Kim has ‘two paths in front of him … we’ll see which one they choose’: O’Brien | ABC News

Kim has ‘two paths in front of him … we’ll see which one they choose’: O’Brien | ABC News

National security adviser Robert OBrien is interviewed on “This Week” on the North Korea threat.

#ABCNews #ThisWeek #NationalSecurityAdvisor #NorthKorea


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20 thoughts on “Kim has ‘two paths in front of him … we’ll see which one they choose’: O’Brien | ABC News

  1. ''Kim John In promised ……''' and this is national security adviser of the USA !!! Where do they find those like him, advisor who is unable to pronounce correctly name of the President of the country he shoud give 'expertly' advises about ……………… 1:20

  2. I'm gonna laugh so hard when little Kim decides to bomb those shit talkers in New York lol if he's gonna hit its gonna be as major city I'm perfectly safe in my little mountain range middle of nowhere

  3. I think trump wants to build sht in N. Korea after his presidency, so he doesn’t want to make Kim mad.

  4. I hope North Korea and South Korea unite. I've met and worked with many koreans in my life and they've all been hard workers and very humble people. They deserve better.

  5. I love how this administration is actually trying to be diplomatic with NK but they think we’re naive idiots bc of the last 3 administrations… no more games you had your warning.

  6. Notice, the punk Lawyers leaked some Seals testimony, the same DEEP STATE Lawbreakers, trying to point out Eddie as a criminal, via slander. These same Seals who said that were probably THREATENED like Flynn was, so they told them what they wanted to hear to keep from getting charged themselves, thats how Obama's crew worked it in every instance it seems. I bet his boyfriend has his pecker up his butt this very moment. LOL

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