John Bolton’s lawyer says client has ‘relevant’ information on Ukraine | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Congress has not subpoenaed the former national security adviser, but he is willing to testify if a court rules he must.

#ABCNews #ImpeachmentInquiry #Ukraine #FormerNationalSecurityAdviser


By carmodpros


50 thoughts on “John Bolton’s lawyer says client has ‘relevant’ information on Ukraine | ABC News”
  1. Bolton is retaliating due to the lost of his job. Who else was in that room that heard the conversation – call them!!

  2. Why would any one person knowing most past presidents all have by human nature said or done things to gain some control over a country for the better speak out. You have secrets that should be kept that way for good reason. Obama was very corrupt we all know this and used Irs to go after another party just to name one but who cares the country is booming parents like myself have some hope for our children that there future will be better but a secret which we all have can ruin it then another party who will do anything for power will prevail and we have to start all over. This shit is so old and democrats will collapse this Economy for power and control so more welfare higher taxes military gets cuts and threats from other nations gain control. No country would even think about doing anything to us because of trump. Let’s just get along and not ruin our kids future and if its wrong you should suffer not the rest of us. Politicians are the worse liars we have and people believe everything they spew

  3. " Imagine "is this not exactly what " STINKS " of American Politics. Bolton wants to CASH in. Burning the constitution is what he's doing for MONEY!.

  4. Bolten is a (war hunger man) Mr Trump, why let this war monger into your sights. He is dangerous to my country. We have children. I will not allow my family to support this noncense.

  5. Be careful what you wish for… Bolton will testify to the real crimes committed by Biden and Obama once he’s been ordered to do so.

  6. Bolton says “I got the goods on Trump but it’s going to cost you.”

  7. How about not worry about this story and run the Epstein story thousands of children who have been raped and you guys are sitting on the story shame on you

  8. we have a polluted corrupt and traditionally ford flopped democrat 'process' of rigged intent and expectation that seeks to be respected as some legislative 'service', when its not. where the disgraced corrupt polluted desperate dnc and their internationally revoked trump tantrum press try to pressure their preferences, few can confidently state.

  9. to me this seems like all theater….all show all the time and no decisions or rules…its amazing what they can get away with…we would of course be put in jail….these guys can get away with murder.literaly….go figure?/

  10. rock it man 🤙🤙🤙

  11. Definition of bribe (Entry 1 of 2)
    1: money or favor given or promised in order to influence the judgment or conduct of a person in a position of trust
    police officers accused of taking bribes
    2: something that serves to induce or influence
    offered the kid a bribe to finish his homework
    bribe verb
    bribed; bribing
    Definition of bribe (Entry 2 of 2)
    transitive verb
    : to influence the judgment or conduct of (someone) with or as if with offers of money or favor : to induce or influence by or as if by bribery

  12. .
    Quid pro quo ("something for something" in Latin)[2] is a Latin phrase used in English to mean an exchange of goods or services, in which one transfer is contingent upon the other; "a favour for a favour". Phrases with similar meanings include: "give and take", "tit for tat", and "you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours" and "one hand washes the other". Other languages use other phrases for the same purpose.

  13. FIGHT LIKE A GIRL!!! Start a revolution and vote Donald out now, register to vote!!!Parents are burying their children prematurely and children are burying their parents prematurely from cancer. Hello America! The Church should be ashamed of themselves to even think of voting D.T. in as president. He is far from what we need. Wake up Church!! We have the power to make the CHANGE.Those who have protested around the U.S. have the power to stop this orange nut case.He's and embarrassment to AMERICANS. He has rolled back protection we had to protect our CLIMATE.

