Israeli prime minister indicted, faces bribery and fraud charges l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Benjamin Netanyahu, who was also charged with breach of trust after alleged wrongdoings, claimed he is the victim of a coup attempt.

#ABCNews #Israel #Netanyahu


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48 thoughts on “Israeli prime minister indicted, faces bribery and fraud charges l ABC News”
  1. Podrska Njetanjahy.👍👍👍🖐🖐🖐

  2. That’s the problem with Benjamin Netanyahu he’s been in for over 10 years and thinks he owns the place and can do anything investigate him for 9/11 and war crimes too,No one is above the law or there is no law.

  3. Despite their objections one must continue to shine the light of truth on these loathsome criminals, their lies and their crimes against humanity.
    Only in its glare do their lies wither and die. It is the potent weapon they cannot defend against.

  4. More world leaders are being arrested. Hmm 🤔 they all seem to be copying don the con a lot. So you all will be sharing the same jail cell

  5. Adam qureshi, you are a stupid Moran. How would you feel IF I say the same about your believe? Don’t bring believes in personal life MORAN.

  6. Judging by this reporter's excitement level…….his masturwait in london just ended…………have fun💨💨

  7. These 'charges' are truly stupid. The lawyers must have been got-at to overcome the shame and disgrace of bringing this case, more so to prosecute it. All the royals, presidents etc in the world need to be very very nervous if this hypocritical abuse of justice gets through.

  8. Al-Masīḥ ad-Dajjāl, with the definite article al- ("the"), refers to "the deceiving Messiah", a specific end times deceiver. The Dajjāl is an evil being who will seek to impersonate the true Messiah.

  9. Stop supporting Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian land 
    For the last 50 years, Israel has been forcing thousands of Palestinians off their land, occupying and illegally using it to create settlements that exclusively house Jewish Israeli settlers.

  10. Foes of Netanyahu appear to be taking a cue from their neo-Marxist brethren here in America — people like Schiff, Schumer, Feinstein, Nadler, Wasserman-Schultz, who have made their "raison d'etre" the removal of Trump from office.

  11. The Quid Pro Quo accusations have become the tool of the people who have an ax to grind against their leaders. We can all find a Quid Pro Quo in our own business life, our personal lives and in the people we know in our world. We often offer something in exchange for something else. Call it barter. Call it deal making. Call it horse trading. That is how business and deals get made, and there is nothing intrinsically wrong with making exchanges of needed items or agreements. This is not the same thing as payoffs, but they can be very close. We have a history of payoffs in the U.S. with other countries. No Quid Pro Quo, just payoffs. We still do it. If you look at our trade agreements with other countries, our government contracts of overpayment for services and materials, hush money behind the curtains for favors and silence, you will find it is rife. We can call any agreement or attempt at agreement as a Quid Pro Quo, but now it seems it is out of control. So now it seems the dems have spread their disease to Israel. Way to go, America.

  12. If you are Donald Trump body, you need to be investigated even UK should investigate Boris Johnson, and Nigel Farage. They look like they already committed a crime involved with Donald Trump, and Russia. Brexit election fraud, and more.

  13. Couldn't happen to a nicer person ! Him and his wife need to both go jail for there crimes ! You are not above the law no matter what position you hold ! 💔

  14. Well, there you go. Another one of 45's adored friends. To think 45 and all you associates themselves with trump whine up going to prison. I hope Fox/Faux news and other news channel finally see just exactly what 45 is all about. Liar, fraud, con, blames others for his own failures. So he deflects…constantly lying. He's so despart now. For the first time, Fox might have seen through his lies. I notices they question him a little harder today. I hope they awake and others. 45 pretends to love God. Yet, cusses like a sailor. The things he does. OMG!! Lord help us all. We must get him out. Our country can't take another 4 yrs., of this madness. It's been something all the time. Everytime he does something, he does something else. It's like I'm gonna do what I wanna do, so be it. He has. It must stop. This madness must stop.

  15. Looks like the American Left put in a call to the Israeli Left to undermine America's greatest ally. God Help Israel if the Israeli Left gets everything they demand! There won't BE an Israel!

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