James Comey avoids prosecution for sharing classified memos

James Comey avoids prosecution for sharing classified memos

The Justice Departments inspector general did say that the former FBI director was wrong to secretly keep his memos and that he violated the agencys policy.


46 thoughts on “James Comey avoids prosecution for sharing classified memos

  1. —- > Comey's friend had a top security clearance. He asked his friend to hold classified memos not publish them. All of the memos were given to the Senate after Comey testified.

  2. Blast from the past:
    Rosenstein said that there was a conversation between these crooked FBI Agents to wire an agent up and try to get Trump on the 25th ammendment to Get him out of office ! Looks like Comey was the chosen one and now he is busted with evidence he never thought would see the light of day ! Comey is the commy rat for the deep state..
    Another thing.. Remember when Comey leaked his memos of the meeting between he and Trump when Trump asked Comey if he was under inveatigation ? Comey said he would release his memos publicly and Comey had told lies that he said were in his memo notes of their conversation . Then Trump tweeted that Comey better be careful of lies he tells because there may be a recording of the meeting ! Trump already knew Comey was coming into the meeting wired up to set Trump up. This is deeper and wider than we knew.. The Deep State was on the radar and under the eye of people in high places !
    Victory is coming. It is slow but it is coming 😀

  3. It's called dereliction of duty and in regards to the most important issue in Comey's entire career 🤯. And now he wants to play dumb 🤯 He knew exactly what was going on because he probably believed the BS dossier like an idiot. Really you think the guy with the biggest ego in the world, who is a billionaire, and is now the most powerful person in the world is a puppet to Putin? 🤯🤯🤯 There are very stupid people out there that "got it wrong" like the people that fired Steve Jobs from Apple 🤯😡 the stupidity of some people 🤔

  4. James Comey, CNN, ABC, MSNBC and many others is a disgrace to the American people by broadcasting fake news instead of the truth that they know and still doing it. Shame Shame Shame…

  5. James Comey i am his fun.most handsome man ❤️

  6. James Comes might try to make a run for it in a white Bronco to the Mexican border like O.J. Simpson did. Swamp is draining and more to come soon! See real news not fake and you'll all find the truth.

  7. This just exposes he was a creep and crooked cop. Lying to the FISA court is a bigger and more serious crime. And will see Comey go to GITMO. I believe treasonous and requires a military tribunal.

  8. Nobody from Obama admin is gonna be prosecuted ever,if they go after Comey they gotta go after Obama,they're so afraid of what may happen they're gonna give the entire administration a pass,debbie Wasserman schultz pass,Hillary pass,Comey pass,Holder pass,lynch pass,Brennan pass,dude who spied and lied on americans pass,PASS PASS PASS
    1 man has the entire govt afraid,what the actual fuck?,because of their cowardess it'll continue over and over and over again,cause theres 0 consequence,department of just us,Trumps done 1 thing hes exposed the entire ring of em,to hell with them all every god damn 1 of em

  9. This is fake news. Comey committed serious crimes by leaking CIA and FBI documents that threatened national security. He needs to sit in prison. The fact the DOJ won't do a damn thing shows how corrupt our government is.

  10. This is the guy who rattled off a list of crimes that HRC committed, then said the FBI recommends no charges because she didnt mean it. Comey is a damn corrupt fool, and renouncing this idiot should be a bipartisan effort.

  11. "James Comey avoids prosecution for sharing classified memos" It says every thing that is wrong with ABC news, even in this video they say the DOJ concluded that Comey did not share any classified memos.(That is a criminal offence).

  12. Trump trying to get revenge
    Just like his base
    His a patriot no president is not above the law
    And it's about checks and balances
    Trump was wrong for asking for
    Blind loyalties
    It's criminal

  13. Comey was right to be concerned about trumputin. Look where we are now. Possibly he did not handle the matter in true FBI form but he appears to be an honest man and devoted to his country. So can we move on now? Trumputin's hand picked atty general, aka trumputin's personal atty has agreed that there is nothing to prosecute. Comey is out of a job and unfortunately trumputin is still in office.

  14. Washington DC is the most corrupt places on Earth’. Lois Lerner, Hillary Clinton, Andrew McCabe, James Comey, all walk away scot-free for crimes every other American would be prosecuted for. They don't call it the swamp for nothing.

  15. Hey Trump, how ya like them "oranges"?🤭

  16. ridiculous no respect 🗑️📺🗑️FBI 🗑️ and so on 😠

  17. Hang him.👈👀

  18. This is politics & timing. No indictment but this only goes one way from here. Up.
    Not much of anything serious is likely to happen until after the election next year. This is merely setting all the pieces in place.
    Comey tweeting out his victory lap today was both pathetic & hilarious.

  19. Comey WILL get away with everything – just like Hillary – just like Lois Lerner – Just like Bill Clinton, etc. etc. etc. BUT KEEP IN MIND – GOD WAS WATCHING – AND – THEY WILL ALL FACE GOD AT THEIR LAST BREATH. GUESS WHERE THEY ARE HEADED !!!!!!🥵 🥵 🥵 🥵

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