Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson poised to make Supreme Court history | Nightline

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson poised to make Supreme Court history | Nightline

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson made history as the first Black female Supreme Court justice nominee. It is a milestone that some say took too long to achieve.


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42 thoughts on “Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson poised to make Supreme Court history | Nightline

  1. With respect, Kamala Harris is not black, she is biracial or even triracial as her father looks mixed heritage and her mother is Indian. You are a news channel, try to stick with facts.

  2. The new BLACK Supreme Court Justice was pre-planned by and suggested by a group called DEMAND JUSTICE'S who provided her name to China Joe so Biden appointed her to the US court of appeals for DC. a stepping stone to the Supreme Court then the news broke out of Steven Breyer retirement of which he found out on the news the top name that surfaced over and over was Ketanji Brown Jackson – go figure right? at one time she had an Uncle in jail for life but had the Obamanator commuted his sentence so he was released. It's nice having friends in high places right?

  3. I never saw racism being a real thing in America at the highest levels of government today. But I cannot see how any elected Republican not embrace this outstanding individual. Knowing that they have no basis to call her “far left” Someone please show rulings she made that deserve the badge “far left”. We’ve had questionable and outright controversial justices recently and I never saw them as unqualified. So far, this woman is an outstanding American, why would people assert that she is the worst that democrats have to offer?

    I’m lead to conclude that they have no reason since they provide no rational. I think “far left” is a dog whistle in this context to me, “are you seriously trying appoint a black woman your nominee”.

    The only argument I’ve heard were court rulings being reversed. Many conservatives had roll backs as well. That didn’t make them bad candidates. Justices can only make arguments and hope to persuade colleagues today or in the future. If these elected republicans held their standard of Ketanjito their scotus justice candidates, they would all fail.

  4. Have any of you compared her accomplishments to any other prestigious Asian, Latina, Native American or African American female judges? What about all of her decisions that have been overturned? Have you done any research into her ruling history? I’m guessing the answer is no. She is an activist, and now she’s a diversity hire that will forever more have an asterisk by her name. Nothing discriminatory about my opinion due to this lady’s race, only the fact that she has a history of ruling by her personal beliefs, and not the letter of the law. This is a life time appointment and is not something to be rushed through based on party politics. This is the future of your children and grandchildren's country. YOU SHOULD BE DEMANDING THE VERY BEST!!

  5. I feel sorry for her. She’s gonna be perceived to have been picked only because of her sex and race. Identity politics have ruined this once great country.

  6. Identity politics continues. As a lawyer, I’ve seen a lot of black somebody judges in court and they’ve all been absolutely awful.

  7. Blacks comprise approximately 12% to 13% of the US population. This ratio has remained fairly constant for decades. In judicial circles, Blacks comprise less than 5% of the population of all of the racial demographics in the arena that is the legal profession. Amongst qualified judges who are black, the number is in the single digits, to include both men and women. By his blatantly and overt racist and sexist selection criteria, Biden has excluded over 97% of the qualified candidate pool, thus essentially guaranteeing that we are not getting the absolutely best judge that can be chosen for the supreme court. His selection criteria automatically excludes all Whites, Hispanics, Native Americans, Koreans, Cambodians, Vietnamese, Hawaiians, Alaskan Natives, Puerto Ricans, Filipinos, Indians, Chinese, Taiwanese, Laotians, Samoans, etc, etc. This is how a sexist and racist choice, which runs counter to American values and current federal laws, diminishes our supreme court and/or any other institution for which it is the basis of selection. Case in point: see current VP. If this nominee had honor and integrity, she would decline for being chosen based on her sex (sexism) and skin color (racism). .

