Italy enters new lockdown as COVID cases spike in Europe l GMA

Italy enters new lockdown as COVID cases spike in Europe l GMA

The country is imposing new lockdown restrictions on half of its 20 regions as coronavirus cases continue to rise around Europe, partly due to the U.K. variant and a rough vaccine rollout.

#ABCNews #COVID19 #Europe #Italy #Lockdown


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31 thoughts on “Italy enters new lockdown as COVID cases spike in Europe l GMA

  1. Any kind of mitigation, masking, lockdowns border closures delays the spread of the virus. that gives the virus more time to mutate so we are incubating the next virus that causes the next lockdown and so on. This could go on for years. Brought to you by the experts who are running things 🖕

  2. getting a cure for HIV is a powerful concept, often spoken of the HOLY GRAIL of HIV research.Although effective anti-HIV drugs have transformed HIV into a chronic manageable condition you live with,rather than die from- taking life-long therapy is a very different proposition to being definitively cured. i put it to the whole human race that there is an affordable , scalable HIV cure that worked as well as would put the global eradication of new HIV infections within reach, while also transforming the lives of those now living with the virus. given the effectiveness of this drugs in both treating and preventing HIV infection, i will say to everyone reading this , that i am a living witness to it. unlike fraudster and online scammers who will play you and leave you frustrated with lose of money and hope, this drugs cost less and it is worth a try. if you are interested in getting cured of your own illeness, Below is the communication link of the doctor who has the new medicine which i took that got me cure. Dr  wise. call or whatsapp him on +2349063191711. BEWARE OF FRAUDSTERS ONLINE

  3. 👍Your country's leadership has a preventive plan, which is good👍👍
    But I think the corona virus is not dangerous if you are not obese and have no hereditary heart or respiratory disease

  4. 👍Your country's leadership has a preventive plan, which is good👍👍
    But I think the corona virus is not dangerous if you are not obese and have no hereditary heart or respiratory disease

  5. 10 DAY TRENDS OF CORONA-DEATHS RATE in Global Locations, Mar 11/21 v. Mar 22 (in brackets).

    SNGP 0.05(")–MNGL 0.09(10)–BUT 0.16(")–StB. 0.16(3)–QTR 0.16(")–UAE 0.32(3)–MLD 0.32(29)–TLN 0.32(3)–BHR 0.37(")–MLA 0.37(")–CYM 0.44(2)–CUR 0.46(0)–ICL 0.48(")–SVNC 0.48(3)–SYCL 0.49(.51)–FG 0.52( )–KW 0.56(")–CUB 0.61(59)–CYP 0.63(58)–ISR 0.74(")–BORA 0.76(")–StMRT 0.76(5)–UZB 0.78(6)–NRW 0.83(75)–ARUB 0.95(3)–VNZ.97(9)–TWN.99("). WHO-JHU DATA REORDERED.

    COMPARE: -DNM 1.09(0)–TRK 1.04(0)—-NZ 1.08(6)–NPL 1.09(")–JO 1.10(1)–OMN 1.10(08)–FIN 1.23(12)- NL 1.41(35)–ALB 1.72(1)–SWS 1.78(5)–U.S. 1.81(2) was 2.75 on 10/20,1.75 on 11/3/20, Border Mix w EQ 5.41 & MXC 9.02 Induce Up–ARM 1.84(2)–ASTR 1.82(76)–SWD 1.86(78)–JP 1.88(93)–IR 1.99(")–RUS 2.07(14)–PAK 2.24(0)–SP 2.27(")–FR 2.27(16)–BRZ 2.41(45)–PRTG 2.03(5)–ARG 2.46(3)–CND 2.50(43)–POL 2.52(38)–ROM 2.52(48)–COLM 2.66(")–BLG 2.83(71)–GRM 2.89(2)–UK 2.95(4)–AU 3.13(1)–IT 3.24(11)–GRC 3.27(15)–SAF 3.34(9)–TUNS 3.47(8)–PRU 3.49(2)–IRN 3.55(42)–GTM 3.62(1)–BLV 4.64(56)–CN 5.15(")–EQ 5.45(1)–SDN 6.66(75)–SYR 6.68(")–MXC 8.97(9.02). (Id.)

