His lawyers asked the judge to postpone sentencing until he has finished cooperating with the special counsel.
I bet he has that smile back now, and that judge looks like a Huge FOOL
That judge should be put in jail. He was taken sides..Racist,..all because Flynn knew were obama-hillary skeletons were buried
Well, well, well…looks like the people at Fox were right from the beginning! The pinheads at ABC are still on the side of the deep state. NO ONE who pleads guilty in court says they were forced, it is part of the deal. Interesting how leftist are all for dismissing charges on technical grounds before President Trump was elected. Not anymore. All non-leftists are guilty …of something. Lavrentiy Beria, the Chairman of the KGB said, "Show me the man and will show you the crime". It seems that certain people at the FBI like that policy. Time for the President to appoint Flynn to head the FBI.
And this Judge could not figure this out ?????
Obama felt Flynn was problematic  and prone to crazy ideas, and had fired him from his job as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014 .ÂÂÂÂ
Flynn was a 3 star General ?
Obama supposedly relayed this to Trump during the 90 minutes they spent together in November after the election and before  Flynn’s contacts with the Russian ambassador .
Obama passed along this caution that he believed Flynn was not suitable for such a high level post and  made it clear he was "not a fan of Michael Flynn.
(this indicates that its personal as General Flynn was a 3 star general and all employment is at the discretion of the new POTUS )UNLESSÂÂÂÂ
The Obama administration fired Flynn in 2014 from his position as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, largely because of mismanagement and temperament issues.
Why would Obama  warn the new POTUS not to employ a person ???? UNLESS ÂÂÂÂ
I can see if the previous POTUS talks about  countries and things but to talk about another American is Highly unusual UNLESS  ZERO  was scared of some thing that Flynn knew -ÂÂÂÂ
This individual person that Obama is declaring /claiming not to hire is personal ?ÂÂÂÂ
The FBI /Comey  set  General Flynn up 2 days after  the inauguration ???
Lets interview General Flynn ???
You got to love going back and watching these old segments the MSM clearly working on behalf of the democrats putting out talking points without doing an once of real journalism or even mustering enough professionalism to even make an attempt at objectivity. Yet, these are the news sources YouTube wants us to trust.
I hope Trump appoints as FBI director that would be sweet justice
this aged well. FBI now CAUGHT setting a trap for Flynn and removing exculpatory evidence from documents.
I wonder will the judge and all you people.will.apologize to the patriotic general. Real.heroes protect the land and the family.
it may be slow, but it will be coming, one of them will crack to save themselves and then when the light is turned on watch the cockroaches scatter
Hindsight is 20/20
Funny how ABC had no problem helping the FBI spread news about this scandal in the beginning. Now that theres proof it was a setup all we hear is crickets.
This didnt age well….
What now?
The truth is coming out.
The FBI was the snakes.
So he's a Turkish spy then?
Wait why and how can he be sentenced when obama and hillary have lied to so many including the fbi, congress and the people! Our country is over! It’s time to dissolve the judges and congress and senate! Pick up your arms and be ready! Take the media out and make citizens arrest of congressman and senators who have sold the people out and FBI agents should be considered the enemy along with all other government agencies! It’s time people time to take a stand! General we will not let this miscarriage of justice happen! Hold tight it’s about to get bumpy!
Why is Michael Flynn referred to as "Trump Advisor" which he was for only 2 weeks, when he should be referred to as "Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency", which he was under Obama for TWO YEARS??
No one else would be able to walk around as a free person while this b.s. is going on, imagine if he was poor and not white.
What did he conspire to do with his two business associates?
Karma's a bitch
Hilary must be seating on her couch laughing her ass off. This is reversed voodoo at its finest.
This is what treason sounds and looks like America. Traitors are being uncovered at the highest levels of our government.
Mr. Trump will declare martial law soon to cover up his own treasonous train wreck of a presidency.
Mr. Trump will not resign even after he sets this country on fire, just as Mr. Assad in Syria has burned his country to the ground and refuses to step down. Edited for punctuation.
He's obviously an Affirmative Action judge. This clown didn't even know that Flynn's work for Turkey came before he Joined Trump's team and so he actually had to walk back his hyperbole after he discovered that he didn't even know the simplest of details regarding Flynn's case. This was a typical leftist threat against a defendent who by all accounts, committed a minor offense, in order to drag this nonsense on for as long as possible.
