Jehovah’s Witnesses’ house of worship a target of arson

Jehovah’s Witnesses’ house of worship a target of arson

Authorities are investigating half a dozen incidents where the religious group has been targeted in Washington State; officials are calling these attacks hate crimes.


38 thoughts on “Jehovah’s Witnesses’ house of worship a target of arson

  1. “People will deliver you up to tribulation and will kill you, and you will be objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name.”​—MATTHEW 24:9.

  2. 🔥🔥 All commentors against JWs in this video are LIARS!!!! See why:

    Ex-JW "Candace Conti" molested accusation was an arranged set up against JWs org.

    Anti-JWs Orgs. are behind the false allegations that JWs protect pedophiles!

    The "Royal Australian Commission" on JWs was a prejudicial joke!

    JWs Child Molestation and the "2 Witness Rule".

    USA Today Contradicted Article on JWs and Sexual Abuse.

  3. I used to be a true believer in the classic christian church. Then I learned about their child molestation financial game. I am now a devout believer in classic karma. I'm literally in love with my own anger.

  4. You don't bring hope you bring a message of hatred. It was probably a disfellowship person done wrong. Disfellowship arrangement is pagan tradition. You reap what you so. I'm just glad no one got hurt.

  5. 😂😂😂

  6. You may ask why people want to target JW organization?
    I think there must something that JW organization had done that made the people angry and hatred.
    Honestly, people for no reason will do just a terrible things.
    Good things that I am saved because I am out from their false teachings or join this religion.

  7. Uma Testemunha de Jeová do Brasil. Saudações

  8. 😭😭😭😭

  9. Wake the hell up witnesses if the gov body says they are not inspired of god and make mistakes by whose authority do they have to make up their own rules and and institute them as if they were the word of god jesus said no one knows the day or hour when he will return but jw gov body makes predictions making jesus out to be a liar and they call former witnesses wicked WOW!!

  10. They are told to not feel pity or sorrow in their hearts when Jehovah their God kills worldly people in Armageddon, those people are: babies, children, elderly and all people whom rejected the teachings. So do I feel sorry for a building that had insurance and most likely the GB will benefit more now that is destroyed. NO. Do they feel sorry when someone commits suicide because his JW family shunned him/her following The cults directions? NOPE. And they have the audacity of talking about hate. The nerve.

  11. This is great news! 🔥🔥🔥😎

  12. 😭😭😭

  13. Rules regarding blood transfusions reason is because blood is sacred to God and if you take it into your body, it is like eating it. 2. How many people contracted disease over the years from blood transfusions. Hmm?

  14. This is sad Jehovah's witnesses are not a hate group, as God said we must not hate eachother and God said in the last days there will be hate sickness war and earthquake and when all those things are over Jehovah our heavenly father will guide us to the paradise

  15. Jehovah's witnesses are not evil people!!! Instead of hating them, try to understand them like you would other religions. Yes their are bad witnesses, just like their are bad prodastint, babtist, Catholics, musilims and the list goes on and on. But remember what Jesus said if there be anyone free of sin, let them cast the first stone. No one is free of sin, no one!!!

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