The manufacturer’s single-dose inoculation is on the verge of becoming the third vaccine to receive emergency authorization from the FDA after releasing details of its initial rollout.

Single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine effective against COVID-19 variants: Data:

#ABCNews #JohnsonandJohnson #COVID19 #CovidVaccine


By carmodpros


24 thoughts on “Johnson and Johnson set to release date for vaccine authorization l GMA”
  1. For the SAFER PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF ALL STAGES OF COVID-19, go to this website: @t OR @t
    IVERMECTIN is a very safe drug which can be taken by those with allergies, the elderly and even those on ventilators.
    This repurposed drug can assist in the reduction of long suffering, long Covid, shortened hospital stays and death.

  2. I do NOT want the J+J one. Hate that my appointment was cancelled.. I wanted to get a vaccine before the J+J one is approved where I will then need to be picky on where I go.. ugh.. It’s not as effective. I need something highly likely to not even have me get sick, not something that is not even that highly likely to cause severe illness with no evidence of how effective it would be at preventing COVID at all (likely a low chance).

  3. DO NOT TAKE THIS VACCINE! This is a brand-new vaccine platform with ZERO long-term safety data. Not debatable. There will be no do-overs.

  4. CORONA=66 6 letters in CORONA.
    The jab=the MaRk!!! Count the number like the Bible tells us.
    Revelation 13:18kjv
    18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

    From the makers of cancer powder for your babies.

  5. Mandated annual vaccines must be implemented. Also, you should not be allowed to leave home unless you have three masks on and maintain at least six miles social distancing. The US media is officially a clown show now

  6. the vaccine is the mark of the beast. Don''t follow satan. Follow Jesus Christ. Be saved. Jesus loves you. Covid 19/the beast hates you and wants you dead and damned to hell where he is going once Jesus is through with him.

  7. Truth is being removed from ALL media. Won't be any at all left by the end of the year. We have the CCP right here in America. Turn to Jesus. Repent! Stop living in your sin. Start obeying every single commandment the Great Almighty and J.C.(Youtube/Satan will not let me post the Saviors name) ever gave us. If you don't understand how very important this is read Ezekiel and Jeremiah to see what The Great Almighty has in store for those who refuse to listen to him. He is your The Great Almighty (youtube will not allow the G word anymore). HE MADE YOU! Do you GET that?? He is in charge whether you like it or not. He calls the shots, and thank The Great Almighty for that because he is so holy, just an merciful. Not at all like Man. REPENT! REPENT!!!

  8. Truth is being removed from ALL media. Won't be any at all left by the end of the year. We have the CCP right here in America. Turn to Jesus. Repent! Stop living in your sin. Start obeying every single commandment the Great Almighty and J.C.(Youtube/Satan will not let me post the Saviors name) ever gave us. If you don't understand how very important this is read Ezekiel and Jeremiah to see what The Great Almighty has in store for those who refuse to listen to him. He is your The Great Almighty (youtube will not allow the G word anymore). HE MADE YOU! Do you GET that?? He is in charge whether you like it or not. He calls the shots, and thank The Great Almighty for that because he is so holy, just an merciful. Not at all like Man. REPENT! REPENT!!!

  9. Truth is being removed from ALL media. Won't be any at all left by the end of the year. We have the CCP right here in America. Turn to Jesus. Repent! Stop living in your sin. Start obeying every single commandment the Great Almighty and J.C.(Youtube/Satan will not let me post the Saviors name) ever gave us. If you don't understand how very important this is read Ezekiel and Jeremiah to see what The Great Almighty has in store for those who refuse to listen to him. He is your The Great Almighty (youtube will not allow the G word anymore). HE MADE YOU! Do you GET that?? He is in charge whether you like it or not. He calls the shots, and thank The Great Almighty for that because he is so holy, just an merciful. Not at all like Man. REPENT! REPENT!!!

  10. Revelation 18:23

    “And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.”

    Light, Bridegroom, Bride no more in thee. This means that Jesus Christ's Church is pulled off the earth.

    Now, look at the word sorceries. Strongs KJV Concordance word 5331 = sorceries

    I can't put the greek word meaning in the comments on Utube, they delete the comment if it has that word.

    go look it up.

  11. Strongs KJV Concordance
    Word 5331 Sorceries Revelation 18:23
    Look it up.
    Everytime I put it's meaning in the comment, Utube removes it.

  12. I don't know if I trust this no death vaccine after the baby powder payout!

    Single dose is great! Johnson & Johnson NOT so great!

    We need 100% on the virus in a single dose….can we get that???
    I would even settle for 90-95% efficacy in a single dose!!

  13. I’m not going to even look at this video I don’t trust Johnson and Johnson. Didn’t they cover up about their baby powder causing cancer or something?

  14. Can’t trust George Stephanopoulos he’s up to his eyeballs in corruption with the Demon rats!gets 25 million a year to lie and cover up for them

  15. 66.1% effective ? Politicians are trying to give us the trash vaccine I bet they wouldn’t even accept huh ? I’m straight. 🤨

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