Finally, these crooks are being checked. Thank you Judge Sullivan! Congress take note!
General Flynn went in smiling knowing trump already bribed the judge to give him a weak sentence but sadly not everyone is corrupt.He came out like a dog with its tail between its legs haha but hey he would look great in a orange jumpsuit
Visualization of will and spirit of 7 billion people worldwide🥶
Now trump just ended his career today with the bump stock ban. He just declared war on only supporters he had left.
Lock him up
Lock him up
I'm a Canadian cant you all see what's in front of you all ,this so sad that this men is going through this after all mabey instead of judging maybe you should educate yourself what's going on behind the scenes,this man was a general ,you all should be ashamed of yourselves find out what exactly what he did break out of The Matrix get a second opinion you'll be surprised, you wouldn't do that cuz it doesn't fit your narrative
Wait . . . "U.S.A." chant from 'supporters' of the guy who helped sell America out to the Russians while lying to authorities . . . what is it about breaking American laws and lying to American authorities "make(s) America great again" ??? . . . this is just part of how the willfully ignorant elected a criminal that is destroying the economy and the environment . . .
how about the fact that the judge first said Flynn was not guilty, but because mueller had already ruined his life and was threating his son, Flynn had no choice but to let mueller get his way, a total case of political blackmailing.
Another fake news.
So he admitted he betrayed his country and still he has supporters supporting for laying to them.
SOCIAL MEDIA NEWS & OPINION…(Auto Searching CC on YouTube) .."…-…Flynn and Mueller's team they were all there and let me just go through a little bit what happened during this hearing and these are just bits and pieces of it now Sullivan was asking Flynn if he was aware that lying to the FBI was illegal and Flynn said yes I am aware of this and Sullivan actually said listen do you want to change your guilty plea uh you know do you would you like to change that right now and Flynn said no I am NOT going to change my guilty plea not gonna withdraw it I'm gonna keep it because I am guilty of that um I lied to the FBI
"……now that's very interesting right off the bat why would he continue with the guilty plea well we'll continue with that in just a minute so Sullivan just gave him an out and he didn't take it now people were kind of shocked by that why wouldn't he take it he just gave him an out but we need to remember how did they find out that he was lying how did they catch him in a lie because remember he was speaking to kiss lyac and they were monitoring the phone call and Flynn was unmasked now again he was masked
"….they unmasked him so they knew it was him and they knew what he said during the conversation so judge Sullivan asked the special counsels office whether it considered charging general Flynn with treason since he worked as an agent of a foreign government prosecutor Branden van gock said it wasn't considered now this is very important right why would judge Sullivan ask the Special Counsel office whether it considered chargin gentle fun with treason
"……hmm let's continue here after returning from recess judge Sullivan backtracked on his remarks that gentleman was an unregistered for an agent while working in the White House and that he may have committed treason now why would he backtrack did he find something out did he start to realize something else was going on here let's continue he said I felt terrible about that judge judge said after the prosecutor noted Flynn's conduct as a foreign agent ended in mid-november 2016 I'm not suggesting he committed treason Sullivan added further apologizing for his remarks in the prior session so judge Sullivan brought up the word treason on purpose
"……and then backtracked and then general Flynn's lawyer said they're prepared to delay sentencing to allow general Tsin to fully finish cooperating with the government noting that they expected he'll be asked to testify in the Eastern District of Virginia case unsealed yesterday Sarah Carter tweeted out the following Mike Flynn sentencing postponed indefinitely with an update on March 13th judge Sullivan has more questions about special counsels and FBI conduct
"……now this is very interesting let's go back to post 1281 this was back in April 27 2018 and Q put up done in 30 brackets 30 and it said why would Flynn plead guilty to something untrue to find testimony define on record who knows where the bodies are buried Flynn is safe expand your thinking
"…so what is happening here everything is being changed today with Flynn that was to get the American people on the same page to put it out there about Farah to put it out there about treason have them chant yes Flynn should be locked up for treason as a foreign agent even though he was registered well now that's gonna bite them
"…..because when all these people are brought up and they're tried for being foreign agents and they haven't registered what are all these people gonna do what is the mainstream you gonna do they're gonna say oh no this is a special case oh wait this is a special case this is a special case this is a special case basically what happened right now is this plan just trapped the mainstream media the public into thinking the same way that the Annan's are thinking the Patriots are thinking bringing them into the fold
Boom, [DS] Just Setup, Military Planning At Its Finest, Did You Miss It – Episode 1744b
X22Report** Published on Dec 18, 2018
More Info Updated and summary clips at
Pathetic fucking hack judge life appointment spilling his garbage disrespecting a General who served this country honorably who was set up by that bastard oboma and comey that’s why even federal judges need term limits
Ultimate twist of fate. Lock him up.
