Joe Biden riding high going into primaries in 6 states

Joe Biden riding high going into primaries in 6 states

Bernie Sanders is looking to Michigan, with its 125 delegates, to turn the tide as he did against Hillary Clinton in 2016.


41 thoughts on “Joe Biden riding high going into primaries in 6 states

  1. The people pushing Joe Biden aren’t even considering his mental health. The poor mans brain is frizzled

  2. Biden should introduce President Obama as a superminister in his government. A super minister is a government minister who has authority over other ministers or departments.

  3. Biden Tells NRA: ‘If Elected, I’m Coming for You’ (Bloomberg) =

    WTF… Half of the US Population has been KILLED? Biden is an IDIOT! When You Lose this RIGHT… The Rest will Follow!

    Cars KILL more people than guns… let’s hold Ford and GM Accountable! 36K Deaths every year!

    These fatalities do not include those also attributable to transportation-linked pollution nor to energy production for the use of the transportation. They are also only human fatalities, while animals are also significantly affected, with tens of millions of deaths. Another factor not included in this tally is that attributable to traffic noise, which could be millions as a contributory factor and is likely to be tens of thousands as a direct consequence.

    FACT CHECK: Joe Biden Claims He’s Not for Gun Confiscation calls Auto worker full of Sh!* (Colion) –

  4. Bernie needs to drop out, The DNC and the media have ensured Biden will win, so Bernie needs to make sure he is not a scape goat for when Biden loses to Trump.

  5. Every time he comes out "I did NOT say that! I did not say that!"
    I just wish somebody reply the same reply as Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction : "Yes, u deeed! Yes u deeed!"

  6. 💎💎 how is this possible

  7. Dementia hit him hard🇩🇪

  8. I believe that this comment section is being overrun with bots to cause division and violence between Americans. Don't fall for the trap of having someone unknown decide for you who you choose or not choose. We are in dangerous times and our way of life as we know it is being destroyed daily. Search your own heart and decide for yourself because these bots are counting on whoever reads and believe these comments to be too dumb to see the trap …but I don't. Enjoy your day and your family.

  9. “STOP pause, he can’t be president”

  10. I assume abc viewers are majority left leaning, at least a little more than not, but most comments are dead against joe I read all comments as of now and none supports, joe Biden, now if dems number 1 issue is beating trump my question is how does this guy beat Trump? I think trump would beat this guy even in the middle of a recession.

  11. Don't worry. Bernie won. He always wins. You know, it may not be a primary that he wins, but he wins. He's probably off winning something right now. Don't be sad. Cheer up. Bernie is a winner, ok?

  12. Ahole Broadcasting Company projects the Communist candidate loses Michigan and falls further behind. Meanwhile, the Strawman with Dementia candidate continues to stagger ahead.

  13. The Yang gang aren’t going to follow, unless (maybe) Andrew Yang pays them to give up their principles, like he sold his.

  14. Fuk Yang that weak aze douce bag. He is only hoping to get VP nomination. Then Yang every night before bed prays to the Gods to give Biden a Stroke. Guess we would be left with Yang a total retard mouth breather. That guy is a male AOC .

  15. FMY (Four More Year)🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  16. You guys seriously need to get rid of the George Stephanopoulos commercial at the end with the annoying ass jingle that I always try to avoid when I finish watching one of your videos.

  17. Joe Biden is not a game-changer and this is sad. Whether Donald Trump wins or loses the Republican Party will not be exposed for the damage they did to the flag for the last four years. The Statue of Liberty is down the toilet, inalienable rights is out the window, religion is taking pity out of the soul, and of course, money still talks and everything else walks. If you are depressed now get used to it, I don't think Joe Biden can make it go away.

  18. That last comment 😂
    Actually this campaign is just like 2016 and democrats will lose with confidence in November this time, by majority.

  19. Biden will be Trumps’s bitch lol… enjoy your bullshit undeserved win old dumbshit Joe

  20. “We’re gonna take your AR-14s… or whatever” 😂😂

  21. Hillary is the worst candidate to go against trump.

    Biden: hold my beer. or was it a soda 🤔

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