Surveillance video from inside a hardware store shows two brothers buying masks and hats that police believe were used during the alleged attack, authorities said.
I don’t think if you get beat up in Chicago and live to tell the story!
A reasonable time to surrender! Since when do cops allow this ?! When you are a rich famous person…….. bullshit I say
Wait till snl make a skit about this..holy shit people are gonna laugh n a bunch pisst off
Trump 2020
ABC is such fake ass news…Matt Muir and Robin Roberts wanted this story to be true Soooooo bad…I hope this sack of shit gets the prison sexing he deserves (and would love)
“Did I make that up too???â€ÂÂÂÂ
I'm going to mine my business not jussie's besides we've all been naughty at one time or another.
He's such a pathetic little worm.
Liberalism is one big giant lie so what’s so surprising about this particular crock of shit? Not even one month out from the lie that was the Covington affair that was widely depicted by warm, wonderful CNN on this very channel as a prime example of white kids being disrespectful to a Native American. It’s easily the most fucked chapter in the history of this country and CNN is part and partial
His family members are also a bunch of dolts
The devil comes to still, kill. Destroy!!!
He's full of shit.
What a dirt-bag. And that's putting it lightly.
Couldn't Smollett afford white actors instead of black "racist" actors?
The whole thing is about Trump!!!! he was trying to make Trump and his supporters look bad….the democrats are LIARS and desperate to bring down Trump!!!!! they need to investigate Jussie and his connection to Booker and Harris they are both looking like they may have been in on this hoax with Jussie…..He has ruined his career for nothing…..he will go to jail…..they will make a example of him…Blasey Ford got her 850,000 dollars for her LIE and on her merry way…Lie all the same….but Jussie will have to go to jail!!!!! the democrats will want to take advantage of this and look like they condemn this LIE!!!!! I hope Jussie tells the truth and stop with the money lie!!!! it was politically motivated hoax for democrats that will throw him under the bus…..and not support him like they did Blasey Ford!!!!
Got em
I am willing to withhold judgment until he gets his day in court but the fact that two white assailants have suddenly turned into two black assailants doesn't bode well for your version of events. But as a black man let me say this…If your sorry ass made this shit up you need to spend some serious time in jail. Knowing that this country is on the verge of a race war you go and pull some crap like this?? Just for publicity?? What if we took to the streets to defend your ass. What would have happened if a young brother decided to take revenge on someone white? You placed all of our lives in danger just to make more money?? Like I said I am reserving judgment right now so I will stop just short of calling you a POS.
What an arse
Release the interview with the brothers publicly so everyone will know the truth.
He's going down and taking Empire with him.
If he's trying to make Trump look bad, he failed at it royally. People gotta stop doing this
This Whole Situation Is Just Awful and The 2 Brothers Need Punishment as Well…smh
Why hasn't FOX fired this criminal? And why have they disabled all the comments on their website?
Never trust a battyman !
Arrested. If convicted he faces 3 years in jail. Jail consists of sweaty, muscular men working out and engaging in homosexual activity. Look for Jussie to plead guilty and ask for 6 years.
Yeah the media must have spun it to make him look bad. Because they totally don't desperately want it to be true…
This is what happens when illegal aliens steal the spotlight from the victim hood status of blacks
Why did you take down the video?
TOOOOO many comments?
I. D. I. O. T. S !!!!! Ha ha ha ha……
Shame on mainstream news for their lies. Fuck abc news! Straight up
Smollett is a RACIST
This is awesome. Before this came out, constant news coverage slamming trump supporters, implying trump supporters hate gays and are racist…now that the truth comes out these news stations go back into robotic liberal media mode reporting the bare basics. Trying to undo the Trump slamming lol. It's hilarious. These news stations are no different than smollett.
he should have said two blacks attack him everybody would have believe him
I hope legal fees eat up all his money and he is left broke and disgraced after this atrocious lie!
The most intriguing story of the Trump era so far. Sums up everything in once from lunatic Democrats to Fake News. Absolutely fascinating
I guess there aren't enough racists in MAGA country so they need to make them up.
I think this is the perfect example of how great America has become! Minority's are no longer oppressed! I mean it is so hard to find examples of racism that agitators have pay people to oppress them. Racism is dead Hallelujah!
We could find the root of the problem, by giving out (it would have to be free) a bunch of mirrors
The problems that downtown Chicago suffers from,,,racism ain't got nothing to do with it.
Empires Modern Day Racist!
I don’t understand why america is being swayed again by the media. So pathetic, that Maga country is winning again. They are probably making an example out of Jussie so other people who are harassed by MAGA will not come forward. A load of crap.
He must live in a dream world, cause if racism is as common and prevalent as he and people that think like him keep saying,,, why did he need to hire two black dudes to lie about it if it's that common,, how come he just couldn't walk down the street and real racist do it