IRS responds to outrage over smaller tax refunds

IRS responds to outrage over smaller tax refunds

The average refund is down 8.4 percent, or about $170, from last year, but about 80 percent of Americans received a tax cut and savings showed up in paychecks, according to the agency.

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34 thoughts on “IRS responds to outrage over smaller tax refunds

  1. My credits scores went down by the weeks and I couldn't afford my debt until I met my friend who introduce me to globalhellhacker Telegram who help me out by paying my loan and credit cards, He also increased my credit score by 220 points

  2. IF VOTE FOR AN ORANGE ALIEN, then expect to get and out of the world refund , basically the alien scammed you. The alien 👽 only thinks of himself.

  3. My tax return it was definitely less and some family members had to pay for the first time ever.
    If you are fixing up your house you can only claim $10,000 there are much less incentives for energy efficiency.

  4. I gotta call BS on that!! Who in their right mind would think an extra $40 a week vs $2080 at the end of the year would make people satisfied?! That reason is just trash and again, it's the middle class that foots the bill!

  5. I just did mine for 2019 , 3575 federal withhold and 523$ return. These fucn scammers f all our politicians hang em all let's have a complete audit on all gov spending and take our money back!!!!

  6. So in reality it washed out over the year but if so, then that means there really wasn’t a tax cut. You didn’t get more, you got the same only in the form of a peanut size increase in each paycheck.

  7. The reason your not getting a refund is because your getting more each pay period. If you've all forgotten your pay check went up thus meaning your not letting the IRS hold and make interested off of YOUR MONEY. Basically for those that can't understand that it means your not letting the IRS take out extra each week , then hold your money, they actually receive interest on YOUR MONEY and then give your money back to you at the end of the year WHILE THEY KEEP THE INTEREST. Put your money to work for you NOT FOR THEM, put a $40 or more a week in a savings account you gain interest on YOUR OWN MONEY pick it up in January wow tax refund + INTEREST. Simple math people. Anyone blaming Trump or his supporters please go back to 5th grade math class.

  8. I didn't even vote for this big 🍊 orange Cheeto he rigged the votes and if he becomes president next year I'm moving out of the USA , he need to stop messing with s*** that don't needs fixing

  9. The job economy has already lowered when he came into office and this is a proven fact they want to take all our money away from us to make the rich more richer , they don't have an idea of what's its like being poor Democrats only want money

  10. The video description is a joke everyone i talked to has lost 50% on their refund not 8.4%. I think its rob from paul to pay joe. We get refund cut in half so people with kids can get more money. My refund should be up not 50% less.

  11. ~That Tax Return be Comin in like Goku… to Save the Day in a "Nic of Time"……LOL…Just when U thought U was Down and Out in Crutches….That Tax Return hits the Hand….Now Im holdin Victory in My Clutches….LOL…..It Might Not Come when U Want it…..But when it comes… You definitely Need it….LOL….People be lookin at the Tax Return like Superman….it be like: "Its a Bird…..Its a Plane….Ahhh Yes…..My Cot Dayum Tax Return has Finally Came"….LOLOL…….But, when "Roles Reverse"……its Over(Ova)….LOL…….You Play with The IRS's Money….Its Over(Ova)….LOL…..They Gonna Play wit Ya Whole Life….LOL…..Sending Messages like The Mafia quoting Wentworth Commercials….like:……"Its Our Muthaph@#$kin Money…….And We Need it Now"……LOL

  12. Esos del irs son muy transas. Pa cobrar si les deves te sacan los ojo. Pero si ati te deven se asen pendejos. Deverian de ser parejo. Asi como multan k por 800 vienes pagando 3000. Pero ello deven y bas asta dos cortes con ellos selas ganas y medio ano peliando el cazo. Pa ellos nomas darte nomas 40 dolares estra. Que cabrones. Pero uno si les deve te sacan los ojo ai si te cobran reditos. Como cobran deverian de pagar tanbien. Pero no nomas ala de chingar. Eso es lo k pienso de irs.

  13. It's not the money it's about the time ❗ The government has no problem taking out taxes out your check every week but when tax season come it's hold up , it's sound like bs to me. The IRS and Trump are full of it ❗🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ I had to verify my identity and wait 9 more months ❗ Not the time I already been waiting ❗ My anger is growing and growing , if Trump mess me over I'ma mess this country over ❗

  14. Everyone stay woke and don't keep getting fooled. How long do we have to keep waiting? Hurry up now and go contact Webghost the pro hacker if you filed and ever have any issues with your tax returns. The IRS has been compromised and everyone deserves better. With the help of Webghost < skype : webghost33 or test 470 231 5053> you'll definitely get paid. II'll always be grateful.

  15. When Trump put his tax cuts in effect they explained that everyone affected would get more money in their paychecks, which we did for every paycheck . Those with common sense that wanted better refunds in lump sums to help pay bills saved the extra money or changed their withholdings so they would have it later. Trump delivered on his promise of tax cuts, at least for the people with common sense. Then of course the Left is gonna mislead people with their lies and B.S.. Know the facts before listening to the Lefty Lies.

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