Juul to stop selling most e-cigarette flavor pods in stores

Juul to stop selling most e-cigarette flavor pods in stores

After federal regulators referred to youth vaping as an epidemic, Juul has vowed to stop selling most e-cigarette flavor pods in stores and cut back on their social media presence.


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22 thoughts on “Juul to stop selling most e-cigarette flavor pods in stores

  1. In England they are banning menthol cigarettes I’m so fucked off!!! I smoke them and always have I feel like I’m having my civil libertys taking away from me!!!! Fucked off

  2. I was just thinking, why don't we punish the lousy parents who don't pay attention to their teens instead of blaming the companies? Why don't we ramp up criminally charging the teens for possession and use with stiffer penalties? Yes you can fine the stores who sell to minors, ok that's understandable because that's a clear violation of the law but don't punish law-abiding adults by banning these helpful products and making it harder to find them. Why do we keep pandering to the brain-dead morons of society. Wtf ever happened to accountability? I mean real accountability. JUUL doesn't approach your stupid teen in school and push vapes on them like some dope pushers, their friends do. Clearly your kid is a tool if he or she can't say NO. So why not sue the friends?

  3. Wat are the potential health problems then? Increased chance of heart attacks? Who are they getting this info from? Former smokers that prolly have that from smoking cigs? Lol their so dum like lmao

  4. Flavors save lives. Adult lives. Parents need to take responsibly for their teenagers, not make adults suffer because they can’t control their own kids. Also, Why are cigarettes still on the shelves of stores? Makes no sense. So stupid. The government needs to stay out of people’s lives. They just make a mess of everything.

  5. Juuls fr got banned before AR-15’s🤦‍♂️

  6. Ban juul pods but don't ban cigarettes oh it's so unhealthy but it's better then cigarettes and it's hard to get off an addiction so people use them they want you to think they care about you and the people in this country but they really don't corrupt 🖕

  7. This is so fucking stupid this isn’t the biggest problem in our country shootings are why don’t we use our energy to end shootings rather than KIDS VAPING ?!!! No kid has died from vaping!!!! Kids have died in shootings huh…. let’s focus on that please????

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