Joe Biden under scrutiny for war story told on campaign trail l ABC News

Joe Biden under scrutiny for war story told on campaign trail l ABC News

The Washington Post found he conflated several events when telling a popular tale about how he traveled to Afghanistan to pin a Silver Star on a young Navy captain. READ MORE:

#ABCNews #News #Biden #Politics #2020Candidates


50 thoughts on “Joe Biden under scrutiny for war story told on campaign trail l ABC News

  1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  2. 😂

  3. Can anyone here explain to me why anyone votes for Dems or Progressives at all? C’mon, man!! Look at their legacy. Take a look/see of pay2play, decades of lies, corruption, endless regime change proxy wars, horrible results & bad leadership. Just look at their districts, cities, States, voting records, histories, net worth including Bernie Sanders, homeless & opioid plagues. Stop calling Trump a bad person & being, Liberals & Jimmy. Trump & Republicans have out left the Left. You have zero room to virtual signal for Dems or Progressives as you practice such intolerance by calling names, insults, bullying, intimidation, censor opposing views, assault, resist, show bad sportsmanship, divide our Country, promote & back racism, victimhood, systematic racism lies, white guilt, reverse discrimination, gun & ammo restriction, control & bans, Marxism, Fascism, civil & racial unrest, bigotry, violence, defunding police, ICE & Border patrol, cop assaults, looting, arson, criminals, cop & innocent American killers & back insurrectionists, admitted Marxists without aid to struggling Americans or defense our all Americans-especially those you disagree with politically. Those are all Rukes for Radical Sail Alinksky 101, Brownshirt, SS, CCP tactics. Fascists & bigots calling other Americans bigots & fascists. If you made columns on each parties platforms…the Democratic & Progressive agendas match Nazism. Facts, not opinions.

  4. In the space of three minutes, Biden got the time period, the location, the heroic act, the type of medal, the military branch and the rank of the recipient wrong, as well as his own role in the ceremony.

  5. Hillary lies about landing under sniper fire, ABC News: “She’s so heroic, an example for all”.
    Biden lies about civil rights, going to jail, fake war story, ABC News: “It was just a minor flub, little gaffe” lmao FakeNews.

  6. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  7. Hahahaha they made fun of Biden for messing up rank, but then they say “specialist” when the guy Obama pinned was obviously a sergeant

  8. 0:40 “my word as a Biden”

  9. His latest is completely fabricating about a story about being arrested in South Africa in the 70s, supposedly while attempting to visit Nelson Mandela in prison. Total B.S. Biden plays fast and loose with the truth, just like Trump.

  10. When the progressive left start telling stories.. you know they're lying through their teeth to steer and 'capture the crowd' and to manipulate their feelings and emotions

  11. Trump literally doesn’t even need to campaign with these candidates….

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