Kevin O’Leary involved in deadly boat crash l ABC News

Kevin O’Leary involved in deadly boat crash l ABC News

Police in Canada are asking for possible witnesses to come forward, and the “Shark Tank” star says the other boat fled the scene of the accident. READ MORE:

#ABCNews #News #KevinOLeary #SharkTank #MrWonderful


28 thoughts on “Kevin O’Leary involved in deadly boat crash l ABC News

  1. It was YOU, Kevin. You’re a murderer.

  2. Even if kevin was lying about who was driving the boat, you cannot prove it. Even if he was lying, the other boat still didn’t have it’s lights on and both drivers probably weren’t paying attention for both boats to crash. You could probably blame the other driver with just as much probability. I feel like everyone involved feels guilty enough that people died from their carelessness. It’s a truly horrible situation, and i feel for whoever was driving

  3. The boat that the O'Leary's hit was stargazing and had turned off their boat navigation and other lights so that the boat lights would not interfere with their sight of the stars.Anyone that boats would understand that on the water at night the boat with lights off would be impossible to see. The driver of the O'Leary boat would not have time to react to the other boat. That is why boats have lights. If the people on the boat wanted to stargaze they could have navigated to a spot off an island or shore area with no ambient light, and not in the middle of the lake. Sounds like inexperience on the part of the boat with no lights on.Terrible accident but you have to look at what was the initial cause of the accident.

  4. I wonder why they’d flee the scene if someone was dying on-board… wild he’s fine cuz he’s got money but I guess it is what it is

  5. This is a loss and I’m in the money business, so I’m out.

  6. – They were out celebrating and consumed alcohol (find the bar tab and corollate to whom drank what)

    -Kevin the owner of speedboat was not driving IE; he knows he is hammered.lets let the wife take one for the team she has only had a few.

    -Besides we have made this trip many times after a few we know where we are going,hammer down babe you can do it…

    – The other small boat travelled a small distance from shore with their lights on then stopped the boat for the purpose of stargazing witch is amazing up there. Shutting the nav light off to see the stars does not constitute a death wish but a chance at a peaceful gaze at nature.

    – Along comes a Speedboat at SPEED on a dark moonless night no one on the bow with a forward shining light looking for trouble. Not traveling at an appropriate speed to avoid a rock a log or anything stationary in the water.

    -Just a few partiers hammer down back to the mansion for some after party like they have many times before without a care in the world.

    -If she was driving it was because Kevin was "More Drunk" and being ever so thoughtful put her at the helm. Then "SOMEONE" fed her a drink right after crash. THESE people are not stupid …..they know exactly the scenario this creates.

    If this was Two kids in a canoe out looking at stars would there be this many people saying it was the boat without the lights on fault.

    -I truly believe a campaign is underway to help Kevin Their cant be that many obtuse people

  7. I was received 9 stitches to the eyebrow from hitting the windshield frame when I hit a submerged light pole at 13 knots. It was SUDDEN! I could have lost my teeth but God was on my side as skin heals. RIP to the deceased.

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