Judge Rejects Attorneys Request To Bring George Floyds Prior Arrests Into Evidence | NBC News NOW

Judge Rejects Attorneys Request To Bring George Floyds Prior Arrests Into Evidence | NBC News NOW

Derek Chauvins attorney asked the judge whether jurors can hear evidence about a Floyd arrest from 2019. Prosecutors said the defense is trying to smear Floyds character.
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#DerekChauvin #GeorgeFloyd #NBCNews

Judge Rejects Attorneys Request To Bring George Floyds Prior Arrests Into Evidence | NBC News NOW


22 thoughts on “Judge Rejects Attorneys Request To Bring George Floyds Prior Arrests Into Evidence | NBC News NOW

  1. Should’ve been used as evidence

  2. How is it not relevant? It’s literally another example of him crying like a baby when caught doing something illegal. Floyd was a total loser.

  3. I believe if chauvin is found not guilty this world will never be the same again therefore I have faith in Yahweh that he'll repay all those who are involved as well as those who get in the way in Jesus name lord please keep us in peace and safety in this evil world.

  4. Derek Chauvin has a long track record of complaints for police brutality, he also put his knee on another person's neck for several minutes, a few years ago.

    If the defence want to submit information of George Floyd's prior arrests, the prosecution should be allowed to submit information of Derek Chauvin's violent record of brutality.

  5. I want this Judge to be aware of the moment before this case is over. He may very well retire shortly after this case and may give interviews. It is the biggest case of his career. He appears too mechanical, almost wicked. He has not shown any emotions at all, at least a little reaction that may be quick and unyielding to anything. I have been looking into his eyes and they have remained very dry. I know he has a job to do, but the video evidence is one of the most disturbing on Earth. It had been played one too many times and others have wept, but this Judge's eyes have remained dry and his voice as solid as rock. Even the defense attorney cringed and widened his eyes more than once when the video was shown. The Judge does not have to say anything. He does not have to weep openly, but at some point, he can gently wipe a tear or two to show he is human. If those eyes remains dry, it'd be hard to say he felt something on a future interview.

  6. Honestly – why can't a man of equal size to Chauvin place his knee on Chauvin's neck in the same manor for the same amount of time. Recreate the exact situation. If Chauvin lives or dies justice was served……. Might seem barbaric but at least it's not the circus we see now.

  7. I will fearlessly predict right now: This murderous cop will be acquitted. Why? He's white. He's a cop in Minneapolis, a town that had two high profile killings of individuals over the past three years. In this trial all it will take is one soul to make this fearless prediction reality. Did I mention it was being held in Minneapolis? Oh, I did didn't I.

  8. Let’s see if the defense tries to hide derek chauvin’s 18/19 complaints that were investigated by IA prior to his current criminal charges.

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