Jan. 6 committee focuses on Trump’s ‘dereliction of duty’ | WNT

Jan. 6 committee focuses on Trump’s ‘dereliction of duty’ | WNT

The latest Jan 6. committee focused on former President Donald Trump’s actions during the storming of the Capitol, and possible criminal components to his behavior.



#Jan6 #Trump #DerelictionOfDuty #WorldNewsTonight


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44 thoughts on “Jan. 6 committee focuses on Trump’s ‘dereliction of duty’ | WNT

  1. They will come up with ANY BS to try and stop Donald Trump from becoming President. Look at that thing they call president now. Do not allow the evil to stop Trump from being the best President ever known in the world.

  2. More hate for Trump from fake news ! 😂😂😂

  3. The Democraps aren’t going to let Ray Epps and the Fedsurrection details come out, they’re Democraps🤡

  4. Politicians POLITICIZING the Jan 6 protest to cover up the Election Rigging of 2020 should investigated immediately after the 2022 midterms !!!

  5. Bring it on DEMOCRATS. Youre doing everything you can to make sure Trump cant run in 2024. I dont blame you because we are going to make sure YOU are going to jail this time!! You have scammed this nation and this world long enough. There will be rhino Republicans going to jail to.

  6. 121,507 views and 886 likes pretty much says it all! Will this Trump Derangement Syndrome ever end??? If the Capitol grounds and building had proper security on Jan 6 could this have ever happened? This hearing should be about why the request for a National Guard deployment around the Capitol was denied!

  7. What’s pathetic is this one sided committee- the news covering it while ignoring the Biden crime family extorting foreign governments and at the head of it all a disgusting perverted delusional piece of crap!!!!!!!! And the downfall of this country and the media is complicit!

  8. What you see on here are Trump supporters retreating farther and farther into what they desperately wish to continue to believe, while fingerpointing at others with all their might. Read their comments.

  9. Look at those Freemasons running because like George H Bush said “if the American people knew what we did, we would be hanged by street lamp poles.” You liberals are making my republicans angry.

  10. Mr. “T” Thick Face is still planning to run again on 2024 after introducing, inducing, inciting, and inducting his diehard supporters to go to the US Capitol on Jan.6 to overturn the certification of the election result by combat and to fight like hell. Then he took the seat and watch tv as the show goes on.

    Play some music by Pink Floyd, “The show must go on.”

  11. 121,507 views and 886 likes pretty much says it all! Will this Trump Derangement Syndrome ever end??? If the Capitol grounds and building had proper security on Jan 6 could this have ever happened? This hearing should be about why the request for a National Guard deployment around the Capitol was denied!

  12. A show trial is a public trial in which the judicial authorities have already determined the guilt or innocence of the defendant. The actual trial has as its only goal the presentation of both the accusation and the verdict to the public so they will serve as both an impressive example and a warning to other would-be dissidents or transgressors.[2]

    People's Court in Nazi Germany. Trial of Adolf Reichwein, 1944. He was sentenced to death and became the victim of judicial murder.[1]
    Show trials tend to be retributive rather than corrective and they are also conducted for propagandistic purposes.[3] When aimed at individuals on the basis of protected classes or characteristics, such trials are examples of political persecution. BBC

  13. Dereliction of Duty is small potatoes compared to organizing and setting in motion the coup attempt. He wasn't "inactive" or" uncaring" or "derelict" because he did nothing for 187 minutes, he was very active, he was watching his handy work and if conditions would have been right, he would have declared the election void and made himself president until a lawful election could be held, which would have been never.

  14. Mr Collins, apparently you haven't been watching the hearings. Everyone that has testified is a Republican. Republicans that was in the White House and saw and heard everything "first hand". He watched the attack for 187 minutes after ordering it. Hannity, Ivanka, Jared, Laura Ingraham, and others call or text trump to stop the attack. He didn't call the defense department, homeland security, FBI, or the National Guard. Its called dereliction of duty (which is a crime). In this case its on purpose. He even sent a message to one of the oath keepers not to harm the police. He's responsible for an attempted coup. He's a treasonous traitor and his ass should be jailed for 20 years. He was also on the phone begging and threatening the secretary of state in Georgia to find 11,000 to put him in the lead. That's another crime. He's duped, lied to, fooled, used his supporters patriotism to help him overthrow democracy. Those are "SOME" of the facts and they're undisputed. Whose been coming to his aid and willing to testify o his behalf? Answer: NOBODY!!! They're all afraid to testify in public, in private, or have their voice disguised.