    Electoral should be abolished, it's flawed.
    Have this clown turn over his taxes.
    No more Trump in 2020 people our CLIMATE can't risk or afford it.. Have him show his taxes and call it a day.
    Climate change? Donald obviously knows nothing about it and we can't afford to have him roll back policies that would help us with our deteriorating climate.
    Trump's is for the rich. LISTEN WELL PEOPLE. He doesn't doesnt care for the poor and middle class of this country. Help Trump find a new address and vote for whoever wins the primary other than Trump, otherwise we will get stuck with him again. They are changing the laws for the rich to take advantage of the poor in the workplace and change tax laws to raise taxes for the poor and middle class and not taxing the RICH properly. EXAMPLE: As in the gig economy, As in Uber. Drivers aren't able to sue the rich companies like Uber. Uber's new disclosures policies PROHIBIT drivers from suing Uber for Missclassifying drivers, failure to pay overtime for YEARS and not giving thier drivers tips by advertising "tips are included". The rich and wealthy are being allowed to break the Labor Laws that have been in place for years! Whoever heard of this? They are only profiting any and all corporations at our cost. They are trying to get rid of the Constitution little by little and old labor LAWS!! Look up on YouTube "agenda 2030".
    They are a bunch of Liar's!! Stop opiate consumption because it only profits the FDA, BIG PHARMA and hospitals…again the rich are taking advantage of the poor and middle class. Its the leading cause of death today and you young people are falling for it and allowing them to fry your brains with drugs. That's how they control the General population today. It is profiting the wealthy and causing a drastic homeless Holocaust just to profit the rich. Look at the state of this country!!! They just caught a ship with drugs on it, Trump was saying Mexicans are bring drugs from Mexico, can an attorney check into weather or not JP Morgan who was found to be affiliated with this ship full of drugs. It was 1 ton of cocaine! Please! have an attorneys get a hold of this information to see if they're going to prosecute whoever was involved in bringing these drugs into this country on this ship so we can prove that we are locking up the poor who bring some drugs to this country yet they don't prosecute the wealthy who bring tons of drugs into this country. I also believe that it is questionable who shot the Americans in Mexico. The United States is pissed off that American are leave the United States. Look up Mexico Life on YouTube. It's just real fishy to me SMH.
    The WEALTHY are not paying their fair share of taxes and our war torn streets scream loud and clear that rich aren't paying enough taxes. Donald is rich and he is for the RICH you think he is for the poor or middle class?
    Get out and vote: Democrates, otherwise WE WILL GET STUCK WITH TRUMP AGAIN IF WE ALL DONT VOTE FOR THE winning PRIMARY candidate. (WE CANT AFFORD TO VOTE FOR AND independent because it will take votes away from the Democratic party and Trump's SCUNK again. WE WILL GET STUCK WITH THIS JOKER AGAIN.
    Stop fracking and geoengineering clouds now. Stop these refineries, Trump is for the Rich coal miners that ruin our Earth.The United States is burning up and you say there is no evidence of what Greta is talking about. Changing a light bulb!? Really! get out if your own way of your own ignorance and research just on the weekend you'd be floored as to what's really going on with these fake smog in the air. Fake clouds, fake mist in these sprinkle that they are sprinkling us with today.Those fake rains are toxic for us. Wear hoodies and use umbrellas no matter how light the rain might be, these acid rain clouds are toxic for us and I believe are the cause of cancer and other illnesses today.
    Look up the YouTube video of a scientist who has been recording the North Pole ice caps melting for 35 years from a glacier down to an ice cube and down to nothing. The United States of America and the world is flooding. YouTube it. People from around the U.S. and the world are recording it and posting it.
    Look up the lawsuits around the world that common folks are starting to sue th companies that PROFIT from creating these clouds. YouTube: " We are suing these B@stards" it is not misspelled. You'll see that common folk are suing, thank God people are fighting back. YouTube video from "Anonymous" on these fake clouds. They say they are controlling the weather, really! Well we can PROVE we we're fine before geoengineered clouds, stop your lies. Look at these fires alone, they are creating mass destruction due to their GREED.
