Kavanaugh high school friend reacts to investigation – Car Mod Pros Portal

Suzanne Matan tells “GMA” about the Brett Kavanaugh she remembers from their time together in high school.


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40 thoughts on “Kavanaugh high school friend reacts to investigation”
  1. Thank you to the Democratic Party for putting Donald Trump on track for re-election in 2020. Thank you to low lifes like Jimmy Kimmel and Kathy Griffin who without them our winning in 2020 would not be as large.

  2. He did he said they drank beer , Ford is a lier, she was paid or she's just crazy ! No one knows anything about what she said,lol. She lied about flying ,she lied about the extra door on her house , her best friend wouldn't back her story , look at the school she teaches at ,. We're all victums ! The other two girls back out of there accusations, remember,gang rape ,pulling trains on girls twenty times ,lmao. Liberals are fkn lunatics ! Go look at the liberals at the supream court,clawing at the door ,grown ass people ,acting weird as fk ,that's what fkn crazy people do ! These are the people you want running anything ! Wow ! We didn't get our way ,let's act like little children !

  3. She is the only reason I believe him. Why would she put herself out there?…for many reasons I guess and I can see why he still keeps her around….that's a good friend!

  4. I'm glad you interview her, abc! Ppl are not stupid. We know this was a sham all along. Please don't go too far left like CNN. I used to watch you guys. Now I get my news on YouTube

  5. Then why have so many others characterized him differently than this. His roomate who actually lived with Kavanaugh described him very differently as did many others. He lied before the Senate Committee. You cannot have a known biased judge on any bench of any court.

  6. You can't know someone fully.. Any one can present his or herself differently under different circumstances to different people.

  7. If you gotta wait 30+ years and do it like this. Then you got insane delusional thinking . Hate this women accusing now any men they dont like. And try to ruin them. What a time we live in. Women always wanted equal rights so act like it. This nonsense. SJW, , and PC agendas. Are so silly. And how she's a psych Dr. she should know better.

  8. “ l can’t speak that, buuuuttttt, she lacks proof” 🤭🤗😬😩

  9. I can relate to her. I once dated someone like Kavanaugh, I would have never imagined that he did the atrocious things he did. He was always so nice to me and nice to others. It wasn't until him and I broke up and my best friend told me he raped her. I had no clue I would have had a hard time believing it if I hadn't have been a survivor myself and knew that that wasn't something you lie about. I would never have known, even years later, unless she told me. I was even at the party where it happened.

  10. Behind it all, we can only imagine what all our enemies are planning to heap upon us while our nation is totally obsessed with this viscious democrat vs republican display of democracy at work

  11. 🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺

  12. GMA you tried to convicted President Trump ,this lady had no knowledge about President Trump was there to comment on President Trump! By reading the comment most say she is lieing aleast by those against President Trump and against the Judge K. The FBI report says no evidence of an assault, no proof! I hope that you people don't find your self in court with no proof against you ,and public opinion wanting you locked! It would make simple to lock up anyone who is accused, if you are accused you are quilty, what do we need proof for?

  13. Not being American I love reading the comments from you people who still believe Brett did all this shit. Imagine if your daughter or son now young p, 35 years later was accused like this in the same way. Would you side with the person accusing your child or get angry that someone with no evidence, no proof, no time, no place, nothing ? What would you do?

  14. Funny how you all are ready to completely dismiss this woman and every other person how has come out to say he wasn't how the media is portraying him, just because it refutes your preconceived notion of guilt. You don't want him to be confirmed, so you have already convinced yourselves he has did it, without any proof at all. The bias is unreal.

  15. can I ask you why your network is not covering the breaking news that Fords ex boyfriend submitted a sworn letter to the senate saying she coached a friend on the polygraph. If any of you don't believe me look it up. And before all you liberals start saying hes anonymous and a lier, think about the following statement really really hard… what are the chances that Christine’s ex boyfriend just happened to know that Monica McClean— whose name had NEVER been mentioned prior— had to submit to polygraph tests for FBI screenings?

  16. So Kavanaughs closest friend should outweigh the 100 witnesses who report him to be a drunk misogynous pig?
    We need to vote DEM come November!

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