  8. Blacks comprise approximately 12% to 13% of the US population. This ratio has remained fairly constant for decades. In judicial circles, Blacks comprise less than 5% of the population of all of the racial demographics in the arena that is the legal profession. Amongst qualified judges who are black, the number is in the single digits, to include both men and women. By his blatantly and overt racist and sexist selection criteria, Biden has excluded over 97% of the qualified candidate pool, thus essentially guaranteeing that we are not getting the absolutely best judge that can be chosen for the supreme court. His selection criteria automatically excludes all Whites, Hispanics, Native Americans, Koreans, Cambodians, Vietnamese, Hawaiians, Alaskan Natives, Puerto Ricans, Filipinos, Indians, Chinese, Taiwanese, Laotians, Samoans, etc, etc. This is how a sexist and racist choice, which runs counter to American values and current federal laws, diminishes our supreme court and/or any other institution for which it is the basis of selection. Case in point: see current VP. If this nominee had honor and integrity, she would decline for being chosen based on her sex (sexism) and skin color (racism).

  9. Blacks comprise approximately 12% to 13% of the US population. This ratio has remained fairly constant for decades. In judicial circles, Blacks comprise less than 5% of the population of all of the racial demographics in the arena that is the legal profession. Amongst qualified judges who are black, the number is in the single digits, to include both men and women. By his blatantly and overt racist and sexist selection criteria, Biden has excluded over 97% of the qualified candidate pool, thus essentially guaranteeing that we are not getting the absolutely best judge that can be chosen for the supreme court. His selection criteria automatically excludes all Whites, Hispanics, Native Americans, Koreans, Cambodians, Vietnamese, Hawaiians, Alaskan Natives, Puerto Ricans, Filipinos, Indians, Chinese, Taiwanese, Laotians, Samoans, etc, etc. This is how a sexist and racist choice, which runs counter to American values and current federal laws, diminishes our supreme court and/or any other institution for which it is the basis of selection. Case in point: see current VP. If this nominee had honor and integrity, she would decline for being chosen based on her sex (sexism) and skin color (racism).

  10. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

  11. Don’t know her qualifications are but who would want a job knowing you got it mostly for your outside appearance,

  12. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  13. Ther are some white ppl that’s are nasty and mad because of these! Smh

  14. Must feel real good to be the diversity hire.😂

  15. Imagine working your whole life at your practice, pouring your everything into it, all with the hopes of reaching the highest level. And then, when you finally “achieve” that title, your legacy has to be tainted because everyone knows the game was rigged. This buffoon of a President couldn’t even keep quiet enough to at least keep the appearance of a wide open pool where best of the best would be chosen. Instead, he made it clear that every one of Brown-Jackson’s white, asian, hispanic colleagues were immediately out of contention (regardless of their own lifetime of dedication), purely because they were born of a different skin color. Nothing divides people quite like “equality”.

  16. You would think a SC nominee would know best that what Democrats are doing are violations of State and Federal Labor law, and of the Civil Rights Act itself. Hiring preference based on race and gender are ILLEGAL. 😕

  17. Liberal justices argue based on ideology while conservative justices argue based on constitutionality. That is the difference. Activist judges are a disgrace and by all accounts she is one.

  18. What does this do for black people as a group? What tangibles do we receive? This means nothing. Clarence Thomas did nothing, she won't either. Just another slap in the face. Check her record!

  19. I personally don't understand why our nation once embraced "character over sex and race" is now all about sex and race. It's unfortunate that the U.S. has become a nation of "categories, groups and tribes." We deserve what we get — endlessly fractured! If I had worked extremely hard to "earn" my professional credentials I'd find it disheartening that I achieved my appointment because of my sex or skin pigmentation.

  20. The White House was built by slaves. Your right of all colors. But Biden did say he will pick a black female. If that’s not sexist or racist

  21. BLM until Russia attacks Ukraine… now Azov battalion lives matter 😂

  22. I love America as much as I love my country.Their humanity, sense of life, and sharpness of knowledge all fascinate me. What do they lack? How sweet is their personality! It is like a combination of all human qualities. When will I bless myself by setting foot on American soil? When will that day come! When will the wait end! And I don't even know if they will accept the worst like me.

  23. Unlikely Jackson will be confirmed. It takes 67 senators to vote yea so unless some bipartisan miracle happens she won’t get the votes. Several dems and most all republicans have serious concerns about a far left Justice adhering to the constitution.

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