Is the surge in prices temporary or here to stay?

Is the surge in prices temporary or here to stay?

ABC News Elizabeth Schulze reports on the rising prices for consumers as the economy reopens, and the debate among economists and policymakers on whether higher inflation is temporary.

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47 thoughts on “Is the surge in prices temporary or here to stay?

  1. ilike how theyre trying to blame prices going up on those weak ass stimulus check we received 🙄

  2. Hollowed out government capacities, political confusion, cronyism, conspiratorial thinking, and trust deficits have exposed the the crumbling legitimacy that now makes rich and powerful states look like banana republics.

  3. Waiting for our pay to go up………..
    ~hears crickets~ 😒

  4. I noticed how most jobs are now paying $19 or more to start. And at the same time I noticed how the price of EVERYTHING is going up. How are we ever supposed to get ahead?

  5. First, I cannot believe that any retailer including grocery stores would raise their prices during this "Pandemic". For example, I usually purchase Honey crisp Apples @ $1.29 per apple, and now they are selling for $1.69 per apple ! I could understand perhaps raising the price perhaps .05 cents, but .40 ???
    Second, perhaps it has come to the point where consumers are going to have to become their own farmers and plant/grow their own produce if they want to keep the cost down.
    Third, the "Circle of Poverty" needs to be addressed, within this country. Meaning, that employee wages may not be in alignment with the cost of living within certain areas of the country. Thus, forcing Americans to either work multiple jobs, modify their living situations, and cut back on spending. In addition, when an individual has been financially victimized, this only excerbates their financial struggles !
    Fourth, to my knowledge, isn't price gouging illegal ?

  6. Smh how is inflation still moving and 15 an hour was thrown away and base on the numbers and economy and growth. Minimum wage is suppose to be 25. So yall see people lower from stuff that has a demand. Wages arent going up… Everyone is doing what amazon is doing now. Drive by working.

  7. Supply and Demand. More people driving again. Demand is higher than it’s been for over a year.

  8. The way the Capitalist system functions, it doesn't work. If you can't pay people more to make up for the inflation, because it'll cause even more inflation, then it's time to rethink a new economic system. Capitalism just doesn't work.

  9. I hope everyone see's and learns, what is exactly going on, people! They (the government), is handing out these 'stimulus' checks, so everybody that is feeling the pinch (whether it's the terrible economy, or 'Covid'), should have a bit more money, in the pocket. But this is not the case people, you don't really think that the 'Government, actually cares enough to try to help everyone out, 'NO'!!! They go and now raise the price of everything, and are getting that 'MONEY' back. They're ROBBING you!! And a certain "Partizans" group is the ones perpetrating all of it. I don't want to bring up 'politics', I know some are sick of listening to it, and then those who don't really care, but people have to be educated. "INFLATION" is controlled, and ONLY controlled, (just like the cost of housing, cars, food, EVERYTHING), by the "REPUBLICANS"!!!! They control (and always have), the cost of everything, no matter 'WHOS' in office, since day ONE!!! (You know, " for the Republic, by the Republic, and for which it stands", you've ALL heard this, before)!! Republicans are in ownership of at least 87% (a minimum) of major corporations, and 67-87%, of 'smaller' corporations, even down to Mom & Pop), Nothing less than this, is the TRUTH!! (you can 'Google' all of this yourself). We, the " PEOPLE'S" and citizens of the UNITED STATES are perpetually getting, and I'll use a 'nicer' word, "SCREWED", by that faction, and the government. In fact, these major corporations, and the 'richest' people behind them, are the ones who ACTUALLY RUN, this country!! This is NO secret! " These people "ARE" the government, for all practical purposes, all politicians, presidents are just their 'puppet's. When we feel the 'pinch', these (REPUBLICAN'S) are the ones at 'DIRECT FAULT'! And YES, this needs to change, it is time for change, we all need change, and it's up the "EVERYONE" of to do so! People are hurting, more than they've ever hurt before, while the "RICH" (the upper 1% echelon), are the "RICHEST" ever (since the 'Great Depression). Notice how the 'Rich' (who make the most money's, pay the least amount of taxes as low as 12-14%, or even lower), while the 'peoples', that make the least amount of money's, pay the most amount (I.e. your average lesser paid worker, pays 25%) in taxes. We are pre-programed to support the "Rich". That is what the" REPUBLIC", part of our nation means! 'That' is what 'CAPITALISM' means! Only "CAPITALISTS, CAPITALIZE, OFF OF CAPITALISM". I.e. 'it takes money, to make money', for the rest of us we're Screwed, from the get-go. This is the hardcore truth, fellow UNITED STATESIANS!!!

  10. So wait if we get paid higher wages more inflation? But right now there is no higher wages just checks from the government yet the government didn't do anything about inflation.

    America is just putting black tape over a check engage light and calling it "is fixed".

  11. ⭐️🇺🇸🦅TRUMP2020🦅🇺🇸⭐️

  12. The government has created huge inflation due to all the stimulus checks and huge deficit spending.☹️

  13. This is inept owebama 2.0 but with more foreign aid and more illegals.You morons learned nothhing on nobama–nobama had 4 dollar a gallon gas–high food prices–high unemployment–high food prices–but at least attempted to control the border–i hope libs suffer greatly under this.

  14. More importantly if you die today will you go to heaven? Have you ever lied, stolen, hated, used God's name as a curse word (O-M-G)? According to God's law, you're guilty, your headed for hell, ignorance will not be an excuse… But wait, God loves you, he made a way out for you, God's son Jesus died paying for your sin. God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him will not die but have everlasting life. John 3:16

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