Italian police patrol checkpoints to monitor movement amid novel coronavirus concerns | ABC News

Italian police patrol checkpoints to monitor movement amid novel coronavirus concerns | ABC News

Italian police patrolled checkpoints to monitor the public’s movement and enforce measures the prime minister has ordered to curb the spread of the new coronavirus. Italy has the second-highest reported death toll and number of confirmed infected cases.

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30 thoughts on “Italian police patrol checkpoints to monitor movement amid novel coronavirus concerns | ABC News

  1. Many people of Torpignattara don't obey the lockdown rules, they are still going out their home everday..Someone still going to cook other house and someone going to sell fruits, and it can be dangerous for everyone. Italian police should take action..So I request the Italian police to go there(Tor pignattara in Rome) and take action as soon as possible. If anyone can please call the police and report it.. I'm very helpless.please help.#stayhomestaysafe

  2. I've never read so much bullshit in a comments section 🤣

  3. we found that 37.000 american troops habe been sended in europe with a large number of military vehicles. The upsetting fact is that they come here without any protection from coronavirus, why can’t they be affected? Do they already have a cure and don’t tell us?

  4. I’m italian, from a city called Pescara, in Middle Italy, and I’ll try to inform you about the situation of Wednesday 11th March 2020.
    The Italian government has chosen to lock down the whole country, we can not get out from our homes unless we have to buy food or to work (following security measures decided by the government ) . Day and night police cars cross the streets telling via speakers to stay at home.
    Hospitals are full as well as intensive therapy positions, in this case the government decided to use large unused buildings as Coronavirus Hospitals.
    The entire Italian army, Carabinieri, police and volunteers has been moved on the streets in order to make sure no one could get out of home without a valid reason.
    Whose who went on the highways showed through videos a large number of armed vehicles and APC’s movements , but no one knows nothing about it because TV news don’t talk about it…
    Until now we are ok with following these strict rules but the economic aftermaths will be catastrophic and we don’t really know what will expect us.
    Hope we could get respect and comprehension for what we are living right now.
    Thank you for your attention

  5. WARNING ⚠️ COVID-19 is a Dangerous Virus!!!!!!!

  6. A corrupt shxt hole… 45% of their buildings were built by the Mafia and now they are falling apart🤣🤣🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️

  7. Amos 9:14– I will bring my exiled people of Israel back…” Luke 21:11– “There will be great earthquakes, and there will be famines and plagues…” Matthew 24:8- “But all this is only the first of the birth pains…” 🕰📖

    No matter your belief, you cannot deny that the world is changing- quickly. From the prophesied return of Israel in 1948, to the subsequent tenfold increase in war, disaster, plague, famine, and unrest, to the specifically foretold peace deals and Third Temple being built in Jerusalem right now, something huge is on its way.

    📍 And please, utilize the in-depth playlists that I have created for you to be prepared with a much clearer understanding of where exactly the world is headed, guided by the pinpoint accurate codes of Scripture. Many scientists actually project that we may not be here after 2050 due to the impending destruction of our planet, and it’s no coincidence that all these prophecies are converging at the same moment. Truly, there is so much to know and so little time- and the time is now.

    Friend, if you do not know Jesus- know that he loves you so much, and that he has peace, purpose, and a plan for your life. Let him be your lifeboat in the coming storm- let him fill your heart with the endless joy nothing else in this fallen, materialistic world can. And know that even now, he is reaching out to you through this message. He doesn’t want a religion from you- he wants a relationship with you. And all you have to do is accept him, because he thought you were worth dying for.

    👑 Matthew 28:20– “…I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” ✝️

  8. “Don’t lie who else went straight to the comments?🏅💞”

    (ɪᴍ sᴜʙʙɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴏɴᴇ ᴡʜᴏ sᴜʙs ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ ᴡ/ ɴᴏᴛɪ) Ⓜ️🎭

  9. To everyone commenting “PoLiCe WiTh No MaSK.” Masks do little to nothing to protect against the coronavirus, the virus is spread by contact: touching your face, touching other, ect.. I can prove it from an article from the NHS(NHS is the UK governmental hospital) Just keep washing your hands for 20 seconds and avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth, you will be good.

  10. The police didn’t wear face mask

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