Jonathan Karl: Mueller report is ‘almost certain to be anti-climactic’ – Car Mod Pros Portal

The “This Week” Powerhouse Roundtable debates the week in politics, including the latest reporting relating to the Russia investigation.



By carmodpros


40 thoughts on “Jonathan Karl: Mueller report is ‘almost certain to be anti-climactic’”
  1. If anyone were looking for honesty and integrity industry
    wide, one need look no further than to our television journalists, that was then,
    this is now, let me explain. Just suppose one is looking for male television
    journalists that don’t dye their hair, well, one may find a few anchoring and
    reporting the news for CNN; elsewhere that may be a little harder, almost
    nonexisting. If anyone were looking for female journalists on television that
    don’t dye their hair, no mystery there, the answer would be none, zero, zilch, since
    they all do, industry wide, it’s as if female television journalists are the origins
    of contrived fakery and deceit of appearance, and that assessment would be true
    and correct industry wide and without any doubt, can be taken to any bank demanding
    cash money, one could retire on those researched findings alone, with enough
    left over to fund university degrees for five females in television communications.

  2. Trump's doing away with the Russian bogey man by reaching out in cooperation, not collusion!, to Russia upends the central pillar of Nazi mind control in the US.
    Trump isn't colluding with the Russians. But he is interested in cooperation with him. He is also interested in cooperation with China. I think that's GREAT and so do a lot of other reasonable people.
    That scares the deep state silly, as fear of the Russian bogey man has been the cornerstone of societal control in America since the Nazis dug in there after WWII. There are deeply vested interests in keeping the lie of the Cold War going because that is the most effective way they know to scare the Americans out of their wits. People scared out of their wits are submissive to gov't.
    If you haven't already please search: Report from Iron Mountain and the interview with Norman Dobbs.

  3. Heidi are you serious? How can you criticize Trump inability to assemble a team he can trust? Almost everyone is after him and several people close to him have been caught lying to Feds. Of course he’s playing cards close to the vest.

  4. Hey, Loony Leftists: Isn't it better to prepare yourselves now for bad news to come later, than to continue this wishful thinking you've been doing for over a year or so? The mainstream media has been censoring the news and playing you all for suckers. All for ratings and money.

  5. The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump. #1 New York Times bestseller. Legal analyst Gregg Jarrett reveals the real story behind Hillary Clinton’s deep state collaborators in government and exposes their nefarious actions during and after the 2016 election. The Russia Hoax reveals how persons within the FBI and Barack Obama’s Justice Department worked improperly to help elect Hillary Clinton and defeat Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. When this suspected effort failed, those same people appear to have pursued a contrived investigation of President Trump in an attempt to undo the election results and remove him as president.

  6. The Clinton Foundation is considered by almost all insiders…including former employees, as the biggest perpetrator of charity fraud in the world. Question? Why did squeaky clean George Stephanopoulos send emails to his friends at ABC in 2004 soliciting donations? ….these emails are going to come out… Was George aware? Did George break the law for his friends? I hope the networks cover this and I hope that George didn't do anything wrong.

  7. Message to Teri Kay – I am not affiliated with either party. I call it more objectively than the average Trump and Hillary supporting fool. Trump is playing with all of you. And for some reason you accept it. I don't however enjoy being played with. Clearly you do.

  8. Of course it will be anti-climactic, because those who care about democracy already know because the information about the numerous crimes has been leaked, while Republicans will continue to ignore it.

  9. Everybody in the comments who are saying Jonathan Karl doesn’t know anything because Mueller hasn’t show his hand are essentially saying that they know something but I just thought you said Mueller hasn’t shown his hand so how do you know he has something and isn’t bluffing? See, now you guys sound dumb for saying what you said about Jonathan Karl. As if you guys actually know anything…

  10. Chris Christie overlooks the fact that Donald Trump is a dimwit and a narcissist, which is why Trump is unable to take a clever course or reacting in an intelligent way. "I alone can fix it," is typically of a narcissist. Trump reacts, Trump does not act. An insane person has no creativity that is constructive, he does not come up with ideas of his own. The Wall, Immigration, DACA, the Swamp, all of those had been carefully researched beforehand by operatives of Breitbart and the Mercers. That is why 'fake' in 'fake news' is claimed by Trump as his own invention. He needs something he invented himself. Proofs of dimwittisma dn narcissism are blatently obvious but overlooked or dismissed by most Americans, why o why?

  11. Christie is an idiot – it doesn't back up the fake rogue FBI story – they became concerned based upon the actions and statements of Douche bag Drumpf and so they started a counter-intelligence investigation against the Russians not Douche bag Drumpf.

  12. Johnathan Karl as a avid Trump supporter I want to thank you for having the courage to tell it like it is in front of your colleagues. I have much more respect for you now and I will ask President Trump to let you have an interview.

  13. The president is not a politician you dummy's. He didn't know he couldn't get along with the Russians. Or any country. Trump has just made another big fat fool out of these stupid reporters.

  14. THE MEDIA IS TRYING TO soften the blow when they're hearts get broken AGAIN and they have to get "they're abortions now"- and "move to canada"- hopefully less will cry on air!!!

  15. I think this guy is getting ahead of the corrupt media- sort of smoothing out the blow- so when it comes out RACHEL MADDOX can get her crying out OFF AIR… we do not have to see it

  16. 🧂🧂🧂😭

  17. I believe it will be anti-climatic. That is exactly the way the Russian's planned it to be. Russia's main goal is and always has been the overthrow of the western Democracies and to sow seeds of discourse into the NATO alliance and to gain ascendancy. They've been trying to do it since Stalin. In Donald Trump, they saw someone that they could manipulate. And that is exactly what they have done. Putin has arranged it so that it looks like Trump colluded with them but really has not ( or can't be proved ) and has used the free press that the United States so fervently defends ( and should defend ), to support collusion with the Russians. Kind of like a dog chasing it's own tail. My hats off to Putin, I find him a revolting, autocratic Czar but he's really got it together.

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