Jared and Ivanka not ‘moral center’ of administration: Author of ‘Kushner, Inc.’

Jared and Ivanka not ‘moral center’ of administration: Author of ‘Kushner, Inc.’

“This Week” chief anchor George Stephanopoulos talks with investigative journalist Vicky Ward about her new book, “Kushner, Inc.”


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31 thoughts on “Jared and Ivanka not ‘moral center’ of administration: Author of ‘Kushner, Inc.’

  1. Excuse me…this administration has NO “moral center”. We are talking about the family of a delusional psychopath who ultimately INCITES a “deadly” riotous attack, against the White House and OUR Democratic process. There are NO morals at all!!!

  2. I bought it immediatley! Any book with a reputable smart intelligent book writer, ie, Mary Trump etc's, is a good book. The Javanka's are worse then enablers, they are rule breakers, to say the absolute very least They are evil, opportunists, ie, Ivanka gets patents for her business on the day top Chinese officials dine with the family at Maralargo. And there's much much much more filth and dirt they are into, and have been since their evil.parents gave birth to them! Watch Dirty Money, Netflix Episode 7. They are dispicable sinister monsters with no morals or ethics, and nothing much else either. Well done Ms Ward 💃👌.

  3. Their parents have no morals; they are the children of their parent’s:Amoral, greedy, entitled, awful, selfish holes of nothingness. Too bad their will be another generation of monied dregs on society.

  4. Kushner pulled trumps strings with virus response in FEBUARY total disaster brought trumps presidency to end🍼👶🍼👶⌛⌛⌛⌛⛈⛈⛈⛈⛈⛈⛈⛈

  5. The Trump crime family was corrupt long before Trump became president. Trump's obsession with fame and power made him think his corruption could withstand the limelight of national politics.

  6. Saudi Prince and Qatar are just too involved with them? Why arabs just bails out hundreds of millions of dollars to save Jarad Kushner 666 Fifth Ave? Corruption at its height? Bribes international corrupt arms deals?

  7. I have recently have met more people that are followers of Trump..i have said unkownly that they were Trump beliers..i said well Trump really __ the country up.the all say immediately..Obaha.! Thete was no scandals in the Obhama administration.This famil are corrupt.Period.

  8. If my father is guilty, I would. Mr. Kushner pled guilty. He admitted the crimes," Christie said. "And so what am I supposed to do as a prosecutor? I mean If a guy hires a prostitute to seduce his brother-in-law, and videotapes it, and then sends the videotape to his sister to attempt to intimidate her from testifying before a grand jury, do I really need any more justification than that?"
    "I mean it's one of the most loathsome, disgusting crimes that I prosecuted when I was US attorney. And I was a US attorney in New Jersey, Margaret, so we had some loathsome and disgusting crime going on there."

  9. Trump entered the WH in debt. Ivanka and Jared got half a BILLION dollars loan while in the WH from a foreign country. They either win the election or they are going to jail. All of them.

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