‘It was a brilliantly executed operation’: Defense secretary on al-Baghdadi raid | ABC News

‘It was a brilliantly executed operation’: Defense secretary on al-Baghdadi raid | ABC News

Mark Esper is interviewed on “This Week” about the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

#ABCNews #DefenseSecretary #ISISLeader #Abu_Bakr_al_Baghdadi #ThisWeek


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45 thoughts on “‘It was a brilliantly executed operation’: Defense secretary on al-Baghdadi raid | ABC News

  1. Great to see a comment section like this that agrees and aren’t fighting each other it just proves that if it comes down to it America can unify against evil

  2. Congratulations for eliminating Bag Daddy. But the fact of the matter is the US is responsible for creating ISIS to overthrow Assad. John McCain supplied weapons to ISIS. Since Assad is strong with Russia help the US know ISIS no longer needed therefore Trump eliminated Bag Daddy for his 2020 election campaign.

  3. “Why were the remains of Baghdadi not shown? This is the same scenario that was followed with Bin Laden. If they are going to use different pretexts in order not to show the remains, let us recall how [former Iraqi] President Saddam Hussein was captured and how the whole operation was shown from A to Z; they showed pictures and video clips after they captured him.”

  4. Americans “hide everything” about both the killing of bin Laden and that of al-Baghdadi for a reason.

  5. Take any words from US politicians with a grain of salt, Syria’s Bashar Assad has urged, as he cast doubt on the story of the Islamic State leader being killed in US a raid, and compared it to the shady killing of Osama Bin Laden.

  6. ISIS as such came into existence in the wake of the US illegal invasion of Iraq, the collapse of the Iraqi state and the release of extremists that Americans previously kept in prisons there…”

  7. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the (now former) leader of the notorious terrorist group Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) “is or was if he is really dead a spawn of the United States,”

  8. remember what triggered al bagghdadI to take revange was after he was falsely accused of insurgency by US occupation forces and illegally incarcerated tortured humiliated and deprived of basic human right in his own homeland .although isis was defeated but US and citizens paid heavy toll and wasted billion of their budget .al baghdad is only a person but US states is still creating worst by tampering with personal privacy overseas.

  9. remember what triggered al bagghdadI to take revange was after he was falsely accused of insurgency by US occupation forces and illegally incarcerated tortured humiliated and deprived of basic human right in his own homeland .although isis was defeated but US and citizens paid heavy toll and wasted billion of their budget .al baghdad is only a person but US states is still creating worst by tampering with personal privacy overseas.

  10. Who let the Dogs out???? 😂😂😂

  11. God Bless Trump and America even more 👍🇺🇸👍🇺🇸🎃🎃🎃

  12. Thank God. Anybody who tries to suggest that Islam is a religion of peace is a liar and delusional. Islam was created after the destruction of temple and 360 idols at Mecca. The youngest of multiple wives of their leader was 7yrs. There have been beheadings, torture, coercion and carnage for its spread through various parts of the world. In the Indian subcontinent, the biggest genocide of 80 million "infidels" was carried out systematically; 40,000 temples of Hindu, Jain and Buddhists were looted and destroyed; the ancient Nalanda University destroyed where 19 million books burned for three months; girls and women were kidnapped and sold all over the Muslim world. Now their activities are stealth and insidious. BEWARE peace-loving citizens of the world!

  13. It has since been discovered the photo was a lie!! He was reportedly golfing during the "raid". The "photo" was a "photo op"….Typical lying crap with this administration….

  14. It was Brilliant because they didn’t tell Pelosi and her spies/ leakers, imho! POTUS 2020!

  15. I'm not a democrat nor am I a liberal.
    I'm not gay nor am I a socialist or a communist.
    I'm an American Atheist.
    America has always been the Greatest Nation in the World.
    Support “E pluribus Unum", Out of many one, as our National Motto.
    And by popular demand a World view.
    Unite Us to build a better tomorrow.
    Thank you

  16. There should be a war crimes tribunal, for the fact that the american military was arming, training and backing isis in syria, for as long as they did.

    It should of been a crime, that america, uk, israel, and saudis were held responsible for.

    America was backing isis, until trump had about 1 1/2 years in, and he saw no matter how much he backed that terror group, they were failing, with american backing, and those other countries above backing them.

