Jerry Falwell Jr. resigns from Liberty University after alleged sex scandal l GMA – Car Mod Pros Portal

A 29-year-old former pool attendant Giancarlo Granda shared explosive news about Jerry Falwell Jr. and his wife Becki and claims his relationship with the couple lasted several years.

#ABCNews #LibertyUniversity #JerryFalwellJr #BeckiFalwell


By carmodpros


47 thoughts on “Jerry Falwell Jr. resigns from Liberty University after alleged sex scandal l GMA”
  1. Beloved, I don't know you
    in person but God knows
    you. God minister to me a
    revelation when I was on
    your profile to see things
    around you,I saw
    blessings but spiritual
    attacks holding on to
    them,in prayers,i saw a
    woman in the realm of
    the spirit monitoring and
    plotting delay be in your
    life, with an evil mirror,
    and a motive to destroy.
    But as I speak to you now
    her time is up, Render
    hand of favour with
    Anything you can afford
    to these motherless
    foundation (FAVOUR
    FOUNDATION) in kebbi
    state nigeria before
    2DAYS with faith, as I
    Rise my hands towards
    heaven and pray for you
    they shall serve as point
    of contact where ever you
    are, you will receive
    double portion of grace to
    excel and total
    restoration of
    breakthrough in your life
    and in the life of your
    family. Deliver them to the
    MD in charge of the
    orphanage to get their
    details on (WhatsApp or
    call them now on
    +2348110732897) tell him I
    sent you. For it is not by
    might nor by in power but
    of the spirit saith the lord
    (zechariah 4:6). You shall
    testify to the Glory of God
    in your life. God bless you

  2. This is the dangers of these religious cults they scam people out of money then give it to the pool boy for sex,,,,,,, religion

  3. John 3:16 For God so loved the world…

    For God so loved just the USA over all other countries and Trump is a Christian?

    Pentagon diverts Covid mask money to manufacture more weapons.

    Trump kills more Americans than Russia and ISIS. Is that your God?

  4. The CHURCH, loves children, at least they LUST after children. Do you want to sacrifice your children to the church????

  5. ▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬
    âš¡ SEXY HOT âš¡ 0nL1ne HD
    ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜ ɴᴏᴡ ▶

    උඩු රැවුල ඔහු තම කෙස් කපා නමුත් සමග

  6. The devil is the father of lies and the author of confusion. Hey I memorized verses too! 😄 🤣

  7. One more millionaire phony holding up a Bible. He and Trump are buddies. Why stunning? Its all the same crap. If you want the religion game it will be comin around again 😄 🤣 😂 😆

  8. LOL yep the people who were used to pay for their dirty sex and high living , while the poor people are mind controlled to obey the lies of their leaders , follow the money , honey.

  9. What's next? An Evangelical Christian Hippie Commune in Palm Beach? Lust, orgies, child sacrifices, hearts ripped out on alters, sacrifices to volcanoes! Evangelicals go in and come out Druids! These trumpsters got it all it sounds like! At least Tammy Faye Bakker was fun!

  10. I am Christian Conservative ✝️ and I have been disappointed in the leadership. First with Franklin Graham who commented about God not being present at the DNC. I have no respect for him anymore. Jerry Falwell who acts as moral poster boy 👦 is nothing but a freak show who enjoys watching his wife being banged. Lord have mercy! I am voting Biden/Harris this year and l urge my fellow Conservative Christian brothers and sisters to do the same.

  11. You won't belieave it Christian Evangelican gave Jerry Falwell 10.5 Million dollars and they said to him see you the dark side of the moon……!!!

  12. Sadly, I never watched a buff Pool boy plow my wife while I got to rub one out. I had no idea everyone at my church was doing this. Damn Becki is hot. Cougar is always on the menu at the Falwell ranch!

  13. Satin shows his face in unexpected places…
    Links to trump?…. don't matter if their republican, democrats,independent, communist, socialist, ect…. their all crooks in one way or another, its a prerequisite to becoming a politician in the first place…
    Just like politicians in power,religious people are following the same patterns &agendas…. gain what you can&get away with whatever you can cover up or blame on others

  14. The white Evangelical Southern Baptist Church, is the white man's made up fake religion who pray to many god's; who support a racist president, alt-right, Klan, corrupt government police shootings…this is what the white man's government practices behind closed doors but you break the laws they wrote, you then go into a system of slavery…this is what makes America great in their eyes.

  15. I don't care about the sexual acts between Jerry, his wife and John. I won't kink shame them. What I am furious about is his & the wife's hypocritical life. In the Bible that Liberty teaches: It states that the leaders who sin are held in a higher accountability. Grace does NOT wipe out this accountability. It isn't let's all hold hands and sing, "Jesus loves me." There is accountability for these sins of hypocritical acts as a teacher, a leader in the body of Christ. Your Bible Liberty. Learn to f'ng read your own Bible Liberty.

  16. Hey Falwell “ judge not or thou shalt be judged, for as thou judges others thou shalt also be judged, and as thou measure others, thou shalt be measured” Jesus Chirist

  17. What is it about pool boys getting snatched up by yummy wholesome cougar women? I think I need a career change once this stupid plague ends. 🤣 😺.

  18. Another gay basher comes out the closet. Why isn't the news media reporting Falwell, Jr. ALSO gave his boy friend personal trainer 5 million bucks?

  19. So many flagrant biblical violations of behavior and character it's a crying shame. I hope the University can recover from this moral tragedy of leadership. '…Those who want to be rich, however, fall into temptation and become ensnared by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. By craving it, some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. I Timothy 6:9-10.

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