The partnership will give Jay-Z a role in selecting acts and producing events, as well as contributing to the league’s activism arm.
#ABCNews #JayZ #NFL #RocNation #Activism #SuperBowl
The partnership will give Jay-Z a role in selecting acts and producing events, as well as contributing to the league’s activism arm.
#ABCNews #JayZ #NFL #RocNation #Activism #SuperBowl
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Sitting does not equate to kneeling. Jay-Z co-oped the NFL players' protest for his gain.
It's interesting but for $few/yearly we can watch live TV this year on ScreenVariety Tv.
To all the people out there who are critics what are you going to stay Stuck on Stupid for the rest of your life it's time to move on past the kneeling the kneeling was to bring attention the attention has been brought…Now let's see progress Beyonce is progress Jay-Z is progress we support them don't stay Stuck on Stupid
I’ll tell them what they can do better: start speaking out against police brutality and allow you players to do so.
The nfl owners and jay Z, they’ve just shown that they’d pro-police brutality. And this has stopped being something that can be ignored and has stopped being just about black people. The Rich Australian woman that was killed in Minneapolis, was white. The war veterans killed in Houston, were white. The falsely convicted, terribly abused, guest on the Joe Rogan show, is white, this has gotten so out of control, that it effects us all. That means that by trying to silence black people about police brutality, Jay Z, and the nfl owners are silencing Americans about brutality against white people and against all other Americans as well. Thats unacceptable. I’m going to boycott the NFL from now on until they change course on this, and everyone should. And as for that lowest of the low, piece of sheet, jay Z, what can we expect? He’s never been anything but j-unk. He goes around blaspheming, calling himself God, when the truth is he’s no j-hov. He’s a j-ack az$, j-igalo, and the only favor he could do for this nation, is to say j-ranamo and j-ump of the Brooklyn Bridge. And that goes for the all the NFL owners. These crimes of police brutality are simple horrendous and the height of unconstitutional, civil rights violations. Unless they change course, may they be boycotted into bankruptcy and damned to hell. The are perpetuating one of the most evil systems that has ever existed in the history of the world ,and endorsing a system that not only is responsible for the mass murder and rape of adults, but even children in the juvenile hall system. The NFL has decided unjustly to silence the horrific abuse of millions of people, and so they can get ready to hear from us all.
JD was offered the same deal and Jay Z told him to turn it down..smh Slime ball
The Jay-Z and NFL deal is only to quiet and kill all competition
If he cant change the National Anthem, his deal is worthless. Because it starts there." OBEY
If you want the perfect example of modern slavery just look at the USA…from the NBA to the NFL and all over the place..also in europe though
I guess all the NFL players are sell outs also cause they are still playing after Colin got black balled out the league smh
I don't watch no sports no more 'cause all that shit be rigged 😬
I love what Jay z did!! He played the long game. When he started roc nation sports years ago. He had visions of buying a nfl team. The whole kaperknick social issue has nothing to do with Kap. Jay z came after that. Putting his self in position to be able have a voice in NFL. The white folks respect his business sense plus he own a part of MLB team. Best believe the next player that want to be a kaperknick Jay z will be there to have they back and they can fix the problem the a fair way. My nigga ready be the FIRST BLACK NFL OWNER!!!
How the tf can ANYBODY hate on that???
Jay-z a sellout??? but you guys can’t tell us how much the NFL is paying him ??? Interesting …unless you where in the room don’t tell us anything about what’s going on ?Jay-Z has done a lot with Meek Mills and injustice program they created this year … so why can’t create a new space in the NFL ???? Someone please tell me that ??
Sellout. He wanted Travis Scott to back out of performing in the Super Bowl and now he’s working with them???? Boy bye!!!
Fool me once shame on you fool me again shame on me. F.. Jay z and the NFL also f.. the white racist police. Jay z you are a sell out.
Put beyonce out???…!like she tricking or sum
At the VERY LEAST Jay Z is two faced. But I guess the NFL was gonna give some black person that money
You guys do realize that he's already a billionaire…..right?
Waiting on Hov to pull a Summer Slam move! Bring out Kapp….
Beyonce and Jay Z are cult and satanic worshippers
Jay z is a pussy like kapermick
Jay Z is not wrong in joining the nfl. But he is wrong feeding on emotional niggas emotions that the nfl is the way to make change. And wrong that he went the way of protest. He didn’t say but he did say he was down with the protest. Played both sides. But as a man I give props to him on how he can play the game. If anything learn how jay z played the game and his confidence to play it. He took a bull by the horns, red cape and all and played it. You gotta play the game folks. It’ll ease ur mind. But I wish more integrity was involved. Now if everyone could please apologize to Malcolm Jenkins who got called a sellout for doing this first and getting 100 mil outta the league.
Well now the NFL is teaming with the crack dealers.