On Instagram, Bezos announced that he’s flying to space next month in a rocket made by his company, Blue Origin. He asked his brother Mark Bezos to fly with him.




#WorldNewsTonight #JeffBezos #BlueOrigin


By carmodpros


50 thoughts on “Jeff Bezos announces space flight with his brother | WNT”
  1. Just watched it. To bad it was not live coverage from a REAL journalist. Instead from a so called Football player … what's his name 🤔 Oh, Strahan I think..🤔

  2. And just think how these elite politicians in crooked politicians and elite cronies have taken minor children to Islands and sexually abused them and what they're going to have now.

    They'll be able to take these children up into space where there is absolutely no laws whatsoever protecting them and they'll be able to molest all the kids they want.

    But you better bet that those kids won't be coming back as they'll be sent out the garbage hatch into space where a body can't be found or anything.

  3. Tesla was up on stock market last time but lithium price not down after doubled 2021.
    New events to wait for Q2 quarter results and SpaceX Starship first orbit flight test.

    Mass energy storage traditional with water pumped up for that new combination of huge steel tower with tank, restaurant, sightseeing, antennas, bungee jump, free fall etc. and on top turnable wind power.

    @Franz Rüther No, can you read English text at all? It wasn't about coal. Production is increasing worldwide but also recently in the USA and China again reached the top of 2013 in 2018, plus increased Australia, India, Russia etc. but also LNG from Russia, Gazprom, Yamal, Vladivostock etc. for which Nordstream II is hardly significant cheaper via LNG all over the world also at 36 LNG terminals in Europe etc.
    Qatar and Iran together have the most natural gas and Iran probably also sold oil via Iraq because even during war there was no waste and both sides the Shiites.

    Most of the CO2 has been reduced by photosynthesis and lime formation at 550Gt natural turnover / year by electromobility zero reduction because there is no green surplus electricity for it still there as in 2013 Norway hydropower 117.5%.
    Replacing domestic lignite by importing non-own fracking gas does not mean reducing CO2 and switching off nuclear power
    elevated. Centrifugal filter chimneys still good until coal if completely switched off until now Germany still No. 1 for lignite except for gas imports and No. 6 for hard coal imports to No. 6 oil imports only 4% solar and wind power 2017 ≈ 20% electricity.

    Lesch was last like all media with UFOs so UFO defense against CO2 tax planned?

    @Franz Rüther Nein, kannst du englischen Text überhaupt lesen ? Um Kohle ging es hier nicht. Förderung wird aber weltweit erhöht auch zuletzt noch in USA und China erreichte 2018 wieder Top von 2013 dazu erhöht Australien, Indien, Russland usw. am meisten aber LNG auch von Russland, Gazprom, Yamal, Vladivostock usw. für die ist Nordstream II auch kaum bedeutend über LNG durchaus billiger in ganze Welt auch an 36 LNG Terminals in Europa usw.
    wobei Katar und Iran zusammen am meisten Erdgas haben und Iran wohl auch Erdöl über Irak verkaufte da auch bei Krieg kein Abfall und beide Seiten die Schiiten.

    Am meisten CO2 reduziert hat wohl die Natur über Photosynthese und Kalk Bildung bei 550Gt Naturumsatz/Jahr über Elektromobilität null Reduktion da kein grüner Überschußstrom dafür noch da wie noch 2013 Norwegen Wasserkraft 117,5%.
    Auch Ersatz heimischer Braunkohle mit Import nicht eigenem Frackinggas ist keine CO2 Reduktion und Atomkraftabschaltung
    erhöht. Zentrifugalfilterkamine noch gut bis Kohle wen überhaupt ganz abgeschaltet bis jetzt BRD noch Nr. 1 bei Braunkohle ausser bei Gasimport und Nr. 6 bei Steinkohleimport zu Nr. 6 Erdölimport nur 4% Solar und Windkraft 2017 ≈ 20% Strom.

    Lesch war zuletzt wie alle Medien bei UFOs also UFO Abwehr zu CO2 Steuer geplant ?

