Jussie Smollett’s character to be removed from ‘Empire’

Jussie Smollett’s character to be removed from ‘Empire’

The executive producers of the show issued a statement Friday morning saying that they had decided to remove Smollett’s character, Jamal, from the last two episodes of the season.


27 thoughts on “Jussie Smollett’s character to be removed from ‘Empire’

  1. Look at the way he jumps into the waiting vehicle, just like a little bitch. it just doesn't matter, these people can have fame, money, women, just all-around successful lives, but yet they still can't stay away from being criminals, it must be in their blood.

  2. He’s about to become the LaToya Jackson of the Smollett children! 😂😂😂😂

  3. Piece of shit! He still won't just admit what he did, we all know the truth!
    What an absolute prick!! I hope the case is unsealed and they appoint a special prosecutor against him. Make an example of this cunt, because if it was someone poor they'd have got 3 years.

  4. How is this total piece of lying shit not in jail?!!! Greys Anatomy Star was fired for saying fag but this asshole tells a complete lie to insight chaos and he’s not getting half the hell the other actor did!!

  5. That dude's gonna use the noose on himself, literally. The guys entire net worth is as much as an upper classes family makes in 1 year 🤣🤣. Plus those lawyer fees 👍.

  6. 12 felony counts. Now that seems more like it. You don’t dare mess with the criminal justice system and expect to get away with it. He has state and federal to deal with over his nonsense. I shouldn’t even have to tell people this. The only people who wouldn’t know about how bad this would go for you is someone who was not a United States citizen.

  7. How stupid can you be. You buy all of the the shit for the attack in Chicago. Than he said those two guys where the attacker's. Knowing he knew the men paid them. Kept the noose on his neck for hours. Any victim would have taking a shower got the bleech of and removed the noose. Called the cops before he got home.

  8. I’ll bet there’s plenty of people who would be happy to put a noose around Jussie.’s neck now. Not because he’s black or gay, but because he’s an idiot

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