ISIS leader al-Baghdadi dead after US raid in Syria: What we know | Nightline

ISIS leader al-Baghdadi dead after US raid in Syria: What we know | Nightline

The founder and leader of the Islamic State led a gruesome campaign of terror around the world. Among his victims were James Foley and Kayla Mueller, both Americans captured in Syria.



#Nightline #Baghdad #ISIS #ISIL #BaghdadiLeader #JamesFoley #KaylaMueller #Terrorism


47 thoughts on “ISIS leader al-Baghdadi dead after US raid in Syria: What we know | Nightline

  1. The problem is that the US did not kill the right people. The big snafu was the people who should have been held in US Disrict Court for the Second District of New York. They must have overtaken the legal defense and transit teams… how else could the be free and at large today?

  2. James Foley will always be remembered, I never knew him but his death got to me, there is no reason to take ISIS prisoners of war this is a different kind of war, ISIS must be destroyed.

  3. Oct 27: (Bezos owned newspapers) WaPo’s “religious scholar” declared dead

  4. I was really, REALLY impressed when Obama took out the ISIS leader! … Oh, wait, it wasn't Obama, it was Biden! … Oh, that's right, it was President Donald J Trump. Huh, so Trump takes out the top leader of ISIS, and yet is still hated in America. Go figure…

  5. Lol Donald trump had so facts he is a dog lol 😂

  6. يشترك المجرمون الأجانب في تجربة مماثلة لله وطريقة خلق رسوله الوحيدة. الحب والصحون مثال جيد! "بوابة الابنة": بنات الله: اللات ، والعزة ، ومانات 🐛🦋🕊️🐑✌️🗺️🎁 Jesus Christ Akbar ❤️

  7. Should b buried with pig meat 😄

  8. He was killed like dog🤣🤣

  9. Trump made is so much better 🇺🇸

  10. The name Bagdadi nőt Galambos Lajos from hungary tó get happy hate Allah áll of peaple in the world send FBI of Obama send cse Anita Kiszombor. Now tó Zarqawi JUST Anita Kiszombor hungary Kor utca 34 szám alatti lakos.

  11. sorry to be picking on words, but we have to stop using Dogs as a comparison to whatever we're describing. "Died like a dog" blah blah blah or, "He's a dog" here's a good one, "She treats him like a dog" Dogs should be compared with Bravery, Loyalty, Courage, love etc….. Not filth and hatred

  12. He did died like a damn coward! Now he’s Satan’s floor rug.

  13. ISIS is an American intelligence industry that distorts Islam’s image to the West

  14. Fncking liberals like Jimmy Camel are still bitching about the way the President presented the operation. To hell with the hypocrites. Obama did not hold the rifle and fought shit and yet the liberals think him like their epitome.

  15. What kind of religion ISIS hold?
    The religion of murdering???
    ISIS = ☠

  16. He took the kids with him😭😭😪

  17. Dones kill 90% civilians. Who’s the real terrorist ?

  18. USA!🇺🇸USA!🇺🇸USA!🇺🇸 USA!🇺🇸USA!🇺🇸USA!🇺🇸

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