  4. Revolution in space travel with a new endless drive without loss of mass with 1g at start slowly floating up in space under 1 year near c the speed of light with a ring accelerator for Hg Mercury like a small LHC so shot into a tube with water on the ring propels in the direction of fire when linear braking then with Hg back and do the same again in the opposite direction against turning it up
    in the case of energy from HTR or cold fusion through Hg H → H impact fusion in water from the tube to whom shot fast enough as with the USA neutron generator with proton spallation to Hg-197 every 64h 50% epsilon decay gold.

    In addition, new CO2 turbines with FK compressor, return cooling of everything, thermally insulates all power plants with efficiency ≈ 100%.

    Sea Dragon – rocket from sea

    4 million pound cargo rocket

    Mars lander

    Landing on Mars

    Zero carbon cycle double dense same tank size 700+ bar CNG out of electrolysis H2 + air CO2.
    CO2 easy & cheap out of air in gas centrifuge because more heavy than N2, O2 and argon for
    Sabatier process or used as fertilizer inside green house.

    A380 size airplane with 4 wings at front higher over plane body with 2 from 4 engines and high pressure CNG inside in middle of body most secure with more energy / kg than kerosene and tank O2 start booster.
    CNG also for trains and ships.

    Supported from Greta Thunberg also how to make zero carbon energy with cold fusion shooting Hg into water for Hg H → H punch fusion and zero risk cheap RBN Th pebble bed HTR with cubic boron nitride isotopes B-11 & N-15 + ThO2 baked inside Etc.

    kayuweboehm @ yahoo de

    Without green energy surplus like in norway no CO2 reduction driving electric and plugin hybrid saves lithium (price doubled 2021).

    Extended with TiC or TiB2 shell outside with vacuum chambers isolation to Ti alloy shell inside for hypersonic & space flights.

  5. Anyway not enough beryllium there for FLiBe salt thorium reactor but enough lithium-7 for liquid metal thorium reactor like Na Brüter where Li-7 cools better and like beryllium does not even moderate itself becoming radioactive to 180 ° C preheated to about 500 ° C boiling point only at 1340 ° C the reactor already captures a lot of neutrons and boiling bubbles are kept in addition, so it never goes through
    etc. Without residual risk and inexpensive with 30 year pebble life time RBN Th HTR with cubic boron nitride isotopes B-11 & N-15 + UO2 or ThO2 with hot hard diamond baked in BN, non-flammable, insoluble, chem. stable with about half the absorption of C-12 neutrons left for cracking & brooding

    @Electric Santa

    Gamma ray control


    Gamma radiation cannot be combated, but you can keep a distance that is squared like the increase in surface area of ​​a sphere (not with X-rays) or behind the house or with a dosimeter, one-time exposure limit of 250 mSv, like Fukushima employees. Protective shield against nuclear attack is not possible if you have been pre-mined with nuclear weapons, etc., not even with a new Orbit metal beam ring accelerator cannon. Gamma radiation also from isotope contamination as with Co-60 sterilizer made extra in reactor control rods.

    Against isotope contamination protection or painters suit and SR 510 P3 R filter with mask from Hornbach also against viruses.

    Who reactors are flying in the air because of the daily news commentary censorship women are forced to pay for it via GEZ.

    @Ingmar Half elementary charges and exactly 3 or 4 quarks etc. have already been proven? Which predictions from quark theory confirmed by measurements? There was always the zirconium, little neutrons absorbed therefore in Zircalloy (TM) for fuel rod cover but not correct according to measured values ​​so now steel with a lot of chrome rust-free at EPR according to emails from me a long time ago
    Verifiable with (n, gamma) plots Compare Zr, Fe, Cr or C-12, N-15 etc. only better compared to hafnium, a strong neutron absorber, whereby tungsten also absorbs just as much but the reactor works better in EPR instead of him to stop because of resonance gamma radiation which can split itself and increases splitting and breeding rates.

    Zr only expensive & rusts with water & heat a lot of H2 until explosion in the neighboring block without fuel rods in Fukushima first reported dead as a result was not true either.

    Areva EPR never answered and also set Antares pebble bed reactor with graphite
    and self-igniting ZrC such as phosphorus full normal wafer-thin SiC leakage protection in 0.9mm QuadTriso high risk of burn-off, further steam turbines after helium turbine via IHX did not affect efficiency because the vapor pressure with helium is slightly better water or CO2 with helium then heated at high temperature.

