Jobless rate surges Great Depression levels | WNT

Jobless rate surges Great Depression levels | WNT

In the last month, 20.5 million Americans have lost their jobs, and millions are on the brink of financial ruin as they fight to get unemployment benefits.




#WorldNewsTonight #UnemploymentRates #COVID19


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44 thoughts on “Jobless rate surges Great Depression levels | WNT

  1. THIS is why so many people want to end the shutdown, get people back at work and the economy going! People are losing EVERYTHING. You can’t just tell people to stay home for very long at all. This shutdown is going to ruin our country. It was smart at first but look at what is happening….

  2. Thuis is just fake news!!!! To cause more panic and push the doomsday narrative. You cant compare this "pandemic" to the great depression. To do so is completely ignorant. Its 2 totally different things entirely. During the great depression we didnt put jobs "on hold". The jobs just weren't there because of economic malpractice during the great depression. If you cant see the difference between the 2 with your own eyes then I feel extremely sorry for you.

  3. I dont get layoff to so i file unemployment so then i get 2k evey 2 weeks more than that i get on my normal why they cant too😢 really dont get it..

  4. The lines are like that because also people that doesnt need the food go to get it. I have seen people throwing food in the garbage from the food shelves cuz they don't like it or go bad cuz they don't eat it. People that don't need that help

  5. Gloom and Doom NBC, funny next video I could have selected down was also NBC, it's title life retuning to something like normal in Italy, wonder why they always speak more negative when it comes to their own country?

  6. Thanks to the deep state and the globalist liars PLUS China, with a lot of help from the fake news.
    Thank for helping to destroy our nation ABC. We know this was planned. By the way, anyone reading this. Look up the changes Obama made to the "Smith Mundt Act." He changed it in 2012 so that the mainstream media could use propaganda on you and manipulate you to pieces. LOOK IT UP. Fact.

  7. The 🌎 world sleeps while the Antichrist prepares daily. They are creating chaos so you will crave Order and they will introduce " Mr. Fix it" the Antichrist. The world 🌎 will be hungry for peace and economic stability and he will be their knight in shining armor. Don't fall for it! He will even be able to do signs and wonders but he is not Jesus. Yes Jesus is coming and soon……at the Rapture where millions around the globe will disappear. We go to meet Him in the air. If you are sadly left behind because you didn't accept Jesus while there was still time, you will endure the 7 year Tribulation..the WORST TIME THE EARTH HAS KNOWN! Then at the end of the 7 years Jesus will come back and this time His feet will touch the 🌏 earth bringing back those who were raptured with Him 7 years earlier. Don't BE LEFT BEHIND! All this is in the Bible. Research yourself and you tube or google the Rapture. They are going to lie and tell you we were abducted by aliens or some other made up story to calm the masses but it won't be true!

  8. A couple of days ago the malls in atlanta opened up and a crown of people went to pick up the new air jordans with no mask or any face covering. Their priorities are better than my priorities I guess.

  9. “My heart goes out to all you guys”…..are a lot of comments I’m seeing from people. When just the other week all I saw was a majority of commenters shouting down people online who agreed with protestors, were asking for states to reopen, and people suggesting that a pandemic can be dealt with without locking everyone in their homes. I watched people say to others that it’s easy just staying at home and that everyone should stay quarantined for MONTHS if everyone has to. “It’s the right thing to do”.

    Sorry but there ARE and WERE better ways to deal with this situation and a pandemic without having to force all non essential businesses to shutdown under penalty of law for months at a time. We all allowed the government to do this to these people, forcing millions into bankruptcy and poverty.

    It was nice to watch people condescend to others online while they apparently could afford to sit on their asses at home for months at a time while 3 out of 4 people in my household, including me, lost our jobs. The 4th person is an elderly person who can’t work.

    Edit; the city I live in also dealt with widespread economic issues in the main part of the city except for the counties occupied by upper middle class families. In addition, I’ve seen a large portion of small businesses in the main part of the city have to shut down, permanently boarded up. Walmart and McDonald’s are some of the few places still standing hahahahaha. Thank the lord 😒

    Thank you

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