Ketanji Brown Jackson’s historic nomination to Supreme Court l GMA

Ketanji Brown Jackson’s historic nomination to Supreme Court l GMA

President Joe Biden followed through on his promise and chose Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to succeed Justice Stephen Breyer, to potentially become the first Black woman on the Supreme Court.


#ABCNew #SCOTUS #JudgeKetanjiBrownJackson


28 thoughts on “Ketanji Brown Jackson’s historic nomination to Supreme Court l GMA

  1. Conservatives are right about this nomination not being on their side. She’s failed to be party to lynchings over the last century (even the attempted one of 1/6/21). She failed to rally thousands to attack the Capitol of the United States. She failed to place her knee on the neck of anyone and kill them. She’s proven she’s incapable of bombing a federal building and killing 168 people. She can’t even claim to have murdered nine church members or even shot people with an MR-15. She is one piss poor participant in the march for hate. ‘Nuff said!

  2. The new BLACK Supreme Court Justice was pre-planned by and suggested by a group called DEMAND JUSTICE'S who provided her name to China Joe so Biden appointed her to the US court of appeals for DC. a stepping stone to the Supreme Court then the news broke out of Steven Breyer retirement of which he found out on the news he was retiring so the top name that surfaced over and over was Ketanji Brown Jackson – go figure right? at one time she had an Uncle in jail for life but had the Obamanator commuted his sentence so he was released. It's nice having friends in high places right? This was planned the minute China Joe came into office – What else have they corrupted?

  3. This move by JIM CROW JOE in nominating a BLACK-looking female, is nothing more than the "52-fake-me-out." It's only SYMBOLISM.

    Also watch out for this sudden "restarting" of a push for U.S. Congressional hearings concerning REPARATIONS, with all the usual RETREAD groups like NCOBRA. It's still the same "let's do a STUDY" (which may be concluded by the end of JIM CROW JOE's 4-year presidential term); but we BLACK FOLKS still won't get any TANGIBLES during this period or thereafter.

    But the DEMON-crats will still expect us BLACK FOLKS to VOTE for them in any upcoming ELECTIONS in 2022 and 2024, because they will say: "Look at what we are trying to do for you BLACK FOLKS."

    WE don't need any damn STUDY!!! It's only a PLOY and a STALL TACTIC. WE have many a BLACK SCHOLARS who have already made our CASE for REPARATIONS, – – and ALL of those BLACK FOLKS in the U.S. Congress already KNOW the EGREGIOUS WRONGS that were "historically" COMMITTED against BLACK FOLKS. So, STOP the B.S.!!!

    BLACK FAMILY: Tell them to CUT THE CHECK, now!!! Settle for NO-thing less than this, which equates to the following as REPARATIONS for 246 years of SLAVERY, and 100 years of JIM CROW LEGISLATION, and other DISCRIMINATORY practices and CRIMES committed against BLACK PEOPLE:

    (1) several TRILLIONS DOLLARS in REPARATIONS PAYMENT (some say as much as 10-20 trillion) to be put in a TRUST FUND for our own allocation;

    (2) additional INDIVIDUAL CASH PAYMENTS to each eligible BLACK PERSON (i.e., actual DESCENDANTS of formerly ENSLAVED AFRIKANS in the territory of NORTH AMERICA; specifically, the UNITED STATES), perhaps in the HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS;

    (3) additional FINANCIAL SUPPORT from the U.S. government over a protracted period of time (perhaps over a 20 year period); and

    (4) the allocation of LAND and INFRASTRUCTURE (our 40 ACRES and a MULE).

    This is our DEMAND. So, keep PUSHING for it, and KEEP your EYES on the PRIZE, and don't fall for the "okie-doke.".

    And WITHHOLD your VOTE in 2022 and 2024!!!

  4. So this lady is a big believer in the following:
    1- WOKE
    2- SJW
    3- PC Cancel Culture
    4- BLM
    5- Modern Feminism
    6- Defund the police.
    7- Reparations.
    OK great! She'll be a wonderful addition to the Supreme Court. 👍

  5. Im not saying she cannot do the job but she was only chosen because of her Gender and Skin tone which was publicly announced. That is Raciest and illegal. Have the President announce he is only recommending a white Male and the world would lose their minds. She will never have real credibility. She should be embarrassed and ashamed to be apart of this illegal act. Biden continues to embarrass himself as a Horrible President and a complete failure. Dementia Joe needs to go but them we are stuck with a 100% unless Kamala Harris.

  6. Why is there not a native american woman, an Asian woman, a Hispanic woman, etc. On the court? I thought we wanted it to look like america. Oh wait, I know those races are not so easily pandered to.

  7. Potentially the first black woman on the SC. Since there was such a diverse pool of candidates for nominee 🙄, it was an amazing surprise that the chosen nominee happened to be a black female. Weird how it worked out that way. 🤔 I was shocked! Just as shocked as I was when Biden's VP choice just randomly happened to be a black female… who could ever have expected it? He clearly wants to be remembered as some kind of hero for "paving the way for the first black female [__enter position here__] ever." I just hope his discriminatory practices are also remembered.

  8. Too bad they focus more on her skin color than her character. Diversity is Is not our strength. In fact, it’s tearing our country apart and making us weaker every day. Just ask Vladimir Putin!

  9. Historic equal opportunity, there’s something to be proud of.

  10. Imagine black women never receiving opportunities just like Whites, annoying Hispanics & Asians but y'all now have a problem with it. Deal with it 🖕🏾

  11. Liberal: "racist, misogynist, bigot" to people disagree with their agenda.
    Biden: supreme court nomination – black and female only – same criteria when selected Kalama Harris
    Not sure how they are going to respond to the discrimination coming from the White House.

    Now you know Liberal and woke are complete BS.

  12. I just want qualified people who will enforce law and order and uphold the dignity of us elections. She is very qualified i’m so happy she will serve for GENERATIONS TO COME.

  13. Historic in more ways than one. First black woman nominated AND first candidate ever nominated simply for the color of her skin and her gender. Wow! Historical indeed!

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