    I know a lot because I am a cancer survivor. I beat cancer naturally (including 3 blood transfusion). I studied cancer for 5 years and eventually beat it. Thank God.
    I know what I know by default because I wanted to live and not do Chemotherapy and managed to survive.
    I know that they have the cure for most cancers in 45 days but the FDA won't approve it because they SAY THEY WANT MORE TRIALS, MEANWHILE people are dying like flies from cancer. Do you know what a 45 day cure would have done for me? I wouldn't have lost almost 12 years of my life trying to cure myself and recoup from being sick for 7 years with cancer. I wouldn't have lost my house and my successful trucking business. Look up the "Vice" show " the new cancer cure" something a long that title. They show a man who has stage 4 brain Cancer- and get rid of it within 45 days. Brain Cancer- is one of the hardest Cancers because the Brain is on a different lymphatic system than the rest of our body. John McCain died of brain Cancer- served our country and not even he was privy to the stem cell cure, not even on a trail basis. Wouldn't you be mad if you or a loved one had cancer and was dying and you KNEW there was an easier way or a less TOXIC way to curing cancer than going the chemotherapy route which is a horrendous route to take. Yet the FDA APPROVES TOXIC CHEMICALS IN OUR FOOD AND YET ALL WE TALK ABOUT ON THE NEWS IS FAKE NEWS ABOUT DONALD TRUMP…SHAME ON ALL YOU AMERICANS WHO ARE SLEEPING. WATCHING A STRAIGHT UP PUPPET SHOW AND WE ARE ALL TOO OLD FOR IT, YET THAT'S WHAT YOU ALL ARE DOING. MEANWHILE WE ARE LIGHTING UP LIKE A MATCH!! and all everyone want to do is be on social or watch fake news.
    There's a lot of ways to make a difference rather than posting here on things you know nothing about. I'm an older woman and I fight for my children, my grandchildren and the young people who are dying with cancer in unprecedented numbers. I fight the Medical system that pumping opiates to the AMERICAN public for injuries, depression, someone going through a divorce or something (when years ago the doctors prescribed counselors and Psychotherapy of some kind and not opiates) for attention span deficit disorder they prescribe Ritalin (look up the side affects of that on a child). My daughter when she was 10 years old was recommended that by the psychologist and her teacher in her elementary school and I refused. I was 28 years old at the time and I laughed and said "absolutely not"!!! I told them " you aren't getting my daughter on drugs cuz you have too many kids. They said my daughter isn't focused and she gets off her seat and visits her classmates. I told them my daughter is a social butterfly and I will talk to her about that but you aren't drugging up my daughter and turning her into a zombie cuz you can't handle your class.Today my daughter owns a successful Beauty salon in Los Angeles and If I would have listen to them my daughter would be strung out on drugs or Dead by an overdose. She is 40 years old now.
    I'm not asleep, never have been since I was a child. God has blessed me with knowledge and foresight on issues that affect us today. It is a gift and a blessing.
    Wake up, before you are knee deep in the murky Waters or your house is on fire literally. Come on the Amazon Forrest is on fire and we can't afford for that to happen.
    The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, we have got to try and stop the crooks from killing us and doing us in just for PROFIT. They are a bunch of old Crocks and on their way out. Watch the movie "All the money in the world" you'll understand the mindset of the rich sick old Crocks that would slice their own mother's throat for profit. Most of us all will live long enough to witness our own demise because you'd rather be entertained by nonsense and fake news. Which is costing us millions of our tax dollars.
    PLEASE vote for the winner in primary besides Trump otherwise we will get stuck with him again. He is for ONLY THE RICH TO PROFIT MORE. WAKE UP AMERICA your house is on fire.
    Test the soot on our cars and get the Lawsuit AGAINST the AMERICAN Vietnam war vets against the Federal Government and compare what the sprayed on these geoengineered clouds and the soot on the cars and in our blood stream.