  15. You will perish because you have refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God has sent a powerful delusion so that you will believe a lie and so that you will be condemned because you haven't believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

  16. The Jan 6th Committee hearings are just theatrics designed to de-energize support for Trump when 2024 arrives. A legal prosecution of Trump is not on the cards, since the Committee seems to be incapable of drawing a direct link between him and the violence that was unleashed at the capitol building. One TV anchor even likened the hearings to daytime soaps, referring to them as "season 1" and "season 2," with the latter alluding to the hearings scheduled for September.

  17. Where was the outrage when democrat terrorists climbed the White House fence when Trump was president? How about when they tore down statues all across the nation, set police cars on fire, burned down courthouses, formed CHAZ, formed CHAP, and stole from businesses for eight months in 2020? Does anyone remember how liberals acted when Trump got elected?

  18. 🚨50 Cent been trying to have me Sacrificed For over Twenty years having me followed and Stalked, Paying People to Tamper with Blood work and attempting to get Woman raped and killed, I use to be with Animal back in the days

  19. Not a fan of Trump, but video evidence proves this was a false flag, absolutely no denying it, Trump gave permission to have national guard. Complete set up by opposition and corrupt Nancy Pelosi. Everyone was better off under Trump track record speaks for itself.

  20. Liz Cheney can stay in DC and run this "Witch Hunt' until the November election. She is out as a congress person! Primaried by another republican who actually represents those in the district. Cheney won't even be on the ballot! :LMAO!

  21. Standing above the crowd. He had a voice that was strong and loud. We’ll miss him…

    You claimed all this time that you would die for me. Why then are you so surprised when you hear your own eulogy? He had a lot of nothing to say!

  22. How many corrupt BS "proceedings" like this must the U.S. Endure at public expense. First, we had the corrupt sleazy FBI / DOJ doing the Russia Collusion fabrication totally ignoring their own policies and procedures pretending to have authority as a legitimate law enforcement body while actually leaking and spewing lies and propaganda over the media things that would never be acceptable in court and some just made up out of thin air with total perversion of the law implying things completely legal are illegal and insinuating things too vague to even be susceptible to genuine legal thought. Second, we had the totally sleazy and corrupt first impeachment where Adam Schiff and the others flat out lied about the phone call and made incredibly stupid accusations (a president does not have to agree with a Lt. Colonel, etc.) all based on an anonymous so called whistleblower reporter reportedly a Biden person obviously designed to cover up what went on in Ukraine and corrupt the next election. Third, we have lying Raskin flat out lying about what Trump said in the second impeachment. Shameless lying. Sleazy lying. Corrupt individuals like Glenn Kirschner repeat both the Schiff lie forming the basis of the first impeachment and the Raskin lie involved in the second impeachment to this day. Fourth, we have this crap. Kinsinger flat out lies about Ray Epps meanwhile the Dem Congress is attempting to conceal evidence by legislation. Ray Epps is a true situation and needs investigation. It is not a conspiracy theory, Kinsingerr, you corrupt lying pig. There is zero inquiry into the security that Trump offered but Pelosi refused, the doors that were opened to let the crowd in, of course Ray Epps just endless insinuations and irrelevancies. The notion that it is wrong either for the president to want to go to the capital (as he said he would) or for the secret service to feel that would not be safe is stupid as hell. Trump was initially criticized for not going and now he is criticized for wanting to go? These people are insane. This is a continuation of the first impeachment where the questioning is done in secret and selected portions presented here and there and interpreted bizarrely and dishonestly by endless narrative by the hateful, dishonest committee members. The procedure is not legitimate.

