It’s time for houses of worship to open: Trump | WNT – Car Mod Pros Portal

The president demanded governors allow churches, synagogues and mosques to hold in-person services and threatened to override state leaders if they didn’t.




#WorldNewsTonight #Trump #Churches


By carmodpros


48 thoughts on “It’s time for houses of worship to open: Trump | WNT”
  1. I don't know about churches and synagogues and i dont want to disrespect anyone so i want assume anything but in islam if their is a pandemic mosquess are supposed to close and no one should leave or enter a county for everyones safety so you should just pray at home

  2. Five days after announcing he was taking the malaria pill, Trump says he’s no longer taking it. As we all know he never took even one of those pills. The truth is not in Trump, but those of us who despise hypocrites owe Trump for murdering over 97,000 of them. Let us non-believers thank Trump for putting the health of the stock market before the health of his base. Hopefully, the Evangelicals Trump didn’t kill the first time around; he’ll get with his push to get them back in church and on the job. According to history, when even one Evangelical dies or is killed the world is a safer place.

  3. These folks will hang out
    at dirty ass Walmart with the whole fam bam
    😂scared to go to church😂

  4. Open up the churches in order to pray?
    "But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly."

    Matthew 6 : 6

  5. I wonder why he would recommend church?????? Donald Trump? Don't he look like Joseph Stalin? What about leo DiCaprio? Leon Trotsky? How would I know. For the record my names God, good day!

  6. Funny he is doing everything he can to look like good guy! Hes a billionaire in charge of the world and only billionaires are making money! No more vaping deaths? But pneumonia disease? And governments look like hero's for shaming people. Hhhmmmmm I wonder shouldn't people's life line be the gym, holistic medicine, saunas message therapy ect?

  7. Whatever the future brings, make sure of one thing in your life…that you trust with confidence and understanding that Jesus removed all of your sins when He died and rose. Why do this? Answer, you will receive eternal life with its accumulation of many joys. In addition you receive Jesus' Spirit which will bring you inner peace here on earth….if you need teaching on the matter, the bible teaching site, teachingfaith com is a good source of info. All their content is free. The series titled, 'change of mind' has all the basics in ebooks and streaming videos…

  8. I agree to open up churches im a christan and me and my family legit have to watch a live stream of a pastor preaching and doing a zoom call

  9. The ABC "journalist" didn't understand that governors have ZERO AUTHORITY TO CANCEL THE BILL OF RIGHTS. People have decided to not go to church, but governors cannot "order" anybody not to.

  10. I think the bible says ""The Kingdom of God is within you and it surrounds you and God does not live in temples of wood and stone and that God is inside you bla bla bla"? That doesn't apply to quarantine times, it seems.

  11. All Politicians need to spend more time in the houses of worship more than anything. Instead of the synagogues of Death, Insanity, & Unholy

  12. Open up let them in then, take their pictures post them in all hospitals, then deny them entry into the hospital, so they don’t kill others. Americans are suckers this guy don’t care about you he is just playing politics. Overweight people, people with medical conditions, high risk blacks and Latinos. Don’t listen to this fool, next to convalescence homes, churches is number 2 with out breaks and deaths. You notice you never see that fool in church ⛪️. Stay at home and pray and worship to your invisible man in the sky. Everyone who is stupid and like to say it’s my right as an American to do what I want. My brother , sister, and friends who work in the hospital should have the same right not to risk their life , and their families life, for your stupid choices. So go to church, go to bars, go to the gym, go to parties, don’t wear a mask, don’t practice social distancing then catch the virus. Go home lock the door and die, it’s your choice you deal with it bunch of hypocrites.

  13. The salons are opening, everyone's going to get sick! The restruants are opening every ones going to get sick! Omg, the stores are opening everyone's going to get sick! – things nobody cares about.

    The churches are opening, everyone's going to get sick!- the only one they do care about.

  14. First off, Trump cannot override or demand that the governors from each state open churches, It is up to the governors to mandate the reopening of all churches.

  15. For the future of the Americans, please ask the Americans to give up Trump, otherwise, he will truly lead the United States to the abyss and hell! Trump's character is not suitable for the president, yes. Ask the Senate and those who support Trump to see this clearly. Your support will only make the United States replaced by China, because in the four years Trump has been in power, the United States has gradually fallen behind China. In four years, China will Will get rid of the United States and become the big brother of the world! I believe that the American people do not want to see this situation.

  16. It's our first Amendment, the government had no authority!! to do what they did. Thank you President Trump!!👏👏👏

  17. Now I see why most of you don’t use your real name. So the stupid that comes out your mouth or I guess from your fingers in this case can’t be traced back to you. Trump is only trying to gain back the followers from the religious communities that he lost from just being himself. He can care less if anyone worships together or not. This is as genuine as him hugging a flag !

  18. How can we blame the President .Trump is Good for America ! Globalism is not for America. Bill Gates population control is not a good agenda. Open borders is not good for America.George Soros his Open Society plan is not good for America.United Nations Agenda 21 and other plans are not good for America.The Globalist New Word Order is not good for America. The One World Government is not for America ! They want Americans to flounder and fail.Beleave me these people will be there to save you with there plans after they put into poverty with your hands out begging for food and a place to live.This is part of there progresive socialist plan.

  19. All doctors are’ people dedicated a lot of time and paid $300,000 to a business and got a paper after training to become a doctor with a app.

  20. You can worship at home. God hears the tinest prayer. Stay home. If you bunch up together, you will get sick. You are risking other people lives too.

  21. Does anyone else wonder why if Trump truly felt this way he would have said this on day one. Could it be he is using this because he sees an opportunity for votes. I hope people see he does not care about you or your cause. He cares about staying in power

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