Kellyanne Conway leaving White House

Kellyanne Conway leaving White House

The announcement comes as President Trump offers a preview of this weeks Republican National Convention. ABCs Andrea Fujii has new details.

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25 thoughts on “Kellyanne Conway leaving White House

  1. Joseph Biden. will be inaugurated as President of the United States on January 21th,. 2021. Who the hell do you. think you. are Mr. Dump? Huh ? You are an impeached President. by the House of. Representatives !! And. you lost the election. !! You're getting pretty pathetic !!! You are the worst President of America we have. ever seen! Sorry cousin, you're very. immature, fat, and. bald. Ha. ha you're screwed. dude, she will leave u. Melania…"do i look like I care coat" I hope you care, you're the First. Lady !!!!! I hope you go to prison washing dishes! That. would be. justice !!! Cohen is the angel, telling us. how corrupt you are. Good luck dude .

  2. It's all fine to point fingers at the President about Covid, but you got yourself to blame for bringing covid home. If you were a decent person, let alone a wife and mother, you would disavow "alternative facts" and give the country a message about protecting themselves and those around them.

  3. Trump's house of unmasked unintelligent people is falling down. Now there is proof the mask AND social distancing work. Thank you Trump for clearing this up and setting an example!!!! Did you do this to get out of debates…if you can call them that…not really…an interrupt rude fest is what it was. Shut up man. Lol. I do hope you get better and Melania and everyone else who blindly and unintelligently followed you or maybe they were bullied into it??? Anyway the World is watching and hopefully you will correctly describes what you went through to help convince others that this IS REAL and even our most Powerful Government official can get it!!! Let this be a humbling experience. Let him find out this isn't stopped by bleach!!! And this is PROOF it most DEFINITELY didn't go away in Summer. He thinks he is higher than every and everybody. He got COVID19….and there still isn't a vaccine!!!!

  4. KAC is ridiculous. I’m glad Trump fired her.

  5. Kelly certainly needed an intervention, as do the Republican majority in the Senate. I pray they get her into a 12-step de-programming and keep her a thousand miles away from Scientology.
    As deJoy goes to deJail (thank you Glenn Kirschner), the government needs to be de-Trumped big time. Suggestion for Biden and Harris: Adopt Susan Powter's slogan: "STOP DE INSANITY!"

  6. So glad that horror of a person is gone! She lied and twisted everything and then thought we were too stupid to know what she was doing. She was the double talking devil herself. Good riddance. A little bit of the swamp has been drained. Now if we can just get the liar out himself and finish draining the swamp.

  7. What child wouldn't be traumatized watching mom or dad lying out of control on TV to the world daily?
    Expect ofcourse the trump children who have been exposed to lies since they were conceived in the womb, it is natural to them.

  8. LEAVE HER KIDS ALONE……..but…..put Kelly Anne……in a fucking prison for life…..or have a judge force her….to go door to door to OFFER helping middle America and the homeless……SHE IS A UNUSUAL AND USUAL……HORRIBLE PERSON……WHY?…….she is duplicit and complicit……in helping trump kill innocent people at the detention people and with COVID 19……also put Kelly Anne……in prison for life…..or put her in the electric chair……for……harboring TRUMP in his…..numerous TREASONOUS WAYS………your replies are welcomed.

  9. I hope Mary Ann realizes that no matter how much trouble her brother Trump gives her she just made herself human in my eyes. I used to hate her because she belongs to that horrendous family and since she hadn't said anything about him I assumed she supported him.

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