Johnny Depp’s attorney react after verdict l ABC News

Johnny Depp’s attorney react after verdict l ABC News

“Today’s verdict confirms what we have said from the beginning,” said attorney Camille Vasquez.

#ABCNews #johnnydepp #amberheard


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46 thoughts on “Johnny Depp’s attorney react after verdict l ABC News

  1. This is NOT a Man VS Woman Thing at ALL, it's a truth Vs vindictive liar thing !!
    Why her team keep…WOMEN, WOMEN, WOMEN, makes me sick !!
    Abuse happens BOTH ways, to hear this woman disregard what Johnny went through, just because he's a MAN, is sickening and unbelievable in this day and age !!

  2. British justice 😂😂😂

  3. The Turd Lyrics

    Many things run thru my head but I can't get over the turd in my bed

    She thought she was hot but now she's not

    Charmin might give her a roll for just a 10 minute spot

    But they might go under because no chemistry which she would blunder

    She can't get a date cause she's mean as a snake

    So full of hate a turd full of pizza bake.

    Seriously, she needs to get help and humble herself.

    She lost it all in her search for wealth.

    The verdict is in and truth did win with her head looking down with no smirk or sound. 15 million in the bank as her eyes began to tear and sank. All turned out well as all can tell and this turd was flushed into the deep dark corner of the septic tank…………….. Live in peace JD.

  4. Johnny's attorney were professional and excellent. The World knows Amber is a liar and monster. She was an abusive hateful wife to Johnny.

  5. I'm so happy Johnny won his case! I'm happy for Johnny, his children, his former girlfriends, family and happy that we will get to see MORE of Johnny's movies to be made….. hopefully a few Captain Jack Sparows!!!!!!

  6. Awesome job JD Lawyer Team!! I knew he’d get justice, Robert Downey Jr will be getting him back into movies like his Sherlock Holmes 3 can’t wait to see him acting again both are my favorites. I’m curious though how is Amber H going to pay him she’s only worth 8 million 🤔😂

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  8. He didnt even bother to show up so he wouldnt have to deal with his annoying, loser fans..whp actually thinks he cafes about hes scheduled work on purpose, knowing he was going to win loool..stupid loser fans…

  9. The lord jesuus will give her justice…
    Men looks at power,money and fame, but for god, that is like nothing….useless to him..
    John 8:7 When they continued to question Him, He straightened up and said to them, "Let him who is without sin among you be the first to cast a stone at her." – Bible Hub

  10. You guys were great . Thankyou I always believed Johnny oxo.
    Justiceforjohnny oxo 💙 ♥️

  11. Resonated? I don’t think so. Resonated with Depp fans but not the public in general. Depp did not win. He too was found to have defamed Heard. Read the verdict.

  12. she can be employed as a nasty dominatrix .. dealing out mental and physical torture for those who like to pay for that kind of thing … pay off 10 million in no time

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