  14. What is abc hiding? Epstein, that’s what! Don’t talk to this country about impeachment.

  15. Much like dedicated Nazis, staunch Trump supporters have completely unwittingly been convinced that The Hideously Corrupt Trump Presidency, and the entertwined Global Populist Movement, is a last stand of sorts for the white race.

    These subtle and covert white supremacists have been convinced that the world has become far too diverse and they have been made to believe that a global economy is a proposition in which they are losing so they dream of taking the world backward to an imaginary time when whites supposedly had all of the social, economic and industrial advantages as opposed to forward to a time when everyone on earth is able to put all of our heads together to solve the world's greatest challenges!

    And they secretly dream and covertly scheme to bring all of the white races global military, industrial and economic resources together to make one grand push to accomplish white global conquest before other races are able to achieve the same levels of military, industrial and economic capabilities. Hence, the sudden obsession with having major political and economic ties to Russia who adopted these global white supremacist ideals from Nazi Germany when Russia successfully invaded and conquered Nazi Germany and captured, meticulously analyzed and inevitably adopted Nazi Germany's ideals as its own.

    White Supremacist ideologies are invariably hollow and likewise invariably sell to woefully inconsiderate and unthinking people.

    The ideology that is often referred to as "White Genocide," which would far more accurately be described as "White Self-genocide" is an excellent example of this.

    The halfbaked, completely nitwit ideology of White Genocide asserts the idea that, the white race has a zero birthrate which mathematically projects the white birthrate to be so low that the white race is mathematically theorized to eventually cease to exist and it is further theorized that everytime that, invariably, a white woman has a child with a non-white, idyllically a black man, then she is theoretically committing genocide against the white race because she has become a participant in a totally non-existent Negro Plot to completely eliminate the white race.

    Now of course, being astoundingly hideous and totally inconceivable inconsiderate none of these White Genocide Propagandists have even remotely considered the fact that white women in particular and white people in general by far spend exponentially more money on birth control, medical self-sterilization (in the form of tube ties and hysterectomies) and by far spend more money globally on adopting, all too often kidnapped and / human trafficked, non-white children as opposed to birthing their own white children and exponentially more money on idiotic ideas like Other-hood (as opposed to motherhood) parenting like becoming cat and dog moms and dads instead of birthing and raising white children of their own, than non-white people ever thought of…

    These modern self-sterilization and alternative parenting and family trends are in fact by far do exponentially more to lower the white birthrate than white women having children, whom could easily become white again in a second generation, with men of other races, not to mention legions of white women absolutely refusing to have white children at all, which is something that white people are wholly and solely doing to themselves as a race.

    Let us remember that, even though Hitler was able to convince several generations of so-called Aryans to proudly die completely needlessly as Nazis, even Hitler himself and the entire Nazi Propaganda Machine was not able to successfully convince white people to breed and birth the military fodder that was projected to have been needed to fight an infinite war for global conquest… Simply because, mass-human reproduction is just not a white thing, not even a totally government assisted and financed white supremacist thing.

    This is in fact what Trump and his influencer and covert financier underworld Russia has over President Trump and his GOP Cultists!

  16. All this ridicule and deeply politicized the US President´s impeacment process political circus in the US Congress because Ukraine? Who actually cares what President Trump has possibly said or not said to the Ukrainian President, who was before by the way a TV comedian actor? President Trump believed too on last summer that the USA could buy Greenland from Denmark and nobody at the White House dared to tell him that it´s totally unrealistic and impossible and Denmark will never sell, what of cource did hurt President Trump´s sensitive "snowflake" feelings and he cancelled immediately his planned Presidential state visit to Denmark, when Danish people commonly thought that he is mad and the Prime Minister of Denmark called his idea "absurd" making clear that Greenland isn´t for sale. Besides Joe Biden´s son had profitable businessses in Ukraine when his father was the USA´s Vice President using the US Government´s political influence and financial support in Ukraine, not one of the President Trump´s three sons when their father has been the President of the USA. For example Barron is only a teenager without serious Ukraine obsessions.


  18. ABC= All Bull Crap. Bolton has a new book coming out right before the 2020 election. He is a war monger, a NeoCon hack who is mad at Trump because the duly elected POTUS doesn't want to involve the USA in never ending wars! This illegal coup WILL be put down! Trump WILL be reelected in 2020! And, by the way, George Steponallofus is NOT a journalist. He is Bubba Bill's lying, corrupt ex-bunk buddy, and also a massive A-hole. Hard to believe how so much evil can fit inside his teeny, tiny body.

  19. ABC protecting pedophiles. I wonder how many children were victimized while they held their standards. Standards they have not applied to Covington, Trump, and Cavanaugh.

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