    Deaths per mil pop & more at our 'in', U-tube or WHO/JHU////

  6. IVERMECTIN SOLVES the COVID-19 Pandemic. It is a drug used since 1975 and is a Winner of the 2015 Nobel Prize 3/22/21

    IVERMECTIN is considered as a “repurposed drug” since it was only last Fall that the ALLIANCE discovered it to be a SAFER SOLUTION to the CORONAVIRUS. It PREVENTS Illness, LESSENS SUFFERING and HOSPITALIZATION DAYS, AIDS CRITICAL PATIENTS and THOSE ON


    Ivermectin is good for persons with Allergies, the Elderly, All Phases of Covid, Covid Variants, Long Covid/Long Haulers and Those Refusing Vaccines. IVERMECTIN reduces viral load and replication. Studies have shown action against Yellow fever, Dengue, Zika and others. It enhances Interferon.

    Dr. Paul Marik formed the FRONTLINE COVID-19 CRITICAL CARE ALLIANCE (FLCCC). This original 10-member international group of ICU critical care specialists and scientists of Medicine evaluated IVERMECTIN

    and found it to be amazingly efficacious in the prevention and treatment of Covid-19 patients. Their Website is

    YouTube video: “The FLCCC Alliance press conference from Houston TX” 12/4/20

    Taken from the website: “In October 2020, the FLCCC Alliance developed a prophylactic and early outpatient combination treatment protocol for COVID-19 called I-Mask+. It’s centered around IVERMECTIN, a well-known, FDA-approved anti-parasite drug that has been used successfully for more than four decades to treat onchocerciasis “river blindness” and other parasitic diseases. It is one of the safest drugs known. It is on the WHO’s list of essential medicines, has been given 3.7 billion times around the globe, and won the Nobel prize for its global and historic impacts in eradicating endemic parasitic infections in many parts of the world. Our medical discovery of a rapidly growing published medical evidence base demonstrating its unique and highly potent ability to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication and to suppress inflammation, prompted our team to use ivermectin for prevention and treatment in all stages of COVID-19. Visit regularly ( for updates—The dosing in the protocol may be updated as further scientific studies emerge.”

    What can you do to prevent getting COVID-19? The I-MASK Protocol Dr. Paul Marik video: 12/3/20

    Webinar with Professor Paul Marik: the Prevention & Early Treatment of C19 12/17/2020

    “Dr. Pierre Kory, Ivermectin and COVID 2/25/21

    IVERMECTIN has many curative properties, mainly: anti-parasitic, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory. Positive IVERMECTIN results can be seen quickly after administering the initial doses and it is an extremely safe and inexpensive drug. Contraindications list warfarin, however, those who have been on blood-thinning medications have had better results since the Covid-19 virus sometimes causes blood clots. Some people with allergies have been treated with Epi-pens or taken to the ICU after their injection of Covid-19 vaccines (see for drug contraindications)

    The PROTOCOL that needs to get into the hands of ICU doctors, physician assistants, nurses and pharmacists is found at this website: or It is called the I-MASK+ Protocol:

    Dr. Paul Marik Discusses Vitamin D, COVID Prophylaxis (I-MASK+ Protocol) 3/7/21

    Ivermectin dose for COVID (Prophylaxis, Acute disease, Long Haulers) 2/24/21

    IVERMECTIN Dosing And Mild/Moderate COVID-19: Dose Dependent Faster Viral Clearance 2/24/21

    How to get Ivermectin, list of websites:

    Taken from the IVERMECTIN drug manufacturer’s website: “September 17, 2020 Parsippany, New Jersey. Edenbridge Pharmaceuticals, LLC announces that the World Health Organization (WHO) has added Edenbridge's Ivermectin Tablets USP (3mg) to its Prequalified Medicines List. This marks the first ivermectin product in the world to be added to the Prequalified Medicines List by the WHO Prequalification Team.”

    How Dr. David Chesler saves his nursing home residents from Covid-19: 2/25/21

    Can IVERMECTIN fight Variants? Dr. Mobeen endorses IVERMECTIN 3/3/21

    Long-covid and the loss of smell. (Patients still sick after 2 weeks of Covid-19). 2/11/21

    Dr. Drew Pinsky On Surviving Covid And His Lasting Symptoms 3/3/21


    Covid-19 vaccines and allergic reactions 12/31/30

    Covid-19 vaccine: Mexican doctor hospitalized after vaccination 1/4/21

    Woman's severe reaction to Pfizer COVID vaccine prompts investigation 1/18/21

    Coronavirus: Pfizer vaccine under government scrutiny | 9 News Australia 1/17/21

    Clinical Trials, Statistics, Analyses, Evidence Gathering and Evidence Based Practice on IVERMECTIN:

    A) Effective use of ivermectin in South America (with graphs) Dr. Juan Chamie 3/5/21