    € 2 billion extra only for faster charging infrastructure at the end of 30 instead of 3 minutes of refueling, so 10 times as much as fuel pumps are unnecessary for all hybrids that only need about 1/5 of the limited lithium as a plugin, price doubled in 2021 and CO2 reduction unnecessary at only + 2ppm / year with no green surplus electricity as in Norway, electric mobility is not reduced and surplus of wind power on the coast is not to be expected in the end again from coal & gas electricity even if nuclear power is switched off in 2022 because disaster elsewhere not nuclear disaster with zero nuclear but 18500 deaths here not where the tsunami is normally secured in a convoy series with design for the highest earthquake 100,000 floods 10,000 years with 4 and 2 to 4 diverse generators fully bunkered, also tanks to 99.99% filter drainage with H2 and excess pressure Simply putting Castoren down in Gorleben without additional costs is safe, does not rise below and content 1000m high through salt and high depth is an advantage of the location.

    Sowieso nicht genug Beryllium da für FLiBe Salz Thoriumreaktor aber genug Lithium-7 für Flüssigmetall Thorium Reaktor wie Na Brüter wobei Li-7 besser kühlt und wie Beryllium moderiert nicht mal selber radioaktiv werdend auf 180°C vorgeheizt mit ca. 500°C gefahren Siedepunkt erst bei 1340°C fängt Reaktor schon sehr viel Neutronen ein und Siedeblasen dazu gehalten starker Abfall so geht er nie durch
    usw. Ohne Restrisiko und günstig mit 30 Jahreb Kugellaufzeit auch RBN Th HTR mit kubischem Bornitrid Isotope B-11 & N-15 + UO2 oder ThO2 mit in BN eingebacken heiß härter Diamant, unbrennbar, unlöslich, chem. stabil mit ca. halber Absorption von C-12 Neutronen übrig für Spalten&Brüten

    @Electric Santa  



    Gammastrahlung kann man nicht bekämpfen aber Abstand halten der quadratisch wie Kugeloberflächenzunahme reduziert (nicht bei Röntgenstrahl) oder hinter Haus bzw. mit Dosimeter Einmalbelastungsgrenzwert 250 mSv einhalten wie Fukushima Mitarbeiter. Schutzschild gegen Nuklearangriff geht nicht wen längst nuklear vorvermint usw. auch nicht mit neuer Orbit Metallstrahl Ringbeschleuniger Kanone. Gammastrahlung auch von Isotopen Kontamination wie bei Co-60 Sterilisator extra in Reaktorenkontrollstäben gemacht.

    Gegen Isotope Kontaminationsschutz oder Lackierer Anzug und SR 510 P3 R Filter mit Maske von Hornbach auch gegen Viren.

    Wen Reaktoren in Luft fliegen wegen den Tagesschau Kommentar Zensur Damen zwangsweise über GEZ dafür zu bezahlen.

     @Ingmar Halbe Elementarladungen und genau 3 oder 4 Quarks usw. sind schon bewiesen ? Welche Vorhersagen aus Quarktheorie durch Messungen bestätigt ? Da stand immer das Zirconium wenig Neutronen absorbiert daher in Zircalloy(TM) für Brennstabhúlle stimmt aber nicht nach Messwerten daher jetzt Stahl mit viel Chrom rostfrei bei EPR nach Emails von mir dahin vor längerer Zeit 

    Selber nachprüfbar mit (n, gamma) plots Vergleichen Zr, Fe, Cr oder C-12, N-15 usw. erst mit Hafnium einem starken Neutronen Absorber verglichen besser wobei auch Wolfram genauso viel absorbiert aber Reaktor damit besser läuft auch in EPR statt ihn zu stoppen wegen Resonanz- Gammastrahlung die selber spalten kann und Spalt- & Brutraten erhöht.

    Zr nur teuer & rostet mit Wasser & Hitze viel H2 bis Explosion in Nachbarblock ohne Brennstäbe in Fukushima zuerst Tote dadurch gemeldet stimmte auch nicht.

