that is nothing to be ashamed of, it is time to do so again' for the day of Reckoning is here ' you will become a true man ' & not a villain ' that is hear only to protect states interests' so it's time ta come clean with all the nations who have now seen threw this , you too ' Andy ' you can become , a just-cop ' & not just a cop , so you must do as well ' you already had told us were you were not supposed to have been, & shouldn't have been ' but now we know you were " becouse of the 4 plus witnesses that have seen you & some who have seen you with the green rav4 , witch had-had '  2 , of the windows shot out , & observed as being green' so there is more than one witness in this mater witch had seen you literally with it ,& not just told you of it's wear abouts, & so the truth has come full circle, & has finally come 4rth' the day of Reckoning is here, as it green-lights unto us the way 'of which had happened on the forth ' ( 444 ) & four plus + people ' whom some of which  don't know each other ' for God has spoken ' that is what this 444 stands for ' in code , & we now know why ' that the math ads up ' & also why ",  that the police phone records & recordings were hiden & unavailable to us on the 4th' we now know aswell there are other's involved in these matters who can not stand on the sinking sand of lies & there dirty deeds anymore & what they had dunn to all the inocent people ' & innocent lives that were taken, so everyone ask yourself , How would you feel if it was your child ? Your parent ? a friend or a relative ? Or you ? it's now time to be no longer affraid or fearful anylonger for fair & final Justice to have its time with corrupt so called authorities ' & unabiding officails who have refused to come clean through corruption and Killing & sacrificing the inocent stop blaming their Dirty Deeds on others who are unsuccessful of their evil wishes' so they must be replaced for the sake of our family's & friends' it is no longer time to reward them with tax payers money for there corrupt & evil deeds , it is time for those who will come clean' to know they will be spared ' for tellin the truth' it will set you free' it can not fail & will not , but remeber ' you will also be judged by Every Idle Word ' that is words that do not come out of your mouth, so by not coming forth to expose the dark unto the light, it would only be, to hide the truth' in hopes to save ones-self, by neglecting to help others who've been victimized by an unfair & corrupt system ' who tried to separate and divide families because they themselves are evil , it is with just cause that Brendan does not like cops would you if you were in his shoes, so give us a break with the misguided truth mr. Kratz ' come clean ' & do so know ' so innocent people will no longer be hurt by your evil works ' which will know come back to you' unless you repent' for each will reap what they've sown ' ' while inflicting evil upon another who is mentally helpless & innocent of these crimes of accusation, Sheriff Mark wiegert you are a disgrace to the badge you wear and the men & women of new & old who truly honor it ' by defending with there lifes the safty of others who arent able to defend themself by subtle deceptive and deceitful snakes ' as you & mr.Tom Fassbenders actions are exposed on film to us all , how will you escape the judgement day in this liftime and the time to come 'and you know this is dirty & wrong, and in time you will be punished, for your crime ' by not coming forth , by not coming clean ' for it is written ' all darkness , will be exposed '& these are Gods words for you personally today ' so what do you pic ? What will set you free ? Or conviction of bondage with an impure troubling conscience, the truth of what really had happened ' in that & those days , are beginning to surface above the waters !!!! for all to see !!!! they are not now hidden in the dark but know you will know God has ' enlighted the truth unto us all ' to  guide the way ' of what happened, for the battle is not ours 'it's the lords !!!! who then will rise ' listen & hear '????' the voice of the lord ' God i pray that these words not fall on deaf ears ' help the podcasters ' & news folk & all public peoples' & the just people in law enforcement , to come forth for the sake of the innocent and the innocent of the near future meaning of children our family our friends and relatives or a stranger who just might need our help ( or Jesus ) for I was a stranger and you took me in ' you have my permission to copy' past , & post this & these prays & ' messages ' thank you for your time & patients , & by giving' sharing it to others 'whom it may help and encourage folks to become knowledgeable for their support and prayers ' this is not a message to condem others ' for they have a choice to do that which is right, but to set people free of all evil ' for to be evil is to be sorrowful '& not to share joy ' let it be time for peace ' joy , & righteousness , so these are the key, to the Heavenly Kingdom which is inside of you ' it is time govener ' to stop worring about your job ' & do what is right by the people & God & let these men go free while they still have sometime ta live what is left of there lives' , & do rite unto other non guilty men & and women ' who are in jail & trapped by an injust system but need to by releast & have final closure to closure ' & be not affraid any longer Manitowoc or Wisconsin ' or Andy ' & Ken , for it is not man who destroys & takes away our soul ' it is God , so repent ' that you may be spaired his wrath " & be ye now ' on the good side to set the captives free ' how ??? ,,,  by now ' doin that which we know is right ' & good & fair unto others do good ' as you would have them do unto you ,& God will hear your cry ' & you will be saved for thus sayth the Lord !! 444 ( as in the link provided in PRIOR messages & below this message, that i had sent ' in which had been originally suppressed by 4 eye Witnesses , phone calls made to police on the forth & then some' who prove ' this to be of truth ' & help to light your testimony about where you had shouldn't of been , & you should not had been there '  Andy ' but who am i ta judge ' Then let us all not be fearful any longer by exploring & exposing the evil to the truth ' & to the lie , expose the darkness ' with the  light ' for it is the truth that lights the way ' i am the truth ' that lights ' the way ' for thus saith the Lord thy God ' let it guide your way ' for it is within you & written in the book of life , i am the truth , the light , the way 'come ye out of the darkness know , for it is so , & come into the light of joy ' & would somebody get that poodle   away from my beer ' 🤠🍺🐩 ,, ,, ,, i think i need ta score me a little buzz after all this lol ' a little wine ' for thine often infirmities             🍺🐩 ,, ,, ,, ps time ta pray & beleave' remember it's okay to be scared ' just don't be afraid !! lol 🙏🐩

