ISIS using children as human shields in prison break

ISIS using children as human shields in prison break

UNICEF says nearly 850 kids are at risk after the terror group ISIS attacked a prison facility in Syria trying to free thousands of fighters and supporters.


29 thoughts on “ISIS using children as human shields in prison break

  1. I can’t believe we’re still at war with isis. Donald Trump said we defeated isis, but that’s not true it was a lie.

  2. They can’t possibly believe allah will let them in heaven

  3. The first anniversary of Biden’s inauguration: Isis resurgence in Iraq and Syria

  4. ISIS FIGHTERS SHOULD SHOT DEAD ON THE SPOT, plain and simple. That’s the only way we’re going to get rid of this. We have to stop being so compassionate

  5. I mean the kids aren’t angels either. Harsh to say but this true, they have been brainwashed and almost impossible to switch that mentality. And 9/10 the children are gonna take arms

  6. Mw type stuff💀

  7. US backing Kurdish fighters, Turkey backing ISIS, US backing Turkey, and Russia backing Syria…makes complete sense.

  8. According to the faith, children are to be protected so therefore the solution is pretty simple, the Taliban wants funding and with the economy collapsing and that they already have firearms. Simply have the Taliban move in and take control killing off is on the agreement to have all their women and children protected after for a percentage of food and money for the citizens by several countries taking over isis failure to do so the agreement is no longer available. To me that is the only agreement possible.

  9. Shitty people who believe in a shitty book and do the most awful things imaginable, if I was President we’d be raising their children cause they’d be turned into a very nice pavement substance

  10. Dam they more savages than when colonizers came to america 🇺🇸 🇪🇸

  11. The thought that the Kurdish people and forces can keep up detaining foreign forces without the support of these country's is a farce. Either we take these terrorist back or we go balls to the wall to help our Kurdish partner's with military support. They have gave all all Country's should give back. This us to must to ask of them

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