Joe Biden hits campaign trail with Pennsylvania rally

Joe Biden hits campaign trail with Pennsylvania rally

The former vice president will hold his first official campaign rally talking to union workers in Pittsburgh, where he will outline a pitch to win back working class voters.

Biden takes the Democrats’ early lead, with signs of a generational showdown

#ABCNews #politics #2020election #Biden


21 thoughts on “Joe Biden hits campaign trail with Pennsylvania rally

  1. If Americans replace Trump with Biden they are all batshit crazy it’s like trading in a gold bar for a quarter…

  2. Democrats excited about the great leader Joe Biden because his eye hasn’t exploded in last three weeks 😂

  3. THIS comment section 😆👍🏻

  4. Good luck in PA sleep Joe. You’re not getting my vote

  5. yea yea. love Joe biden. b a great great president. yea yea ( DOLPHIN GIRL)🐬.

  6. Show the crowd at Biden’s Pennsylvania rally. They won’t do that will they. Nooooo.

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