A judge in Oklahoma ruled in the landmark case that the corporate giant had helped fuel opioid addictions in the state. READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/2HtsS0h
#ABCNews #News #Opioid #WNT #JohnsonJohnson
A judge in Oklahoma ruled in the landmark case that the corporate giant had helped fuel opioid addictions in the state. READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/2HtsS0h
#ABCNews #News #Opioid #WNT #JohnsonJohnson
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This is bull shit, steal from the s and it’s our fault we’ve the junkies. So where is the damn money where is the pain killers? Hello thieves!!! Prison or dead!!! That means you!!!
This is stupid, this is why all drugs should be legal, let the stupid people kill themselves
We need to hold more conglomerates responsible for things like this, The next case should be insulin and the fact that the prices are so high or insurance companies are refusing to pay for this life saving medication.
None of that money is going to the victim's it's all going to the state to open up million dollar treatment centers that will cost thousands and thousands of dollars to get into that no one can afford
How many times did they say Johnson in the clip?
How annoying people are responsible for there own addiction should I blame Newport because I enjoy smoking Smith
The DEA should be vetted.
Damn straight
Where is the money going to go?
Nearly 600 million awarded and not a single individual to spend even 1 second in prison.
Oh the irony,first you lose your son defending the opium fields in Afghanistan and then you die from an overdose from the same fields.
Will BASF das nicht Kaufen, Dann Haben die noch 40000 Anwälte im Nacken,Hahaha 🙂
What about the Sachler family?
if you want to save more lives Sue the alcohol companies
My family has been ravaged by alcohol
Heroin has been on the streets way before this ever hit doctors offices if you want to really save Live start with alcohol it kills more people than this I know because I've had lots of family member and Friends die from alcohol .alcohol is addictive deadly I don't know why they don't talk about alcohol when you cut all these people off their pain medicine they're going to drink themselves to death oh and let's see the alcohol companies that have killed my family members each and every alcohol company that has killed somebody needs to be sued
Why should drug companies have to pay for people's stupidity? Why should people that need the pain meds and follow the directions have to suffer with pain because people can't follow the directions? You have to abuse the medication to become addicted.
But opiates are the only thing that actually works for PAIN ….so what are we going to use now? Ppl are just going to suffer….stupid
I call BS , Dr prescribe them , Idiots abuse them , , Should we sue the Dems for every Herion death since they want open borders? , people knew they could get addicted but did it anyways,
Once agin the Invisible clan is cleaning up; With no concern at all of the millions of people who are forced to suffer from chronic pain, so that the lives of ???? well I guess it does not matter who; its not like they will see any of this money, and I am sure for the most those being saved are on to illicit drugs..
On the bright side those truly suffering from chronic pain still have the black market to get their pain medication….
On the sad side now we have many choosing to die because now they are labeled addicts….
I wounder if this has anything to do with the increase of law enforcing officers committing suicide… Performing a back busting job with no management of pain without being an ADDICT? for what??? so this invisible clan can have a merry Christmas…..
Are we just going to forget about all the people that helps
I am still trying to understand why they are being sued…. they made a product aka a drug that is to help people with pain then people take this drug and abuse it and they must be responsible because people are addicts?! It’s like I make orange juice that’s filled with vitamin C and people decide to drink too much orange juice and they get vitamin c toxicity…. it just doesn’t make sense… what we need to do it start treating pain in a step UP manner and have a few pain management specialist who deal with chronic pain and limit patients to how many doctors they can visit for pain so that way they have one or two doctors who are in liaison overseeing this patient so they can monitor and ensure the patient isn’t addicted simple….. if it was an antibiotic that gave a high would we tell the drug company shame on you for making antibiotics to kill bacteria and making our son overdose on it and die…. these victims families are just in denial and grief and looking to someone else to blame for their relatives poor decisions
Cross border drug infestation is a myth, it seems we are our own best home-grown drug dealers, raking in millions adding to the addiction of Americans by Americans.
This is A Learning Curve Fine By The State of Oklahoma. These businesses have been devaluing human beings life and the living standards of ALL including their own lower echelon employees and ALSO those associated with them. The fine is s like taking the smallest grain of sand from The Sahara Desert.
I wander what you have to do to qualify for the lawsuit
Hasan Minhaj?