    After min.marker 28:00 is witnesses who seen the real green rav4 at the turn around on the 3rd & 4th (444) ,,,, & with officer Coburn & 2 shot out windows ,,,, what more do you need ,,,,
    How bout Teresa Halbach herself ???? possibly alive & well as : 'Theresa Jean St Crockett ' Google the name ' look at the hair parting ' it's the same ' living in Canada ' with children like she wanted in her goin away video' DNA test & 'mystery solved ' Google it there is no choice now ' but to set them free ' for it is written ' it is now there fair rights , game over ' truth wins !!!!
    & freedom begins 444        

  7. This kid was completely being led by the investigators at every turn, he’s in special education classes & very clearly slow and confused by this whole scenario. the cops behind this give good ones a bad name, they should be fired & face reprimand for their behavior. The system as a whole isn’t sick, but there are cancers in it, this captures that quite well. There’s a special place in Dante’s Inferno for these unrepentant sinners. Spoken by God himself: YOU SHALL NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESSES AGAINST YOUR NEIGHBORS!

  8. ' in memory of 😔 Erekose !! A man who dedicated part of his life ' for fair Justice for the innocent , & in the life long hopes , ta see Brendon Dasey freed ' from what he & others truely believed to be an unfair corrupted law enforcement and sentencing , the world's not colorblind and neither are these eye Witnesses who had spoted & seen, the real RAV4 with two of the windows blown out ' one on the driver side, the other is the main windshield, & they had mentioned it , to be 'greener aswell, than the blue decoy RAV4 found in the junkyard ' & as many other issues in this case ' there eyewitness testimony's was suppressed like many other things and issues involving this case with what could only be described as the convenience of self-serving police corruption at it's worst' two had spotted the vehicle ' had alerted a officer, & the other two had spotted a particular officer near the same vehicle ' 🤔🐩 which NOW ", DOES ' officially tie' him to the vehicle' on the 3rd & the 4th ' this explains the missing ? mistery ? puzzle ? ' of why their was' & is no Audible police phone calls retrivable or available for the full day of the 4th ' in which one of the eye Witnesses had became hostile over the phone concerning his eyewitness testimony ' and is not alive to this day to tell about it, but fortunately his friend is, before it was located on the Avery property on the 5th, it is truly a must-see ' ps ' 😎🍺🐩 ,, ,, can you guess who the officer's name is ??? ,,, 🚔 well then ' see for yourself at minute marker 28:00 'and hear is your bonus track ' will just say its the ' key" to the not so missing ( lenk )", 😎🍺🐩 ,, ,, ,, & now ' it's all just ah mater ah- time ,,, 444 !!!

  9. Dommage que la lecture n est pas traduite en français pour tout comprendre … je soutiens Brandon Dassey et espère qu'il sera rapidement relâcher il le mérite amplement …

  10. My heart goes out for Brendan anyone that had any common sense cld tell this kid is innocent.. I wish i cld just hug him.. I watched the documentary recently n literally teared up.. With in a few minutes i knew who shld of been questioned and interrogated and it wasnt Brendan or Stephen.. The system is fkd.. They r only holding them bc Stephen was wrongfully convicted b4 and the county wld of went bankrupt paying him for it.. And if they released them they wld get paid for wrongfully convicted again and the state doesn't want to look fkn stupid. But hey they already do..

  11. Maybe if Nirider didn't practice on students for his appeal and didn't freeze when they asked questions and made better arguments…..

  12. I never liked her in the past. But for this I have all new respect for her. Kim Kardashian i very much appreciated what you are doing for him. Please keep up the good work you are a very good hearted person. I have much respect for you. Thank you for all you have done for him.

  13. more publicity for her .roll eyes. PATHETIC. if she could do it and NO good honest hard working lawyers can't. it says alot about the justice system itself.

  14. Talk about throwing him to the wolves. Those investigators bullied him into confessing. The first few hours of interrogating Brenden he maintained his innocence until they started putting words in his mouth.

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