    Areva EPR antwortete nie und stellte auch Antares Kugelhaufenreaktor ein mit Graphit
    und selbstentzündlichem ZrC wie Phospor satt normal hauchdünn SiC Austriitsschutz in 0,9mm QuadTriso Abbrandgefahr hoch dazu brachten weitere Dampfturbinen nach Heliumturbine über IHX nichts an Effizienz da Dampfdruck bei Helium gering besser Wasser oder CO2 mit Helium geheizt dann mit hoher Temperatur.

    2 Milliarden € extra nur für schnellere Ladeinfrastruktur am Ende 30 statt 3 Minuten Tanken damit 10 mal soviel nötig wie Zapfsäulen sind unnōtig für alle Hybrids die auch als Plugin nur ca. 1/5 vom begrenztem Lithium brauchen 2021 Preis verdoppelt und CO2 Reduktion unnötig bei nur +2ppm/Jahr wobei ohne grünen Überschußstrom wie in Norwegen Eletromobilität nicht reduziert und Überschuß von Windkraft an Küste nicht zu erwarten ist am Ende wieder von Kohle & Gasstrom auch wen die Atomkraft 2022 abgeschaltet weil anderswo Desaster nicht nukleare Katastrophe bei null nuklearen aber 18500 Toten hier nicht dort wo Tsunami normal abgesichert bei Konvoi Reihe mit Auslegung für höchstes Beben 100 000 Hochwasser 10 000 Jahre mit 4 und 2 bis 4 diversitären Generatoren voll verbunkert auch Tanks dazu 99,99% Filterablass bei H2 und Überdruck. Castoren einfach ohne weitere Kosten in Gorleben runter stellen ist sicher, geht unten nicht auf und Inhalt 1000m durch Salz hoch und hohe Tiefe Standortvorteil.

  6. Matt. 16:26 "What is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"

  7. Proverbs 23:5 "Will thou set thine eyes upon that which is not? for
    riches certainly make themselves wings; they fly away as an eagle toward

  8. I hope they don't go off in space and bring back clones that look like them..secret project..lol…reminds me of Elon Musk when he said in his SNL monologue videogame from out of space..lol…everyone should look at zoo 7d

  9. I’m surprised that Bezos is going himself. I’m doubly surprised he’s doing it in a giant dildo…ever the showman.

  10. Proverbs 23:5 "Will thou set thine eyes upon that which is not? for riches certainly make themselves wings; they fly away as an eagle toward heaven."

  11. Elon parked his Tesla Roadster in space. So Jeff should deliver a copy of “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” in a Amazon Box 📦 addressed to himself.

  12. Here's an excellent primer on the neo-marxists (aka the "woke" movement), their use of the dialectic from Hegel and put to practce by Marx, Marcuso and their followers. It's a very strange and psychopathic ideology. At about the one hour mark he discusses a woman named Bell Hooks who was big in the black feminist oppression/activism movement from where Critical Race Theory originates. He mentions her talking about political revolution. Everyone always thinks it's the right, the patriots, who are going to start the revolution and the right keep holding back with patience. We need to look and see the truth!! The lefties have already started the revolution!! This crap has entered American politics and the Biden administration with the crazy democrats are carrying out their revolutionary agenda now to instill this crazy Hegel, Marx, Marcuso ideology to transform America. The revolution is here!!! It's time to defend America!!!

    One thing we can do is become aware of the lefties dialectics. We must reject and say no to their thesis, anti-thesis, and certainly their synthesis. Just say no, we're not having any of it, take your insane ideas of turning this country inside out to create your pipe dream of a utopian, perfect, democratic-socialist-marxist society and shove it.

    We don't have to argue or debate with them, as if that were even possible, we just say no to the crazy bitches.

    When you listen to this video you're going to think to yourself, what kind of crazy nutjobs are these people. Seriously, it's crazy talk. You have to wonder what happened in these people's lives that they hate society, and everything else so much, that they have to churn in thier minds constantly negative thoughts about America, our systems, our people, literally everything. They are completely consumed by pessimism and can't settle themselves down enough to live a pleasant, peaceful, happy life. The "woke" really do need psychological help.

  13. Sad 😞 he flying into space while poor people still starving this world is sick 🤕

  14. Are Elan & Richard Branson still fighting over Mars? One of the 3 should really get this space hotel together; enough with the rockets

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