Italy on lockdown over coronavirus l ABC News

Italy on lockdown over coronavirus l ABC News

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte orders businesses to shut down as the country struggles to contain infections. BREAKING NEWS UPDATES HERE:

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27 thoughts on “Italy on lockdown over coronavirus l ABC News

  1. it really happened Mam, isn't it and what's happening , do we deserved it, who did it, keep safe and i believe in prayers, now we have the vaccines the world more restive for the equations the past instances

  2. I'm italian, Italian Gorvernment which is Conte di Maio-Mattarella Government: "Only Italians have the covid, so stay at home otherwise you'll be fined with heavy fines, shops stay closed and go bankrupt with no economic help from the government – only empty promises but in 8 months arrived 0 money as help for the people asked not to work , and don't complain just keep paying taxes because if you politely protest and i underline politely so far as italians were concerned we will use unconsitutionally the Army against you Italians" the same Government: immigrants don't have covid – with no scientific evidence- and let's keep wide open the ports, harbours and the access routes for millions of immigrans which we know nothing about-every month, they can go everywhere without masks and without control because we fine only Italians because they're using the Army only against us Italians.
    Italian democracy RIP , Conte government took us off every right and is an underhanded but effective communist dictatorship 😥😭🤐🤐😱

  3. I'm Italian and I guess soon Italy will be in lockdown again… after the first lockdown people forgot all what happened😔

  4. Tanta gente oggi sembra aver dimenticato… erano solo 827 caduti… siamo arrivati a più di 35mila in poco più di 5 mesi, e c'è chi si lamenta di discoteche chiuse… mi vergogno di avere la stessa nazionalità di questi individui

  5. Pray for Italian 🇮🇹 🇲🇾

  6. Try by breathing in hot steam from a pitcher filled with water. Colds and nasal congestion can only disappear or heal. I hope by inhaling the hot steam, this corona virus will not develop in our lungs, hopefully it will even die

  7. Asyhadu an laah ilaha illallah wa asyhaduannah muhammadar rasuulullah.🇮🇩

  8. Italy should internationally look for free land in some countries where it can harbour it's people,,e.g Russia,Sahara desert for it has hot weather for a certain period of time till the country is fully sterilised…

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