Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is interviewed on “This Week.”


By carmodpros


33 thoughts on “‘It’s very clear the world’s a safer place today’: Pompeo on death of Soleimani”
  1. Maybe Safer if US hides back to his Ass if it will loose its Strategic Defense Post in SE Asian Region if Its longest Ally & War Buddy the Republic of the Philippines gonna terminate the Visiting Forces Agreement for Cancelling the Visa of Senator Dela Rosa. It will also annoy the hundreds of thousands Fil-Am living & voting in US thus inconsistent w/ #Trump2020 #BuildTheMilitary campaign rhetoric.

  2. Anybody that thinks/says the world is a safer place because General Solomeni is dead, is confused!!!!! These people talk and talk, but it’s our family members having to go to war not them! The US is always ready to go set other countries straight but has mess going on itself!!! The soldiers need to be pulled out of the Middle East!!!

  3. TRUMP by far is the most" DANGEROUS" President in the History of this Country ,cuz" he is so driven by GREED, Super thirst for POWER, CONTROL, that he would "LIE " his way into anything to get ahead in order to keep up his pretend "fantasy Rich & famous Life style, at any cost. He sorrounds himself
    with People like POMPEO, NETANYAHU, KUSHNER, THE NEOCONS , who"s goal is to overthrow the US GOV. & Take over our Country & Money .

  4. What a fool. Pompeo knows nothing about the middle east and he knows nothing about Iran. Pompeo, Trump, Graham, McConell are just war loving elites who dont learn anything.

  5. So is Pompeo looking to get into the Witness Protection Program after Iran reportedly offer a 80 millions dollar reward for the head of the White House occupant and by extension his enablers? Is this why he isn't running for the Senate?

  6. The world's safer now – if that statement wasn't so ironic. Iran was doing the meddling, just as America was. Now we're closer to war and definitely closer to death for Americans and allies. Solimareni was simply an employee.

  7. Arrogant bull sh*t!! Does Pompeo actually believe what he is saying? Or is he just paying lip service to the public relations template of his employer? Only time will tell if indeed the world is safer after they have poked the vipers nest.

  8. He acts like a robot and trump loves robots that take commands and don’t think for themselves. It’s insane that he goes up there and says the worlds a safer place meanwhile troops are in the air heading to Iraq and us citizens are heading out and what’s sadder is the people nodding saying yup I reckon we are safer

  9. Watch how this unskilled-inexperiences-lying-through-his-hat–about-his-presence-on-the-Ukraine-Phone-call backroom-grunt with no diplomatic-depth or scholarly publications or even possessing a Strategic bone in his body or mind – is trying to advance his profile to run for a Senate seat trying to help the bone-spurred-corrupt-US-IMPOTUS whose Impeachment noose is tightening everyday. Notice George is not even listening to what gibberish Pompeo is dishing out.

  10. I wonder how much the Saudis would pay a man like Pompeo or Trump to take out Soleimani?
    Hmm. 🤔
    Follow the money, guys.

  11. I was waiting for Pompeo to ask George to explain the hundreds of drone strikes that killed 1000's sent out by the Obama administration.

    They grabbed ships….Trump waited.
    They attacked our allies…..Trump waited.
    They shot down a recon drone monitoring shipping lanes….Trump waited.

    Many times others around him wanted to lob missiles in response, but Trump was patient and waited.
    But an attack on our embassy and a clear opportunity to take this guy out?
    You gotta take it, no matter what letter is next to your name.

    Iran has been at war with us basically since the late 70's….
    Trump takes one act to take out a known terrorist, and HE's accused of starting a war with Iran.

    Watching George twist this into pretzel logic pisses me off to no end….

  12. Lying POS war criminal. Traitor who takes orders from Netanyahu and puts every American life at risk. He needs to be prosecuted.

  13. Hopefully the threat will only target trump personally. Iran knows this had nothing to do with the American people. Targets should be trump and pompous only the hawks should be in danger.

  14. Trump DID NOT write that Tweet! It was too wordy and no mistakes grammatically and it included historical #'s!
    Trump will NOT behave lawfully because we ALL know there is NOT a lawful bone spur in that body!

  15. Yeah right! All it did was put more troops in the Middle East, put a BIGGER bullseye on the US, took the heat off the impeachment, took the eyes off the hate crimes against Jews that have recently ravished our news stories, etc

  16. America is a SH#TSHOW …..🤔🤔🤔🤔

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