Judge to hold hearing on whether to unseal affidavit behind FBI Mar-a-Lago search – Car Mod Pros Portal

The judge that approved the Mar-a-Lago search warrant is expected to decide whether to unseal the affidavit, which the DOJ says could put “highly classified material” at risk.

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By carmodpros


31 thoughts on “Judge to hold hearing on whether to unseal affidavit behind FBI Mar-a-Lago search”
  1. I’m sure the judge appreciate ABC putting his picture and name on air. Of course anyone can get it anytime but ABC didn’t have to do it

  2. Donald Trump manda me torturar com seringas e manda matar minha mãe e Donald Trump Junior manda me torturar e matar minha mãe

  3. If as expected the request to unseal is denied can't it be appealed? Would love to see it go to SCOTUS. This is an ex-president and potential political opponent, not a democrat-supporting violent drug kingpin.

  4. "From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Matthew 4:17

    "Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also." Matthew 5:38-39

  5. “Al Postpone” wants to know how the investigation into his many crimes is progressing. He will find out when indicted, like any other citizen.

  6. I hope the judge does not.
    Trump wants to see who the witnesses are so his minions can threaten and publicly shame them.

  7. If they have nothing to hide and real evidence then it wouldn't be a problem with releasing it. Just a DOJ and FBI that work for Democrats and compromised.

  8. Wow!! I did read a comment on other video from a man who worked on that department for 8 years. He was saying I am confuse. NO!!! President gets to see that paperwork until higher up ARMY allowed. Some people does not know this. Is people higher up on government tells the president what to do. Its sad when people buy everything they hear.

    He is not the top one. And he know that. That is the reason he doesn't care if they make public. Also, is FBI job been evolve with government choosing a president? They are getting paid from both-sides.

  9. FBI needs to be held accountable. They perjured themselves in 2016 to get a warrant to spy on Trump. The agent who perjured himself wasn't even disbarred. He should have done prison time. Can't have agents willing to lie in court when their honesty is the only safeguard of people's rights.

  10. DOJ has to hide now from their misuse of the office for political reasons. America is tired of the Russia lie…give it up Dems, you people are without credibility.

  11. Trump once floated the idea of using a nuke to stop a hurricane…safe to say he really had no need to be in possession of nuclear information…I seriously doubt the guy would understand the instructions on a cake mix box

  12. If the judge is a fool, a patsy for Democrats, the judge will allow it to remain sealed. Based on the FBI’s recent conduct in politicized matters, it’s very likely lies and altered documents were given to federal judges: FBI agent Kevin Clinesmith lied to the FISA court, a federal court, four times with a document that he altered to say the opposite of what it actually said. Or maybe it’s a Democrat lying to an FBI agent, like Michael Sussman? Yes, the public really needs to see what rubbish was peddled to the judiciary this time.

  13. No criminal affidavits have ever been released prior to the first court date where the "demand of discovery" is asked by the defense usually within 3 weeks of the charges being applied. This is all throughout Florida but unsure about other states . Why. Is this, to protect information in any case that can get into the wrongs hands before attorneys on both sides could start building their cases. So no, the affidavit should not be unsealed untill the defense orders the "demand of discovery after the indictment on the charges are filed with the Florida federal courts. If Trump wants them sooner, he could demand that his arrest occurs now and have the affidavit unsealed in 3 to 6 weeks after but usually it's 3 weeks after but clearly he won't be willing to.

  14. Public interest is one thing. Public curiosity is quite another. Keeping content specifics sealed while the investigation is ongoing is in the overall public interest. Revealing the investigation progress and process to satisfy public curiosity is not. This is not a reality show to entertain the masses. This is not entertaining at all.

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