Kim Jong Un, Vladimir Putin hold first summit

Kim Jong Un, Vladimir Putin hold first summit

Their first meeting comes after President Donald Trump and Kim hit a wall in their talks over North Korea’s nuclear program.

Kim Jong Un, Vladimir Putin meet for 1st time, discuss nuclear stalemate in historic summit

#GMA #ABCNews #KimJongUn #Putin


49 thoughts on “Kim Jong Un, Vladimir Putin hold first summit

  1. ABC globalist ain't gonna like it😂😂😂

  2. Man they saying he denuclearized but they showing shit from months and over a year ago!!! He hid them bitches in the hills they keep bringing up for some unknown reason!!! So what if that bitch has nukes!!!! We got so many that it is damn near unsafe!! Lol

  3. Imagine if Kim said. Yes North Korea will denuclearise when all the other nuclear countries also denuclearise. Or at least that the lesser powers , France , UK, Israel, Pakistan, India denuclearise. Do you think that any other of these countries would countenance denuclearisation ?

  4. Fucking stupid pig shaking hand with another stupid pig. That’s all. I’m not American but i can see that these pigs love to hangout with their own kind.

  5. God loves the people and wants to give titles to the people of Russia, and He will give, can't have the same person as president for years after years like he never leaves chance for others, Russia is a very big nation God wants this nation to be able to produce leaders, the goals of public work is to give titles to the people, keeping the good work for people

    I do not know Putin if he is president I think he is a good person, I not mean to start a battle against him, the order of the Lord is to help the heart of the public work in Russia, so even Putin have people of his side able to lead a nation too, so he leaves not for a enemy to be in the office of the president, is for someone of your side or who is Russian

  6. America is about to get fucked up real soon death to America lmao 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕

  7. Political cheerleading; polished act. If we don’t get climate change under control we will never come back to anything like the old days.

  8. Kim has a new friend 🔐🗡️🔪

  9. Just as I am worried about!!!🇺🇸😨
    Donald, you need to see this, Mr.President!!!🇺🇸😨

  10. Abc’s tone is so 🤮 We got good things goin on n they tryna be salty while reporting 😂

  11. Trump "fell in love" with Kim Jong Un. He also welcomes Putin's cyber attacks on our democracy. Seems there is a new "axis of evil", and our own president has a seat at the table.

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