Joe Biden hints at presidential run, telling fans, ‘Careful what you wish for’

Joe Biden hints at presidential run, telling fans, ‘Careful what you wish for’

The former vice president said he was close to making a decision but wanted to make sure his family was on board – they are.




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41 thoughts on “Joe Biden hints at presidential run, telling fans, ‘Careful what you wish for’

  1. And… look at him now… Destiny was destined 🙌🏼

  2. Let The People Choose a Spokes Person (president)- give all candidates $20, one 30 second commercial, 3 debates and may the best candidate win.
    When Pharaohs died, they left their wealth to the priests- then the priests became "rulers"- and that's the problem. All these assholes suck. The PEOPLE haven't elected a REPRESENTATIVE since Big Money became part of the process. We are just livestock to them and unless it changes, we should BOYCOTT VOTING and participating/supporting government interaction of ANY kind, while also remaining lawful- or at least refrain from violence except in situations of hand-to-hand self defense. Let The World be witness to a truly better future or the treachery they prefer to align themselves with.

  3. what and why is he running for?

    is he running back to another married woman's back while standing in front of their husbands

    or is he running back to buying cookies from girl scouts

  4. That awkward moment when you realize this girl fondler is your party's more sane and more likely to win candidate…

    Trump's going to win reelection, Democrats are going to be fighting each other.

  5. Joe, Do you even know what the working class is going through now countrywide? YOU as a PROP of the Oil company, Wall Street etc, what can you even bring to the table? YOU are JUST for the establishment Democrats and even for Republicans. Stop using voters for your own interests.

  6. Is creepy Man oh lord America people they’re not interesting Obama 👎👎👎👎👎🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

  7. 🤪👶👶👶 creepy Biden keep of your hands of little girls

  8. Creepy j Biden keep his hands of little girls 👶👶👶👶

  9. Oh lord The creepy again👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎 00 chance

  10. Creepy three times already no chance zeroooooo 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎

  11. Creepy creepy creepy Biden 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎No chance 000

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