    Now, this is what needs to happen if the committee is to have any credibility at all. First, Garland and Wray need to be brought before the committee. They need to be asked about Ray Epps and any other feds involved that day (much as feds were involved in the fake supposed attempted kidknapping of Whitmire and other incidents).Their evasions should not be accepted. The DOJ has talked about many, many 01/06 defendants directly and through media releases when it suits their purposes. They can talk about Epps and whatever feds were involved. Second, all the supposed evidence needs to be presented to the Republican designated committee members (Kinzinger and Cheney are not such committee members obviously and barely Republicans). They need to have adequate time to review it and supplement it and then there needs to be a do over from the start. Third, the lack of adequate security and the refusal of security and open doors needs to be addressed. The real reasons for what happened need to be known including whatever sleazy crap the feds were up to which is obvious (there is no other explanation for Epps not being charged while grand ma in the building for less than 2 minutes pushed in by the crowd who did nothing else is charged). Also, the refusal of offered security needs to be addressed and the open doors. Complaining about the incident which in honesty was a mob psychology disorderly crowd with the disorder apparently short lived without addressing the true causes is stupid as hell. It seems to me the initial rush died down fairly quickly and the event did turn into "tourist" like behavior with selfies, peaceful chatting, etc. One pictures shows people literally within the rope lines. I have seen no evidence of significant destruction just broken windows and over turned barriers which is trivial compared to say the federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon. Trump did not tell anybody to do that. He held a lawful rally. Raskin can lie until the cows come home (and Glenn Kirschner, etc.) but Trump did not tell anyone to go to the capital and fight like hell, etc. This was not in Trump's interest and there is zero evidence that he caused it to happen. There is evidence that Ray Epps did (and the scaffold commander) caused it to happen certainly Ray Epps has not been charged and no evidence the scaffold commander has been charged. There were likely others.

    There needs to be investigation into the election corruption including 50 lying IQ Community people (the laptop was not Russia Disinfo and did not appear to be that — Clapper and Hayden and the others lied to corrupt our election and the media and tech went with the lie and censored contrary info). There needs to be investigation into the totally unamerican censorship of the president and others. The government in collusion with media and tech is turning in the direction of North Korea, etc.

    There needs to be real analysis of the problems in Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania not just the endless lying and cover up.

    There needs to be investigation and corrective action relative to the collusion between media, tech, and government. It is obvious for one thing but it has been admitted especially the context of Covid where the media and tech censored anything contrary to Fauci and that lady. They were literally censoring practicing doctors. Fauci who has not treated a patient in decades if ever is not God, and we should have had the benefit of what practicing doctors were accomplishing. Of course, Fauci flat out lied about several things not just funding of research but about proper treatment. The same jack ass who went along with the demonization of medicines used safely for decades found effective by practicing doctors endorsed thoroughly vaccines that were mostly untested and obviously ended up not working well possibly not at all and causing damage. Media and Tech were in collusion with with Fauci's at best over reach. We have hundreds of thousands possibly millions of licensed practicing doctors and he is just one, and he is obviously stupid as hell. The notion that a treatment should not be used because there are no peer reviewed double blind published studies is flat out retarded. First, there was not time for that. Second, people were dying. Third, published articles can disagree and be debated and conflict for decades possibly essentially forever with consensus never reached. Of course, there were no such studies supporting the vaccines or the masks or anything else he advocated relative to Covid. Again, we are turning into the worst of history where "science" is centralized and heretics attacks attacked which of course is not science at all. We need to make sure we never have another Fauci or government controlled media / tech. Getting back to the election, impeachment, etc. corruption, the media and tech have obviously acted in concert with the corrupt government. Sleazy Comey attempts to extort Trump with the corrupt Dossier, and when Trump does not submit, Comey runs to the media and they print the crap with zero verification whatsoever. Comey and others in the government should not be repeated wholesale by the media and tech without normal (in the past) reporting including verification of legitimacy. Most of the media is an extension of the corrupt gov.

  23. 20 thousand national guards was offered to Nancy Pelosi two days before the riot, how is that dereliction of duty ???
    Nancy Pelosi refusing the 20 thousand national guards. IS dereliction of duty.

  24. North Korean Human Rights Act of 2004…what Bush claimed was happening in North Korea is exactly what the Democratic Party is doing to America…it’s called a dictatorship..Abc is promoting this and lying to America…vote against every democrat on the ballot

  25. Our corrupt politician elites and their lapdog operatives the MSM can’t stop talking about Jan 6th because they know they’ve been caught rigging the 2020 election by the American People, it’s called Misdirection!

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