The Transnational Organized Criminal Network was referred to as the "Underworld" in 1945 and the original Secret Society prior to that, dating back to Russia circa 800 a.d.
As of the Reign of Terror in 18th century France, the Underworld went out of control. Its secret for centuries was to remain imperceivable, or "secret". Crime escalated in the 19th century which included the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Thus via investigation, the reality of this Criminal Network has gradually come into the light.
Government agencies worldwide including the United States, have been infiltrated by the Underworld which slowed the process and kept information concealed from the public.
The key goal presently is to rid underworld infiltration aka corruption from the government.
The Underworld "screws people over" who appear as a threat via being a witness or obtaining sensitive information.
The government must better protect its citizens from the Transnational Organized Criminal Network. Red tape, loopholes and pay-offs manipulate the punishment due to the Transnational Organized Criminal Network.
People must demand justice. The tax dollar is embezzlement if justice is not served.
Adrien Brody had been working with Japan where Japan pertains to Russia. Juliet Joslin was working for Russia where Russia pertains to Japan. A few months ago, both Adrien Brody and Juliet Joslin secured an assignment for Norway. This must pertain to Norway’s position over China regarding the Hawaiian drug and poison trade. Beyonce Knowles may have climbed on board.
The current hit ordered on the life of Amy Knorr, myself, is courtesy of Norway. The motive is to keep the Stealth involvement of Norway hidden. Lisa Bullock is assigned to the hit.
William Colby, James Brewer, Butch Houser and Garry Shandling all wrote about Norway.
Norway stole the Grandfather clock design from William Colby 800 years ago. The fisherman's Wharf idea was stolen by Norway from James Brewer about 600 years ago. Nursery Rhymes were stolen by Norway from Garry Shandling about 500 years ago.
Norway has been a silent partner in the Russian underworld since it was founded. Norway has patterned with Russia.
In circa 800 A.D. when the underworld was founded, Norway had neither found solid ground after the British Wars nor had they finished their quests as Iceland was next on their list of conquests. Thus, due to Russia and its underworld, Norway never finished developing properly.
If Russia is represented by the 1975 movie "Jaws", then Norway is represented by the movie "Jaws 2".
Neither Russia nor Norway are advocates for accurate historical account. Norway is dependent on fabricated ideas such as "Danelaw" to explain its infiltration in Canada. The false relationship with Britain via the false tale of Danelaw cover for otherwise perceivable infiltration.
Adrien Brody has taken the place of Rose McGowan in closing Russia out of Hawaii. China takes the fall but Norway takes the ultimate fall for Russia including the framework against China.
With Juliet Casablancas, Beyonce Knowles, and Britney Spears have climbed on board for the hitman position. Julian Casablancas is corresponding to the idea.
Even if Russia was brought down, Norway would continue to function the same way for the underworld aka TOC network.
It is my statement that Gina Haspel, CIA Director and Gordon Bitko, Chief Information Officer of the FBI are with the Norwegian underworld infiltration of the American government.
It is my statement that Donald Trump is an underworld operative but he may be with Russia instead of Norway.
Lisa Bullock accepted the job of hitman against the life of myself, Amy Knorr, and may have been inside Leisure Vale in Glendale at midnight on 12/16/18, posing as Juliet Joslin visiting a relative.
Transparency about committing a crime doesn't make someone less guilty or conniving.
At one time I would of bought that flynn
Ahahaha the irony
wait.didnt Giuliani say lying to the fbi is no crime.ha ha ha ha ha.what a douche.
Pretty sure judge is a Democrat.
Enough said.