    There should of been a war tribunal, for last 4 presidents now, all committing war crimes, in countries they had no right to have there military in.

    America under obama created isis, and trump kept that absolute support for isis, for a 1 1/2 years, until he understand, no matter what he did to support isis they would fail.

    While this was all about israel, trying to steal syria.

    No one will ever be in front of a judge, being tried for murder.

    All 4 of those countries plans failed, and they should of been held to account, for something like 1/2 million dead in syria, while israel gets away scot free, from a war crimes tribunial, it should be up in front off.

    America under trump, used american military to ambush russians mercs. This was an act of cold blooded murder. These russians were there to fight terrorism, and trumps admin used the americna military whom were fully armed to the teeth, to murder these russians.

    America at that time were fully behind isis, and they killed these russians, as they were there fighting isis, and terrorism.

    This act by those american soldiers, this ambush, should of been called murder. These americans that were ordered to do this from the top, ie white house, trump, pompeo(head of cia back then), mattis ordered this killing.

    Cold blooded murder.

    American plans failed in syria. They never forced out russia. Russians were there fighting isis, a group created and funded by usa, israel, uk, saudis. Russia backing the syrian gov were winning so much over isis, that was backed by americans, that trump could not stand it. So he decided to use american military to murder those russians mercs.

    This was an act of cold blooded murder, and nothing else.

    Shows you also, that trump is a wannabee mob boss.

    America now has no right to be in syria, there plans are destroyed. Syria belongs to syria, and america now is trying to steal syrian oil. Trump wants to steal syrian oil, while america invaded syria, with there terrorist groups, and americans plans failed.

    Its disgusting, that trump stands there with his plans in total failure, and then pretends there are reasons for americans to steal syrian oil.

    On this news of this video. Trump was playing wag the dog, and trump by doing what they are speaking about here in this video, was trump just killing his former employee.

    Trump with this latest news, is just wagging the dog. He got rid of his former employee, and american military were protecting him for years in syria. Trump just wagging the dog with this story.

    Syria belongs to syria.

    Remember how this is the same american military whom dropped atom bombs on japan, with truman smiling with glee. The same american military whom put large amounts of germans in to camps at end of ww2, and starved them to death, while presenting pics and vids of these people, as the holocaust.

    Remember if taht all out war that america is planning for in future happens. Do not play by any rules against america, as america has no rules in wars. They are about as evil as any country or military is.

    Just imagine, putting enormous amounts of germans into camps, and starving them to death, and then pretending to the world, that these people were jews starved by germans in camps.
    This was the socalled holocaust, that, usa, uk, jewish groups conned the world with after ww2.

    What i said here, is just a back story, to all this rubbish now by trump. Trump here just killed americans and his former employee. Isis was 100% american military made, with help by israel, uk, and saudis. Americans killed in syria, to protect isis, and they killed russians out of spite to protect isis.

    The syrian gov, knows that one of the hardest jobs they had in syria war, was keeping america from starting an all out war with russians, taht america wanted.

    One day that war may come, as america is pushing the world to that point. Just remember when it does, for those countries against america, america plays with no rules in wars, and never have. What i wrote above shows you this.

    Just a reminder, that sums up all this.

  17. Mark Esper the Defense secretary: "How he murdered people. Murdered Americans. The beheading's that were conducted over the past several years. You know, he e e raped a uh young American women". Kayla Mueller you dumbfuck. You u u u know. The operation was supposedly named after her. Your Defense secretary people.

  18. well the delta didn't kill baghdadi at all just cornered him in a hole
    wheres is the video of that and of detonating himself along with two
    kids…Never gonna take me alive cop'er is what it sounds like. It looks
    and sounds like a mess that capture and interrogate went way out of
    control…. as for the devices that was found, wonder whats on them like plans, hidden terrorist
    hydra wolves on stand by….. it seems its all tooo neat and
    tidy…..the criminal got away by self suicide and trump claims this as a
    victory. there are tall tale told seems that this baghdadi was dead before they got to him and he suddenly exploded….

  19. It was the brave Kurds, coward American God bless Kurds and Candians he's a bitch coward… God save Kurds and Candians hope this man's suffers bad for his coward Ness ur a coward prick tell the ppl the truth and what this lady asked coward

  20. Holly shit !!!! Trump for President……………

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