John Kelly speaks out after leaving White House

John Kelly speaks out after leaving White House

President Trump’s former chief of staff said he “probably” would have worked as chief of staff for Hillary Clinton too because it is “all about governing the country.”

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31 thoughts on “John Kelly speaks out after leaving White House


  2. I knew Kelly and Mattis which worked for the President, just like some sister service Generals. So why do these guys never work out for anyone after their time in service. Perhaps after a life of luxery and being the number one for so long with the yes Sir service, that they cannot deal with being told what to do and how to do it. Enter the President and a reality check, by the way were they not commissioned by this same office from the beginning of their commission.

  3. "I worked with John Kelly, and he was totally unequipped to handle the genius of our great President." Well, Republicans, so much for your plan to let this man-child play President while you stuff the courts with your judges and provide your rich donors with tax breaks. Yes, Trump is an idiot. But he is a DANGEROUS idiot who is fast shedding his handlers and replacing them with COMPLETE criminals.

  4. Gen. Kelly may blame himself for leaving the White House but Trump is to blame for his own greed, and delusions of grandeur, his feeling he can get a way with anything, lastly that can have way with women any time he wants. Trump has criminal impulses no one man can help I'm sorry, trump has to go. He is a poor excuse of a politician, and a poor excuse of a man

  5. I agree he sold his soul, acted ugly and showed us what his beliefs really are and I saw nothing but ugliness spewing from this administration unto the American people that he was a part of. History won't be kind to this administration and neither to John Kelly. Another reputation bites the dust at the hands of Trump.

  6. He was a respected 4star general before he went to work for that orange clown. Now I only remember him as the guy who fired Omarosa and told blatant lies about Maxim Waters.
    Nobody in this administration likes the separation of children at the borders but no one has done anything to make restitution, bunch of evil people.

  7. Wow Lying ass George
    “ lots of eye opening stuff there .
    You idiots “ don’t you people ever get tired of this bullshit news , with its fake opinionated “ what ifs” all the assumptions , miscalculations, miss quotes and FAKE spins ?
    You libotards are so pathetically stupid , it’s funny but also shocking…
    All The politician has to do is SMILE” promise you CHANGE “ move their hands when insisting their word is GOSPEL and tell you how you should think.
    Then once in office they can steal , cheat and sell off your country but you still like that politician because he or she is still smiling and speaking softly all while admitting their mistakes……..
    You idiots have almost bankrupt ILLINOIS, CALIFORNIA, MARYLAND, Etc.
    And as long as the devil thief smiles” your asses are wide open for the drilling’s.
    Dumbass Americans.
    Trump is the best thing that’s happened to your country and you assholes can’t even see that.
    The proof is there !
    All you gotta do is look at GREECE , ITALY, GERMANY, SWEDEN, SPAIN and many other countries.
    The politicians sold their souls and the citizens are paying dearly while the sellout politicians move too America or elsewhere.
    You Americans take everything for granted. You Americans will wake up one day , wondering WTF happened……..

  8. He has the stink of Trump on him now and that’s a smell you can’t get out.

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