    B) Sixty clinical trials have been completed on IVERMECTIN as of 3/2/21. Check

    C) Ivermectin meta-analyses-the findings-Dr. Tess Lawrie 1/26/21

    D) Dr Lawrie, Ivermectin video, Short Precis – YouTube

    (Dr. John Campbell's summary of Dr. Lawrie's mode of analyzing

    and reporting clinical data; from a lecture series) 3/6/21

    Countries approving/using Ivermectin besides the Czech Republic, Belize, Mexico and Peru:

    1) Ivermectin treatment is a ‘real killer of coronavirus’ 8/7/2020

    2) Slovakia approves IVERMECTIN for prevention and treatment of Covid-19 virus 1/30/21

    3) Early Mild To Moderate COVID-19 And Ivermectin: New Study completed Out of Bulgaria: 1/5/21

    4) News Roundup | Belgian Virologist Proposes Plan to Eradicate COVID-19 in 6 Weeks Using Ivermectin 2/15/21

    5) Melbourne GP says Ivermectin treatment is 'very effective' 9/8/20

    Judges order the use of IVERMECTIN due to patient’s family requests:

    NY Judge orders hospital to use Ivermectin (80 year old lady recovers while on a ventilator using Ivermectin: 1/18/21

    Update: woman recovers 3/4/21

    Another NY judge orders a hospital to use Ivermectin 2/6/21

    The CARES Act was signed into law by President Trump on March 27, 2020. It gives money to health care providers like hospitals. The Government gives money to hospitals when a person is given a Covid-19 diagnosis, and again when one enters the ICU unit and again when one uses a ventilator. How easy it is to add Covid-19 as a cause of death if extra money will be given ! ! ! How easy it is to screw up the statistics of Covid, cause fear and drive people to accept vaccines whose prolonged outcomes are unknown

    and the vaccine company cannot be sued for any injuries to people. The

    cost of treating 100 people with IVERMECTIN is about $3.00; the cost of

    treating people with the double-dose Pfizer vaccine is $4,000. The cost

    to print out money to pay for this…a stroke of a pen.

  7. We don’t listen the first time, let’s hope America learns this time around!

  8. Its all a lie, Italians don't want lockdowns or vaccines. Their hospitals are always overwhelmed due to a doctor shortage. Its been that way for 40 years. Dont believe the news.

  9. The EU wanted to prioritise two French developed vaccines from Sanofi and Merck, but both failed at the trials stage. As a result, the EU only had their their backup supplier AstraZeneca with vague delivery commitments because the vaccine wasn't approved for use in EU. It was a classic tale of EU protectionism misfiring the filth …Now they are screwed big time as Paris and a lot of France gets another lockdown they won't escape from until all over 50s vaccinated by UK vaccine suppy ! Germany the same forced to lockdown again due to NAZI superstate messing up again ….

  10. I don't belive in no one… In dictatorships the media is controlled by the State. In democracies the media is controlled by wealthy individuals with political affiliations. Objective media and journalists simply do not exist in the mainstream.

  11. COVID, The Dark Side Of science, Mans goals with Viruses are no different than his goals with Atomic Weapons. Read “This Is A Bio-Attack Alert”, by Dr Robert B Strecker to better understand the Truth about COVID-19. Dr Strecker, a Medical Doctor with a PhD in Pharmacology said, “There Is No Proof Any Vaccines Cure Anything.

  12. 🤑🤑🤑😱

  13. All vaccines and medications have side effects. I was sick for 3 days with my first Oxford Jab, but that will not stop me getting my second when I am called. This is the one and only way we will get out of the horrible war before so many more die of covid-19.

  14. the vaccine creates the mark of the beast in revelation.

    It's a change in the genes.

    Next they want a patch, chip, link. DONE>

    Wake up.

    Christ is Coming for his people.

    They want to separate you from God, GENETICALLY.

    Just like how satn, wanted to separate eve from adam.

    Just like how the fallen seek to pollute the genes. J

    Just like how satn seeked to separate those in The "clouds" from God.

    NOW at the end of time, satn seeks to play the same old game he's lost before.

    this time with gene manipulation

    To separate you from Gods Presence

    King and Lord Jesus Christ, Yahshua Reigns Forever in His kingdom of Glory.

    The evil one will fail.

    And The Righteous will Prevail.

    Light n Love. Be saved.

  15. China has developed four vaccines for COVID-19, but only four per cent of its population has been inoculated…and you know what? they have come out of the pandemic without vaccines!

  16. Fix your focus love ones. Whatever we allow to roll around in our thoughts & minds, directly affects what goes on in our brains & bodies. Let the redeemed say so, the rest will follow.

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