Iran threatens to violate the 2015 nuclear deal due to US sanctions – Car Mod Pros Portal

The country is looking to European nations to provide relief from the crippling sanctions.

#Iran #ForeignPolicy #ABCNews


By carmodpros


49 thoughts on “Iran threatens to violate the 2015 nuclear deal due to US sanctions”
  1. WHAT A JOKE! They are making threats for something they have already done! All you morons defending Iran are dumber than a box of rocks if you think for one second this terrorist infested and controlled country EVER once even tried to adhere to the so called agreement! Stop being so ignorant!

  2. You can’t violate a deal that doesn’t exist anymore, dumbasses

  3. There's a new sheriff in town !!! What obongo and hilary had worked out with iran was no longer iran got the carpet ripped out from underneath them when hilary lost !! There went there deal

  4. Iran knew they were in trouble when hilary lost the presidency !!! We sure would like to know what the real plan was between obongo hilary and iran ???? Now we want answers !!!!!

  5. The more news that comes out like this the more I think Trump and his cabinet have a wheel they spin for what to mess with next.

  6. How are they black mailing us. We pulled out of the deal and reinstated the sanctions. This means they're free to be and we now look like we're looking for war.

  7. Iran didn't threaten to violate the treaty, they cannot move the uranium from their country because the US said anyone who purchases or removes this uranium is violating the treaty.

    How. The. Fuck?

  8. Iran, without a nuclear weapon, is caucusing all problems. Imagine if they have one. They are currently controlling 4 countries by armed militias, and They support arms to state opposition. In their constitution export of the revolution is a must. They are Involved in drug trade across South America and Venezuela, They constantly threatens neighboring countries.and suppress there people, the most hostile regime in the world, death to America is their daily motto, this month only they killed a number of soldiers in Iraq, its a new North Korea with an expanded mentality.

  9. They are warnings hello it's mounting up .It's mounting up because that's the process. USA. you know it you sanctioned Iran's ability to maintain a clean envionment. so now they can't dispose of it through the usual channels. they are stuck it's the USA's fult!

  10. PSYOPS COINTELPRO PROPAGANDA to assist in Fueling yet Another FALSE FLAG. Read up on OPERATION NORTHWOODS, as an Example. TONKIN as another. IRAQ "weapons of mass destruction" ( Never found any ).

  11. So the US is going to stop Iran from getting the bomb! Better call that nutty professor with his De Lorean, I guess!!!

  12. And why shouldn’t they? Israel has nukes which the USA gave them. The USA is creating the crisis which is just a false flag. Images mean nothing anymore – photoshop. Who will believe the USA after Iraq. Powell had proof then too. This is all the dirty work of Bolton

  13. It happened in Gulf of Oman because that ship is not Iranian. If they did it in Straight of Hormuz, actual Iranian ships would have fired on them.

  14. iran should breach the nuclear deal!! no reason for them to listen to usa anymore!! united snakes of america should just fund school shooters to keep school shooting

  15. Iran cannot violate an agreement if somebody tossed the agreement out and no longer recognizes it. United States tore up the agreement therefore there is no longer an agreement. they are not violating anything

  16. Its so funny. US accusing Iran of violating a deal which itself has pulled out. MSM, ABC in this case, used the word "violate" in the headline, which shows their bias as usual.

  17. As a person of Persian descent, people like Aryan Zagros, a terrorist, and a bigot, have zero appreciation for what it means to be free. When I was a child, long before 1979, Iran was free and was one of America's allies. Today, Iran is a toilet swirling in islamist militarism. The Zoroastrian people were in Iran long before the islamist cancer. Iran will be free again one day.

  18. 💪🇹🇷💪🇮🇷💪🇨🇳💪🇷🇺💪🇵🇰💪

  19. I want to see the video of the Iranian boat firing the missile not a boat in flames or a crew working on a "mine" cuz you can't even see the actual mine on the video anyway, and after we think what to do after we know the source of the video and all that aswell before any lives are killed in battle. because we can't trust the media just like in judge Kavanaugh case I want to see evidence cuz it sounds like the Iraq weapons of mass destruction play book we don't buy it.

  20. Doctors loves sick people
    Lawyers loves disputes between people
    Police loves trouble makers
    Banks loves when people make a payment late
    Coffin builders loves when people dies
    Ammunition factories loves when people pulled the triggers
    Military Industrial Complex loves wars and conflicts, fact.

    P.S. Government loves dumb citizens.

  21. This is very very misleading!!! Truth is U.S violated by exiting and tearing apart the nuclear deal!!!!!!! This is appropriate. That's why u switched to RT America news…… 🙂

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