Using videos verified by ABC News, we tracked Kyle Rittenhouses actions the night of Aug. 25, two nights after Jacob Blakes shooting sparked protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
#ABCNews #KyleRittenhouse #Kenosha #JacobBlake
Using videos verified by ABC News, we tracked Kyle Rittenhouses actions the night of Aug. 25, two nights after Jacob Blakes shooting sparked protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
#ABCNews #KyleRittenhouse #Kenosha #JacobBlake
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God bless you Kyle Rittenhouse. You had every right to defend yourself against those evil, violent thugs.
"appears to be holding a handgun according to the criminal complaint" it does not appear HE WAS HOLD A GUN AND WAS ABOUT TO KILL HIM! fucking fake news
The cut the whole story short so it makes like kyle killed the people without been attacked first. This is propaganda and media manipulation
I hope he gets locked up
I think its funny how when thy put the clip in of him saying non lethal you also cut the part out of the fact that he was saying he has been attacked multiple times and was peaceful about it. Instead they put in the we don't have non lethal. The media is controlling our minds don't be sheep.
Not guilty
Abc news is garbage.
Take notes Take heed gunphobes.
If you watch the uncut video footage it is clearly obvious that he shot in self defense. That uncut footage has been suppressed by mainstream news because it destroys the false narrative that the left is selling to the ignorant. They also suppress the fact that the two people he killed in self defense were convicted felons. One was a child mo1és…. and the other was convicted of various violent crimes. Further the lying MSM called him a white supremacist (a creature virtually extinct) with zero evidence.
Free him . He's cooperating. He's trying to protect the people. This is what media does to people. Messes with there heads and puts beliefs into people without them even knowing it. It's unfortunate. Rip to the fallen and family's of those people. It's said. But this is all part of God's plan. Just have to keep letting it play out. Without Kyle and people like him who knows what would happen. People claiming they want peice and love but yet riot and be idiots. Idk what to say. It's sad
If you can’t use
the gun then what’s the point of buying the gun
Sooooo uninformative didn’t state how they were armed as well and people were attacking him
Kyle did nothing wrong. This stupid antifacist commies are…nah…cant write it….
ABC news nice u guys represent news as it is go fawk yourself cu3nta
He had no business going there to play vigilante. Lock him up for life.
If only they spoke to a lawyer for 15mins before this story…
This video cut out the portion where Kyle gets hit with a skateboard.
This is fucking stupid. That guy had a hand gun and he wasn't arrested?
He killed ONE person not two
Why don't you mention the Molotov cocktail thrown at him by the shirtless man???? Ignorant and dangerous the way you leave out very important details!!!
Rittenhiuse not a shouter………. He try to protect businesses 🙂
All hail Saint Rittenhouse
Bro that’s bullshit rittenhouse isn’t law enforcement at all he’s a child nobody not black white or Mexican should be allowed to act like police in the streets with guns you have the right to bare arms but standing in the street with weapons drawn is like he we aren’t in Afghanistan look at that photo idk if he’s behind a officer or that’s a regular civilian but either way it’s fucked up he shouldn’t be allowed to stand behind the police or be in the group most of them earned the right to the badge if he’s a civilian why is he allowed to wear Teflon vest and carry a rifle like he’s a troop it’s wrong asf for the protestors to have did that but go talk to a overseas family where our troops are roaming they’re streets looking like tomb raider it gives you a sense of what tf
Burn in hell ABC News
Biased News never worth my time to even click on the I wish to proceed button. I will get the actual events somewhere else with a lot of research. ABC News is a big fat joke!
police should stop shooting without proper reason. actually, police forces are killing more people, without guns those police forces are useless. to me the way police forces are handling has more issues, also this Government spend too much money for nothing, actually
a Government (city, county, state ) is the one who has the responsibilities for all those matters,stop abusing our tax money