Justice Stephen Breyer announces his retirement – Car Mod Pros Portal

President Joe Biden held an event at the White House to mark the announcement.


By carmodpros


45 thoughts on “Justice Stephen Breyer announces his retirement”
  1. United States Supreme Court?? Most corrupt, most worthless piece of government agency ever! Pray hard that everyone of them are taken to their eternal home very soon!!

  2. #JusticeBreyer #SupremeCourt 🐦JusticeBreyer, write a book📚about me🇺🇸Titled: "the Dachau kid DOESN'T SPEAK SPANISH!" about a #USMC Patriot who was kidnapped, tortured+ STUPIDLY racially profiled as a Latin WarCriminal cuz of his DISSENT against "DARKSIDE" Bush43! I DON'T SPEAK SPANISH! #HateCrimes 💔⚖️🗽

  3. I like his vanilla ice cream better than Haagen-Daiz. I mean he really makes a good vanilla. His chocolate is OK, it could use some work. I hate to criticize since he is retiring.

  4. 1ST AMERICAN ROYAL FAMILY: According to Centers for Disease Control CDC 100% of Twins live crammed in Southern California. City of San Diego is Child Adoptions AWOL. In 15 years from today [1.28.2022] our Brotherhood of 98 Royal Twin King's are expecting 5.6 Million Great Great Grandchildren in our young ages of 59 Years Old.

  5. Lol this was a forced retirement so Dems don’t have another RBG moment XD and now Biden will elect the first black female (who will most likely be unqualified) just to desperately win some brownie points. This man has single handedly fucked everything up and it doesn’t seem he’s ready to stop lol

  6. Why would he even bring up a replacement at all during this? We should be wishing the former Justice well not wondering who his replacement will be. I mean, he is sitting right there. I think it's rude.

  7. Biden should try to beat McConnell's record in ramming through his nominee…..before he gets cold feet and gets played by McConnell….again.

  8. The call of Bahá’u’lláh (The promised one of all ages) is primarily directed against all forms
    of provincialism, all insularities and prejudices. If long-cherished
    ideals and time-honored institutions, if certain social assumptions
    and religious formulae have ceased to promote the welfare of the
    generality of mankind, if they no longer minister to the needs
    of a continually evolving humanity, let them be swept away and
    relegated to the limbo of obsolescent and forgotten doctrines. Why
    should these, in a world subject to the immutable law of change
    and decay, be exempt from the deterioration that must needs
    overtake every human institution? For legal standards, political and
    economic theories are solely designed to safeguard the interests
    of humanity as a whole, and not humanity to be crucified for the
    preservation of the integrity of any particular law or doctrine.
    Shoghi Effendi( The guardian of the Baha'i' Faith)

    The universal crisis affecting mankind is, therefore,
    essentially spiritual in its causes. The spirit of the age, taken on
    the whole, is irreligious. Man’s outlook on life is too crude and
    materialistic to enable him to elevate himself into the higher
    realms of the spirit.
    Written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi( The guardian of the Baha'i' Faith)

    Sore-tried and disillusioned, humanity has no doubt lost
    its orientation, and would seem to have lost as well its faith and
    hope. It is hovering, unshepherded and visionless, on the brink of
    disaster. A sense of fatality seems to pervade it. An ever-deepening
    gloom is settling on its fortunes as it recedes further and further
    from the outer fringes of the darkest zone of its agitated life and
    penetrates its very heart.
    Shoghi Effendi( The guardian of the Baha'i' Faith)

  9. I hope they treat her like kavenaugh! String her record for all too see! I want to tear her papers and rulings apart as the commie tripe it is. When shes seen as nothing more than a minority hire, will have no respect or power. She will be useless as kamala but for life. Why is skin color even asked???? Just the dems being more racist and setting your future based on skin color and sex

  10. I couldn’t imagine my grandfather asking me to memorize the Gettysburg Address but it’s kind of an endearing idea lmao

  11. We will miss his wise counsel and his hearts dedication to this experiment in democracy.If we lose it,it will be because we didn’t fight for it.Conservative Republicans ,are you with us or against us.

  12. How did he promise to nominate a specific race and gender of person to the supreme court unless he knew that somebody was leaving?

    Genuine question. I'm trying to figure out if it was common knowledge there would be a retirement coming? Did everyone know and I just missed it?

    Or was his campaign promise more alone the lines of "chances are we won't get a vacancy, but if in the off chance there is a suprise retirement or death then I'm going to chose a replacement from a group of only black females?

  13. Bless his heart. Guess it was just time. 💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜

  14. SCOTUS became obsolete the moment they allowed the first unconstitutional law slip through the cracks. They should be ashamed of themselves and they should not be called American.

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