Its Not Too Late: Surge in beekeeping hobby could cost native bees

Its Not Too Late: Surge in beekeeping hobby could cost native bees

ABC News Ginger Zee breaks down the potential negative impact of hobby honey beekeeping on the 200 native American bees that are at the biggest risk of extinction.

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48 thoughts on “Its Not Too Late: Surge in beekeeping hobby could cost native bees

  1. Update: my ivy went into bloom and suddenly thousands of bees showed up. The ivy covers a huge dead sycamore tree, making a 'bush' 30 feet high, and it is covered with bees. You can hear the buzzing inside my house. There are no beekeepers around here so I bet they are wild, native bees. So glad!

  2. Loss of habit for native bee's is the greatest reason for thier decline. Deforestation , agriculture and manicured lawns . Human habitat are pushing out the native bee ergo they have to be replaced with a species that tolerates humanity and the European honey bee fills the niche.

  3. A few years ago it was a bee-apocalypse, now this. Both stories take a tiny bit of truth and then twist it into something it’s not. That’s today’s ‘journalism’.

  4. Pretty much everything in the fake news is a lie. Commercial beekeepers for corporate giants like Monsanto are a must to grow. Bill Gates is one of the largest stockholders in Monsanto. He’s also bought and is buying close to 90% of our farmland. They want to end beekeeping to control food. There’s also a new video making Bill Gates farm buying sound wonderful.

    Take heed finally please and wake up. Next election will b stolen, backyard chickens and food freedom stolen, forced vaccines for something with a 99.9% recovery rate and boosters and more boosters. Monsanto has for awhile been working on a genetically modified bee. This info is now hard to find. This is a lie. There is zero true in this “news”. Without us bees would rapidly decline. Pollinated food would come from corporate patented bees.

  5. A colony moved into a large tree stump along our driveway this spring, and I have been studying bees since. I may set up swarms traps in the Spring. I believe now, that we have at least 3 colonies on our property. But what shocked me the most is learning there are no laws against killing bee colonies. If a colony moved into a house, barn, or outbuilding, there is no law that prevents calling an exterminator to have them killed. Yes, it can be costly to have a beekeeper do the removal, but that should be lawfully how it is done.

  6. When you quote colony loss numbers… you are not really giving the whole story. 40% is the losses. But there are also gains. 40% is not a net loss. There is actually a net gain over time. That is not to say this data is unimportant, but that it continually gets reported incorrectly.

  7. If we’re talking and hearing about native bees, it would be very helpful to the viewers to have some visual examples of them! All we’re seeing in this video while discussing native bees are shots of honeybees!

    Monoculture (agriculture crops and grass lawns) is the biggest problem creator for native bees. Examples are corn and soybean crops in the Midwest being very low on resources for native bees and honeybees. People with grass lawns literally own a dead zone of land that pollinators will never benefit from.

  8. Varroa mites are what are killing the majority of the bees. They can wipe out a hive in one season no problem if not kept in check but hay let’s blame everything else that’s the American way.

  9. You want to know what’s wrong with the bees? Varroa. Not one mention of it in this report.

  10. Monocultural farming (America is probably the world’s worst offender…) is a bigger problem than small-scale beekeepers… if farms set aside 3% of their farmland for floral planting you’d see plenty of native pollinators thriving… it is also cheaper than spending a small fortune shipping mass numbers of hives across the continent…🤷‍♂️

  11. You know what also hurts bees ? How society is owned that poisoned us and bees systematically and lied to about it. 🤷‍♀️

  12. What nonsense. Why don't they address the real issue of Neonicotinoid pesticides decimating bees and butterflies. Many nations banned its use years ago but corporate lobbyists don't run their government either.

  13. Been telling people this for past few years. Bees are not endangered. The numbers have been manipulated and unnaturally increased by humans. The number of " domesticated bees" are the majority of the so called lost bees. Wild bees are competing with hives daily for survival

  14. Or you could get rid of your grass…plant native pollinator friendly plants. We have a beehive and have both our girls and many native bees. Our native bee populations actually grew a lot this year. I hear a lot of native only people complaining…but I am sorry in our home we don't have an issue at all. Get rid of your grass!!!

