Jeffrey Epstein’s death behind bars raises questions about investigation, NYC jail | Nightline – Car Mod Pros Portal

The accused sex trafficker was found dead of an apparent suicide on Saturday. Attorney General Barr said Epstein’s case would continue and that he was “angered” by the jail’s “failure” to secure him.

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By carmodpros


39 thoughts on “Jeffrey Epstein’s death behind bars raises questions about investigation, NYC jail | Nightline”
  1. I don’t believe he died.
    I believe his death was staged, and he himself escorted out of prison.

    The whole suicide story makes no sense to me, considering the fact that he was supposedly on suicide watch, with nothing to hang himself with.

    The whole thing was too quick, too simplistic, and just too easy to be true.

  2. The FBI failed to investigate this case when it was brought to their attention years and years ago. Why are they trusted to investigate this case now?????? LIKE LET ME INVESTIGATE I'D DO A BETTER JOB

  3. WOW I just watched the FS documentary and to me he was murder. He knew to much and had video of others people who took part on the sex trafficking. To me that sounds like a set up, they kill him. W Barr/Acosta knows more then that, follow the money. Theirs politician, business people, powerful people, the guards and the WH people (DDT) are involved in it. I can't wait to hear more, the Truth will come out sooner or late

  4. They really thought a guy convicted of rape and sex trafficking of young girls would still be alive in jail? 😂😂 It’s a well known fact that those convicted of these crimes don’t survive in jail. I don’t wish death upon anyone but honestly, Good Riddance! Now I’m waiting for his co-conspirators to go to jail and end up the same.

  5. It’s shameful that the president is retweeting conspiracy theories about the Clintons!!

    Because Clinton’s a Democrat and Democrats are supposed to be the good guys.

  6. He was murdered by the U.S. and U.K. governments so he couldn’t accuse Prince Andrew of being a child molester in court.

    I will probably get killed for posting this now!

  7. Murder or Suicide, conspiracies aside, I just have a feeling LOTS of rich people involved in this will never be held accountable.

  8. LOL – Conspiracy theory. A Theory not yet supported by evidence. Also often called Science.
    Remember the Conspiracy theory the FBI was spying on Trump? well damn, new evidence proves they were and Obama even knew. Sometimes Conspiracy theories are just facts slow to be proven by evidence.

  9. This case in few month ll be forgotten….Case CLOSED (another one on the long list of manipulation lies and crimes of USA government)

  10. I hope people NOW understand why growing up a girl in this world is a REAL source of trauma.
    Personally, I've never met a young woman who doesn't have a story of encountering some pedophile/pimp on her way to secondary school/dance class/supermarket/cinema/part-time work.
    Yet, there are some deranged and selfish people out there launching a war on women who stand for themselves with their Red Pill BS narrative (looking at you, Mr Jordan Peterson!). May they all rot in desperation and hell for the rest of their lives.

  11. Just bc you know someone who does bad shit and say you have somethings in common doesn’t mean shit. I’m sure Manson and I have things in common and his bad things don’t mean it has anything to do with me, so just bc trump known him and said good things don’t mean shit.

  12. I think he's got a list of the elite and maybe a close friend of his.
    So they would be worried about killing him.
    It's his get out of jail card literally.
    Cameras not working.
    Get him.out alive and plastic surgery and a new name and life.
    Money talks and deals can be made.
    Let them release a dead man's photo like Bundy.
    Them again anything possible even a dead look alike.

  13. Very alarming that such courtesy is shown to elite level pedophiles but not anyone else, even rich like Harvey Weinstein, even Obama condemned him, publicly, and he's already been found guilty by the media and has completely obliterated his chance of a fair trial.

    There is major suspicion around this. You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to perceive potential foul play. circumstantially, there are many inconsistencies when probing this purely on intelligence. Epstein was quite obviously narcissistic on the extreme end, every human displays narcissism, such a personality trait with huge power and wealth would have nurtured and matured his psyche in such a way he wouldn't for a second doubt he was anything less than superior, maybe even a god complex. This persona is very unlikely to commit suicide. Narcissism usually teams up with psychosis when they are on the more extreme levels, this wasn't the case with Epstein, he displayed many behaviors that would suggest he was psychotic, but he certainly wasn't. He likely feared death more than the average person, he was very intelligent also and would have feared a botched suicide attempt, leaving him in a hellish vegetative state, he undoubtedly had safety measures for himself such as a 'kill switch' something stored possibly damaging, incriminating and/or humiliating evidence against one or many high profile, very powerful person(s). This would have been his protection for some time then probably effectively became his death warrant. Strangely not too long ago, certain national intelligence agencies were greater capacity in online censorship and such, almost immediately Julian Assange was arrested from the Ecuadorian embassy, where he was holed up for the best part of a decade, I personally suspect that now Agencies can contain and prevent the release and spreading of damaging information online. But that being said, Epstein could have been tortured or drugged into handing over access to his safety line of damaging information. Taking this into account, and knowing that, had he wanted to, he could have had a pain free drug smuggled in to kill himself, a suicide and the following events are completely out of line with his most basic persona, all weigh in that this was an assassination. There are other physical evidence to support my theory.

  14. The ppl who put a thumbs Down 👇 🤬 mf 🔥 these peado get away with any fucking thing they want… Why money 💷

  15. Hey ABC. Maybe you could have saved a lot more of his victims if you, well you know what you didn't report. FAKE F#!king NEWS!

  16. In Shock they are allowing comments on this video! ABCNEWS made sure to release the staff whistleblower's name who leaked the video of Amy Robach complaining of ABCNEWS protecting Epstein and refusing to run Epstien victim videos due to journalistic standards(Every accusation against a republican they air that same week) to CBS so that CBS WOULD FIRE THEM AS THEY DID! Then they have the audacity to try to shame Don Jr for "outing" Trump's Ukraine call whistleblower who is still employed when his name was already outed 5 days earlier on Breitbart and The Drudge Report!! So to be clear the employee who works for CBS News who released the Robach hot mic video was fired by CBS after ABCNews notified them of who it was!!! Talk about collusion and protecting the Clintons and whoever else Epstein never had to testify about! The man was so murdered, are the FBI investigating Epstiens death or did Wray tell them all to leave it alone?!??

  17. I am sorry for the victims, but anyone who thought that Epstein would face real justice, is a bit of a fool. Epstein had enormous wealth and power, and the clients that he served were all powerful people with huge wealth at their disposal. there is no way that any of his clients would want Epstein talking or supplying any evidence or names to save himself. the entire case will be dismissed and the story will be swept under the carpet.

  18. Just revealed today November 5th that ABC has had the smoking gun on Epstein for over 3 years but buried the story… Multiple witnesses interviewed & corroborated, Maxwell named, all the big fish including Clinton Prince Andrew named, yet still they buried it.

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