Jayland Walker’s sister speaks out in an ABC News exclusive interview – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News’ TJ Holmes speaks to Jayland Walker’s sister after he was gunned down and killed by police officers in Akron, Ohio, as body camera footage is released.

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By carmodpros


45 thoughts on “Jayland Walker’s sister speaks out in an ABC News exclusive interview”
  1. If there was a gun in that car the police PLANTED it!! If anyone disagrees they just got to realize they are wrong. The cops murdered another man, 60 times over. This is what comes of using taxpayer money to buy military weapons to murder their own citizens. People it's time to rise up rise up rise up rise up rise up rise up!! Our government wants us Dead! First they try and kill us with coronavirus leaked by the military industrial complex during the Olympic military games in Wuhan in November of 2019, then they tried to kill the rest of the population with their phony deadly so-called vaccines. They want us dead and we must fight back!

  2. Just another example of "ABC News" attempting to enflame an already volatile situation by underhandedly suggesting the police did something wrong. The mainstream media is going to cause a very serious problem in this country.

  3. I would be very embarrassed to have a criminal son and won't dare to come out front of the TV. Why is she so proud? Is this a black thing?

  4. He discharged a weapon from his car during a chase. If I did that, I'd fully expect to get taken down. The force was justified. Sorry for your loss but seriously.

  5. Always denial….
    “That’s not him” yet he had a gun and loaded magazine inside the car.
    I went through this denial process with my daughter one year ago….Her sister’s boyfriend was pulled over for a “traffic offense”….she loudly and emotionally defended the brother….
    Then the Aurora Illinois Police Department released dash cam evidence….
    He ran a stop sign…..My daughter was adament that he NEVER ran the stop sign (Oh wait, she wasn't in the car how would she know)….
    He continued to drive despite the police following him with his red/blue lights on….(My daughter claimed she was standing on the front stoop and watched the whole situation take place; she claimed the police followed him without lights on and then said that the police sat in front of their house for a good 10 minutes without their emergency lights on)….watching the released video I know now my daughter was lying.
    Her sister's boyfriend obnoxiously refused (swearing and demeaning the officer) refused to follow “POLITE” request from the officer involved to give his drivers license, registration, and proof of insurance.
    His passenger got out of the car and refused to follow POLITE directions of the officer involved to get back in the car.
    The driver got out and threatened the police officer.
    Eventually the black male driving and the female passengers inside the car attacked the officer; even choking him.
    It’s All On Camera!!!!!!
    Yet my daughter (claimed to be there) she wasn’t, she poured out tears and accused the officer of attacking and choking the girl…..
    CNN and other media have often stoked police fear through lies and half truths.

  6. if the kid complied and was taken to arrest, he'd probably get a slap on the wrist for the weapons charge. but this kid was another anti-white and anti-police lunatic. not to say i'm a big fan of police with their speed traps and crap. but i've never had a problem with police. just cooperate and things be fine

  7. Sorry but he got exactly what he deserved And they would've been told I justified to put another 60 in him America's sick of this crap Don't just get to do whatever the hell you want and think there's no consequences I'm sorry his crime didn't work out for him but hes exactly where he deserves to be Choices have consequences quit acting like a bunch of 3 year olds. And maybe you'd think I'd better a family when he was alive he wouldn't have been doing that stuff Now you want to try to get a payday for somebody you should have been helping before you shot at the police We just aren't suing the families for raising menaces to society Don't care and I wouldn't have cared if they put another 60 in him

  8. Obadiah 1:15

     For the day of the LORD is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head

  9. Just for the record when a white male mass shooter kills its immediately a mental health issue. Why isn't the same mental health excuse isn't used for Jayland. I don't think this young placed the firearm, magazine and ring neatly on the front seat. This was overkill. Law Enforcement always seems to have restraint when dealing with white killers.

  10. Pity his loved ones never got around to … “The Talk”. You know, the one where you sit your kid down and insist they cooperate with any Law Enforcement. Comply or die.
    Shoot at ANY armed person,
    expect to be shot back.
    End of lecture.

    This was Suicide by Cop
    No one is this stupid

  11. Dear MSM, you are absolutely despicable, lying about these cases every time for clicks, trodding out family members in JUSTIFIED shootings, lying that it was the cops fault, when every time the suspect attacked or fired shots first. You are the reason this happens in the first place because you make young black men believe the police is out to murder them therefore they should flee and fight cops in routine stops. And you do it for MONEY!! So dear media, you are the worst of the worst.

  12. Revelation 13:9 if any man have an ear let him hear he that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity!
    Going to suck being Whyte under black rulership

  13. Wouldn't it be prudent for an officer on the scene to make the firearm in the car safe? You would do that by taking out the mag and racking the slide to make sure no bullet is in the chamber. That would also explain why it went from the back seat to the front seat; if indeed it was initially found in the back seat. Further, there is a wedding band as well which looks like the size for a male. Wasn't his fiance killed recently in a car crash or somehting like that? So, the ring found with the gun puts these two item on Walker's mind. He was thinking about his dead fiance while having a loaded gun. Seems like a good case for suicidal ideation.

  14. If it was loaded and he wasn’t in lawful possession of having it doesn’t matter where it was in the car so that lawyer needs get fired asking the wrong questions.

  15. I can't help but comment how your narrative of him being innocent is so far in left field that it makes me vomit. Your news channel is entirely biased and bs. How you side with Jayland and nothing on the side of the police is downright disgusting. Now that the facts have come out, you look like a fool for being so biased. You should learn from this and not jump to conclusions, but this is not the first time. ABC you should be ashamed of yourself for supercharging the public's anger instead of finding the truth and bringing peace to the public.

  16. When you get pulled over for a traffic violation, put on a ski mask, put police on a high speed chase, shoot at police (Its been confirmed he did) and then start running on foot. Even after all of that the police still assume he was armed, and instead of going full pew pew at once, they try to take him. And when that doesn't work, Jayland slows down and turns at police causing the officers to open fire. Plain. And. Simple.

  17. The way he left the gun and had his fiancée’s ring it looks more like a suicide by cop

  18. This story is insane. I've read a couple of reports saying he didn't have a weapon on him but they found 2 weapons in the car. Now normally I'd say overkill for an unarmed man but I just don't understand why if he was innocent and compliant, why he would take off and run at night with a ski mask. Not saying he deserved to get shot or not….but something just isn't adding up. I think he had 1 old traffic ticket nothing violent….but the cops could be totally justified. This is nuts. However the young man should have just pulled over and complied w police and did the extra dumb stuff.

  19. Jayland and Robert Hubbard …… the got what they got. No record … explain the ski mask? The need for fire control on the part of the Police is evident in both cases.

  20. Please sister is lying it’s not him, then why did he were a ski mask and have guns in his car like a true thug.

  21. My heart and prayers goes out to Jayland's family and loved ones. Whether Jayland fired at those cops or not, firing 100+ shots at him was overkill. Even after Jayland's body fell limp to the ground, those cops with the exception of one who yelled" cease fire" several times was still firing bullets at him. Then, to make matters worse, those cops handcuffed his dead body and did not attempt to perform life saving measures on him. About a week or so ago, a white man in Kentucky opened fired on several police officers, killing two of them and a police dog, and that man was arrested alive. That white man will get to exercise his right to due process, a right that was taken away from Jayland Walker. 💔

  22. Doesn't matter if he never even had a ticket before. In fact, this first violation and breaking of the law is appalling. Peaceful person? No. He was a wild nut. A criminal that was never caught until then. He got blasted, and now he's dead. Good!! I have nooo pity for that fool!

  23. He shot at the cops!? Protest for what?!

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