  15. POPPYCOCK!! As usual the media talking heads are seriously out of their league. Best you light weights leave the nuances to serious bee keepers and geneticists out in Rural America. Generations of so called "wild bees" have evolved from every bee strain known to North America….those imported and bred/born in USA being added into the local environments every season from many different sources and apiaries FOR DECADES. The interbreeding/cross breeding creates generations of localized "wild" strains uniquely adapted to their region and of great value to bee keepers and breeders alike. In colder climates for instance, these traits of colder weather adapted bees helps insure their hive survival…are of high value to southern states as well and will become established "wild" colonies , in event of a swarm and continue to evolve and thrive….as long as the hive has a healthy fertilized egg laying queen. So in essence…every time there is a colony swarm that ends up out in the boonies and unrecovered or a city environment unrecovered…..those bees will thrive and keep adding to the hive with the swarm Queen….until she dies, or bird eats her and at which point a hive will re-Queen itself and likely carry on her genetics….it is a continuous journey Queen focused and based. One of God's True Wonders! "A little critter" that flies on 2 pair of wings…sucks nectar…water…gathers pollen up to 7 miles out…chews and spits out and packs honey in perfect 6 sided cells made of THEIR wax…WOW!

  16. We are in Metro Atlanta and have been keeping bees since moving here in 2014. This year started out being extremely promising. I caught 4 swarms and added those hives to our existing 3 hives, and did what is called splits that brought us up to 10 hives that we were to share with beginner bee keepers we are mentoring. Then, May 24, we got a knock on the door and found two exterminating salesmen whose advertising pitch was "we can kill anything'. We told them we kept bees and hoped they weren't spraying yards or putting out poisons that would harm our animals/bees.
    One day later their truck with the spray tank was in the neighborhood, two days later four of our hives died. Thousands of dead bees littered the ground. We called in the stat ag people and filed with the EPA, who were able to identify the company that had sprayed (Yes, the same one that sent the salesmen) and also identified the compound used.
    Interestingly and tragically, our boxer was also poisoned that week. His necropsy showed a different compound.
    I contacted local news agencies, but the story wasn't sexy enough for them. Now, on the 24th of July, it happened again with the bees.
    Again the state came out, the EPA asked we file a report each time this happens.
    We are down at least 150,000 bees, we are emotionally devastated, too… and since I put announcements out on social media about bees being poisoned, I have had responses from across the nation that all of a sudden other hobbyists also are seeing their bees die by the thousands.
    The EPA says this compound is outlawed in Europe, but to outlaw it here we need EVERYONE to report their bee losses to their state Ag departments EVERY time it happens to document the problem.
    Can you do a national story on this, please? Feel free to contact me if you need a source with access to state reports/email and losses. We are down to 2 weak hives that may not survive the winter. This is tragic (we also keep and nurture solitary bees, which are native, but that is another story) for all of us.

  17. I'm starting a permaculture project in a former pasture, and there's a lot of catnip. I plan to include it in every guild, because the catnip buzzes on a warm day.
    In my small beds last summer, I had to hand pollinate zucchini, and I had no rosehips. That bed is getting some catnip this year.

  18. If it wasn't said, European bees are not natural here. The fact is, even without the European bees most plants are pollinated by native bees and insects like it was for centuries and longer before they were brought here. So the claim that plants would die off or not be pollinated without implied Europeans is false. The only reason people have Europeans is for honey that is about it.

  19. I have an arrangement with 2 beekeepers to put hives on my farm north of Houston. So far, they have 4 hives. When they first set the hives up, we almost caught a wild swarm. They must not have had a queen and either moved on or joined the 4 hives. I also recently purchased a hive of a captured swarm from friends who were moving out of state. Our area saw a loss of bees in the great freeze in February. And lots of rain washed away the pollen and nectar they need to survive and make honey. I'm hoping we get any honey this fall. You have to leave some honey in the hive for them to eat all winter. So much to learn about keeping bees.

  20. The bee loss data comes from new beekeepers and hobbyists. If I lost 40% of my hives in a year I would do the bees a favor and quit beekeeping. All these new beekeepers kill their bees in the first two or three years and then give up. No worries.

  21. Australia is trying to eradicate the invasive asian honey bees because they will compete with native bees and keep on increasing the number of european honey bee colonies. Lol asutalia is a joke

  22. the world government of the antichrist is near the doors but believing in Jesus Christ we have salvation

    and eternal life .. believing by faith. believe where you are. physical temples or people, money, religions,

    beliefs, images, pictures, objects or anything else does not save only Jesus Christ

    read in the holy bible … Romans 10: 9 and 10, John 14: 6, John 11:25, John 1:12, John 3:15 to 18,

    Acts 4:12, Ephesians 2: 8 and 9, Acts 2:21 …. …. ……..

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